To walk with God! Oh fellowship divine!
Man’s highest state on earth — Lord, be it mine!
With Thee may I a close communion hold,
To Thee the deep recesses of my heart unfold.
Yes, tell Thee all — each weary care and grief
Into Thy bosom pour, till there I find relief;
Oh! let me walk with Thee, Thou Mighty One!
Lean on Thine arm and trust Thy love alone.
My every comfort at Thy hand receive,
My every talent to Thy glory give;
Thy counsel seek in every trying hour,
In all my weakness trust Thy mighty power.
Oh! may this high companionship be mine,
And all my life by its reflection shine;
My great, my wise, my never-failing Friend,
Whose love no change can know, no turn, no end!
Author unknown