A young Christian was in trouble. Only recently brought to know the Lord, she had rejoiced in her Saviour. But this evening her face was clouded. The preacher wondered why and ventured to ask what was wrong.
“Why, if what you’ve been saying tonight is true, I want something more. I need to be saved from wasting half-hours. I want power to put aside a book which does me no good, and won’t make me more fit to do good to others, instead of wasting a half-hour over it.”
“Brethren, the time is short. Are we making the most of it? The Lord has saved us for Himself and has left us here for His glory.”
“Ye are My witnesses, saith the Lord of hosts.” Are we fulfilling His desire for us?
Just think of that! “Not your own.” Then surely our time is not our own either. We cannot just spend it as we like. No, it too is the Lord’s—every moment of it. Are we spending it for Him?
What about those idle moments spent over the newspaper or a story book? Does that make us more fit for our Lord’s service or give us a desire to read His Word? What about that extra half hour in bed this morning when you knew how little time you would have to read your daily chapter? Think too of those minutes you frittered away doing nothing when you knew there were so many little odd jobs waiting to be done. Is that not wasting the Lord’s time? I’m sure it is.
Ah, we must all confess how many wasted half-hours we spend, and yet we hear the Lord’s words ringing in our ears:
In view of His coming, surely it becomes us to be in earnest. Souls are perishing on every hand; the Lord’s dear people are in trial and difficulty, needing a word of cheer, a friendly hand. Shall we selfishly refuse to help while we fritter away the precious moments, amusing ourselves, dressing ourselves, indulging ourselves? God forbid.
“The love of Christ constraineth us.” Ah! that must be the impelling motive. The love of Christ—the love that passeth knowledge, the love that waters could not quench, nor floods drown, the love that led the Son of God to give Himself for me! No wonder it constrains me as I let my soul dwell on it.
As I think of the portion that was the Son’s in a past eternity, of His place in the Father’s bosom, of the wonder of the incarnation and the most stupendous wonder of the cross, surely my heart bows low in adoration, as I whisper—
“O what love, Lord, all transcending
Led Thee there to die for me!”
And we are led to sing with reality—
“Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small,
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.”
In the face of such love, may we indeed consecrate ourselves fully to Him, seeking to spend and be spent in His blessed service till that day when we may hear Him say: