We Are All the Same - Sinners

Duration: 48min
Listen from:
Children—J. Bilisoly
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We're going to have a little illustration this morning, and I think it would be helpful if you could come up where you can see it. OK. I don't want you to miss out. So why we're getting ready to sing here? If any of you children would like to come up, feel free to come on up. There's some other seats back here too, so.
And while they're coming up, umm, why don't we go ahead and, and sing a song while we're waiting, OK, Do one of you boys or girls have a song? There's some that are real nice ones, some of our favorites on the back, but you can choose another one too if you'd like. All right. Brandon #40 was given out. That's a very nice one back. Jesus.
Love Jesus.
I know for you.
Yeah, it's 8016.
Uh, yes.
Yes, yes.
I married with Daniel from his shining all my life. He will watch me where I live. Yes, Jesus must be.
Asking I want me.
Yeah, he's always been.
Yeah, I must be.
To go.
OK, let's have another one.
All right.
OK, I think we have time for a couple more songs. So good.
#4141 was given out.
Around the throne of God.
Bring them to the world of thy hands of brightness.
Will always be enjoying one of the children's and singing parties.
Is very good.
Because the Baker champion wants to watch all the ways I do. No one can have no precious life. Behold in my hand clean things.
Oh Lord, everything glory.
OK, is there another girl that has one? OK.
43 Thank you.
One door and only one.
Hence I get a house. I'm glad I hurt you. I don't know the door. And the only one that has a time for you. I don't want you. I'm a man. I love you.
OK, children, why? We're going to sing another one, one more. And while we're doing that, again, I would ask if there's any of you that would like to come up. We have some more seats here on this side. We have some over here. We can bring a few more up if we need them. We're going to have a little illustration and I'd like you to be able to see it, and you might not be able to see it very well if you're too far back. So feel free to come up. I know it's sometimes a little scary, but maybe you could sit by the rules there and I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
You'd be back a little bit further, so let's have one more, OK. All right. OK.
44 OK, Thank you.
Which Harry's happy.
And they are. You know why I don't have so many people?
And unto me, like a thigh in front of joy.
Thy not better in my heart will be more.
Nobody, ever. The story has told.
Him ever again.
Now and again.
Salvation. Sorry.
Dell laptop.
No idea.
And I am sure that he sent him for me.
OK, I think we're going to stop for right now, children with the singing and maybe we'll see. There's one song I would like in particular to sing at the end of our little talk this morning. But now I'm going to ask if there's in the sake of time, since time keeps going on. I'm going to ask if maybe we could, if there's any two boys and two girls that would like to.
Say a memory verse for us and share that with us if you'd like to just I see a couple of girls here. So we'll have the girls do it and then maybe we can hear from some boys. All right.
Maybe if you stand up and just talk into that little button there that.
I'm 91 one to two only with financials. I'll be holding to the war of the wicked because those may the Lord, which is my God. Even the wolf ties by habitation from 9192. Thank you very much. OK.
Some 91 one and two.
Hi Amy, how are the Tabernacles? The Lord of my soul longest ye even fainted. For the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cries out for the living God. Some 84 one and two. Thank you very much. Very good. I took some work. I know. How about a couple of boys on this side?
Gonna share with us something boys.
I know it's kind of hard.
At a big conference.
Any volunteers to share a verse with us?
If you know John 316.
OK. Would you share that with us?
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 316. Thank you. OK, how about one more boy?
There a boy here that has committed a verse to memory that they'd like to share.
One of you boys have what?
How about one of your boys down here?
Paul, do you have a verse you want to share with us?
You can pick whatever you like.
There's lots of them, isn't there? If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart, but God has raised upon the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10 and nine. Very good, thank you very much. OK now is there anyone here that was hoping I would ask them that Really wanted to share a verse but I don't want anyone to feel like they got left out.
So just raise your hand if there's anyone else that would like to share one.
OK. Anybody OK.
Well, you know, children, I like I said, I have a little illustration I would like to share with us. And the purpose of this illustration is to impress upon us something that I want us to get ahold of. But before we do that, let's turn, if you have a Bible, to Romans chapter 3 because I want to establish something right away about us.
Romans chapter 3 You know, Romans chapter 3 has some very faithful things to say to us, each of us.
Whether we're a boy or a girl or an older person in this room, it tells us what we are by nature. And so it says, and the man that's writing this, the Apostle Paul, he's quoting from the Psalms. And so he says in verse 10, as it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. There is none that understandeth, There is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way. They are all they are together, become unprofitable, unprofit.
There is none that doeth good, no, not one. And then in verse 23, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You know children, there is something that puts everyone of us in the same position in this room, regardless of our age, regardless of our what we do in this world.
We are all the same. We, we come into this world and you know, we, we have a nature. We come into this world with a nature.
That is a sinful nature. That's what the word of God tells us.
Adam and Eve fell and the sinned in the Garden of Eden. The human race was plunged into this problem, this great problem. And so when you're born into this world, we have a sinful nature. But you know, it isn't very long after we're born into this world that we practice that we practice sinning. And what I mean by that is, you know, we talk about being sinners by nature. That's how we're born, but we're also sinners by practice.
And how long does it take before we see, even in a little tiny baby that we're holding in our arms?
We see evidences of that sinful nature. They stiffen their.
Backs. They clinched their little fists. Have you seen them do that? And it isn't very long before.
They manifest that old nature in other ways too, and pretty soon they learn to talk, and it isn't very long before they learn to say the word no.
Is that right?
You ever heard a little child saying no and just the way they're saying it? You see an evidence, don't you, that they have that old nature, that sinful nature that we received from Adam when Adam fell and sinned. And so it says here that all have sinned. Well, I'm going to put my Bible down and I have written a number of scriptures on some paper because it's a little easier for me to.
Have them in front of Maine and be able to share them with you. But what I want to do this morning.
Is I want to demonstrate this problem, this principle that.
Has infected all of us, the whole human race, and that is that we are born into this world as a Sinner.
And as a Sinner, we have no strength in ourselves. And that's what I hope to illustrate. Now, I want to do this. I, I trust in a very careful way, but I would like to. What I want to do this morning is I want to have a little tug of war. Okay, now maybe you've heard of the game, the tug of war. We often associate that with the Sunday school picnic. But I want to do it a little different this morning because I don't want it to get.
And out of hand. I just want it to be controlled. So we're going to be more careful. But, you know, I have fond memories of the game tug of war at Sunday school picnics. And I can remember being a little boy and there was a big long rope stretched out where we used to have the Sunday school picnic. And all the kids would run and they'd get on either side of this rope. And even the dads would come in too. You know, it was always nice to have the dads and some of the big dads.
Get in the back of the rope, you know, and they dig in their heels. And then the tug of war would begin. And it looked like maybe one side was gonna win and then another side was gonna win. And on it would go. A tug of war. Well, you know, boys and girls.
There is a conflict that goes on in every human heart. When man is born into this world as a Sinner, that conflict begins immediately. There's a warfare, there's a conflict in his heart. And that conflict is there's a conflict between doing that which is wrong and that which is right. You know, it's, it's a terrible conflict. It's a struggle that goes on and on and on and.
And I hope we can illustrate that a little bit.
This morning and I'm going to ask these boys here to help me with that, OK, But I'll, I'll have you come up in a minute and when we get going. So I'm going to go ahead and get some things out here.
Now I've got a rope here that I was able to pick up.
At Walmart so.
I'm going to stretch this out.
And uh, let's see. Well, doesn't really matter, but.
I'm gonna stretch it out here and you notice I have two pieces of tape here on the floor. Actually, there was one there. I'm gonna use that one and I'm gonna put this.
Hanky right in the middle here. And when we have this little struggle, we're not gonna have to go very far because I don't want kids to fall over and things like that. OK? So we'll be real careful. I'm gonna stretch this out a little bit. Maybe I'll move this.
OK, we're gonna just leave that stretched out right now.
Just a few little precautions there, OK now.
I'm going to ask Brandon. I was wondering if you would mind helping me quite a bit this morning. Is that OK?
All right, so if you want to come up and just stand right right here and.
Good. OK. Uh, uh, actually if you could stand on this side, just stand, Yeah, like this.
There you go. Thanks. Now, one thing I'd like to say is these these I've made some signs and I'm going to put them on you boys. And and I I just want you to know that I most of you, I don't know. So don't be offended by what your sign says because any one of us, any one of us could be standing up here, OK? So like, for example, one of these sciences dishonesty. I don't want you to think I'm picking on you, OK, Because any one of us.
Fit in that category we could stand up there and have that sign put on us OK so right now we're not going to put anything on Brandon but Brandon is going to represent what we just talked about he's going to represent man by nature and man as we said is born a Sinner he has a sinful nature and he practices sin and like we read in in Romans 3 all have sinned and come short of the glory of God now we talked about this conflict the struggle that's going on as soon as a little child is born into.
World that conflict, that struggle, that warfare, begins with evil and good. OK, so now.
We're going to have some forces that are working against Brandon, forces that are pulling and working against him. Like every man we said has these forces working against them. So we're going to have, let's see, maybe you want to come up and stand on the other side and just face Brandon right there.
See Did anyone see my tape?
There it is.
OK, we're gonna just try and do this fairly quickly.
And we'll just.
Tape that on your back there.
Like that, OK.
There we go. Now I did it on the back because people can see, but what it says is dishonesty. Now, is there anyone here that would admit that they've never told something that wasn't true? They've never told a lie. You know how? Let's just let's just give a little scenario here. Let's say that you hit your sister, OK, You're mad and you hit your sister and your mommy comes to you and she says.
Did you hit your sister and you say?
Have have we been guilty of that, boys and girls? Have we said things that weren't true? You know, dishonesty is a real problem and it's a real force. It's a real force in the human heart. You know, it says the heart is deceitful. Jeremiah says that above all things and desperately wicked deceitful. That's what we're talking about. Deceit. Deceit is like telling a lie. The seed is trying to.
Distort the truth, cover up the truth, not really tell the truth. Deceitful. Our heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart. I try the reins even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings. Now listen to this. These are serious things. Listen to this, children, I want you to listen to this, these six things that the Lord hate.
Yeah, seven are an abomination unto him.
Abomination is a strong word. We won't go into all of these words, but let's just say these six things does the Lord hate. And here they are. The A7 are an abomination unto Him. A proud look, a lying tongue. OK, that's what we're talking about.
Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that deviseth the wicked imaginations.
Feet that be swift and running to mischief of false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren. So it's Proverbs is telling us King Solomon is telling us those are things that God hates deceitfulness. OK, there's another force.
That's working against.
Man and I picked some of these. There's many things we couldn't cover the mall. We would have a huge, big long line here. We'd run out of boys.
But here's another one that plagues us and it's called, I'm going to call it jealousy.
Or in Scripture, it's often called envy. OK, we're going to talk about that. OK.
I'm just going to grab someone. Do you mind helping us? OK.
You can stand right behind him here and we're going to stick this on you and.
For anyone that can't see it says jealousy.
Now this is a very solemn verse too, and it's again found in Proverbs, Proverbs 14 and verse 30. Those other verses were in Proverbs 6. But Proverbs 14A sound heart is the life of the flesh that envy the rottenness of the bones. Oh, that's a solemn verse. I'm going to have to hurry here. We're running out of time. OK, so envy. Now there's one more.
See. Can I grab you? Maybe you want to come up here.
OK, this one is bitterness.
You ever had a bitter thought?
That I don't like that person. I don't like him, I don't like her. I'm not going to let them play with my toys.
OK, let's see. I'm going to have Paul. Do you want to help us? OK, stand up over here. Now. This is one that says the world, the world. And when we talk about the world.
We're talking about not just this planet we live on.
But that which?
Who's the IT says Satan. Satan is referred to as the God of this world. But here's a verse I want to give you for bitterness. The heart knoweth his own bitterness. That's in Proverbs 14 and then in Acts.
Did I, Uh.
Today, maybe bump it off. Here we go. OK, in Acts 8.
It talks about.
A man named Simon the sorcerer. And Peter says to him that he was in the gall. He said, I perceive the thou art in the gall of bitterness. Bitterness is an an awful thing. OK, let's one more thing we're going to put up there and let's see here. You want to help us over here OK. And this is called the flesh and.
I wish we had more time to develop these things, but we don't.
But anyway, the flesh is that, that we're born with, that we have that, that old nature we talked about that.
That sinful nature that we we inherited when we were born into this world, the flesh. And it's a terrible force that works against us. OK now.
Umm, one verse for the flesh.
For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. And I forget got to give you a verse about the world. A very good one is in first John chapter 12. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. OK, what a force this is. Now if you boys would just pick up that rope.
There. And Brandon, go ahead. OK, Now does this look fair to you?
It doesn't look fair to me either. And I feel I really do. I feel sorry for Brandon. But you know what, boys and girls, this is the the force. This is the let let me ask you this May maybe we'll just hang on to it. Let's not wrap it because I don't want anyone to get hurt. So let's just grab it. Just take a good grip on it. And all we're going to do is pull to one line or the other. And I'm going to ask when I ask you to pull, you pull it and let's see if Brandon.
He represents man by nature. Let's see if he can withstand.
All of these forces. Now I want you all to pull OK? So get ready. OK, go ahead.
All right.
OK, now you know Brandon, did you really try hard? Could you really let's let's do this again.
Certainly you can pull these boys over, can you? All right, let's try it again. OK, go ahead and pull.
OK, you know what? I think we could. You boys just stay there, OK? I think we could do this all day long.
And the only thing that would happen is poor Brandon would get more and more tired. That's what would happen. But he made a good effort, but it wasn't enough. And that's the point. You can try as hard as you want by nature or in the flesh, and you're not going to be able to overcome these forces. They're too great. But you know, children, there's wonderful news that we have for you. There's good news this morning.
And this good news comes from the book of Romans. And this is what it says. Now listen to these words.
This is good news for when we were yet without strength. In due time, Christ.
Died for the ungodly when we were yet without strength. That's where Brandon is. He tried hard, but he can't overcome these forces when we are yet without strength. In due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
And then it goes on to say, But God commendeth his love toward us, and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Wonderful news, much more than being now justified by His blood. We shall be saved from wrath through Him.
Oh, boys and girls, what a wonderful provision God has made. So now we're going to put on Brandon, we're going to put a title here and it says Christian.
So put it right there, Christian. And you know now, now that there's a remedy, now that there's been hope, there's hope for Christian. But he's going to need help, doesn't he? He needs help. So we need something to counter these other things. So I'm going to ask you three boys.
Can you come up here? Let's see, maybe you 2 and you want to help us? Do you want to come up here?
We need some things to counter these other things. What do we need to counter dishonesty. Well, we need honesty, so let's put honesty here.
OK, now you want to stand behind Brandon? OK, oops.
You want to turn around and we'll just stick it right there, OK?
OK. Oh, yeah. Thank you.
OK, I'll take the next one too. All right. And then while he's doing that around, he's taping that up for me. Honesty.
Romans 12 verse 17 Repentance recompense to no man, evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men. Now as a Christian, we have a power that can counter that power of dishonesty. We can.
Provide things honest in the sight of all men. OK, the next one contented.
Let's see.
Put you here.
Uh, let's do it like this.
Hey, remember we talked about envy and we had this yesterday and I thought it was so good. And I'm going to read that same verse in Hebrews 13 that we had. Let your conversation or that just means your manner of life, be without covetousness or the love of money and be satisfied. I thought this was good, that this was brought out to us and be satisfied with such things as you have or your present circumstances, OK.
That's the.
That's what we have.
To counter that force of envy. So we've got contented and one more.
Umm, forgiveness. You know this. This is you want to stand behind him, OK.
If you can turn around here and I'll.
All right.
I'm not doing too well with this. OK, there we go. All right. Now do you want to just stand right over here and watch? Help me watch. OK, All right, now let's go ahead and stretch this out again, fellas, and and let's put this in the middle. OK? All right, you ready to go?
OK, All right, that's good enough. That's what I thought would happen. And you know, boys and girls, this is my illest. This is what I want to get. The point I want to get across is that.
Even when we become saved, we still have this conflict and these things, this new life that we have. It can counter these other things, but there's still something that we need. There's still something that we need to counter this force. This force is tremendous, and we need some help, don't we? You know, there's something that is so needed in our lives, and it's so important.
And that's called prayer.
We need prayer. That is such a powerful thing. You know, we could read a lot about prayer and we don't have time, but it says this is a good verse in Philippians 4. Be careful for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. Boys and girls, you have the resource of prayer. Are you doing it? Are you doing it? OK, I've asked Clayton to help us with this one.
Because we need some help and prayer is such a a powerful resource for us. So we're.
We're so thankful that we have this provision.
All right. Sorry about this, Clayton, but we're going to have to do this.
OK, but you know, there's something else that's very important, children and everyone of you can pray. Did you pray this morning? I won't ask you to answer that out loud, but did I pray this morning? Did we each pray this morning? Why? Why? If we didn't, why didn't we? It's such a powerful force for us. And you know, this conflict, like I said, it goes on every day of our lives, whether we were.
A man in the flesh or whether we become a Christian or I should say an unsafe person and then a Christian.
We still have this force, these forces working against it. Well, there's something else that is a tremendous resource, and that is reading and obeying God's Word. What a wonderful provision He's given for us in this life. He's given us His Word. I've asked Him to help us.
These fellows are being good sports.
Umm, OK, now we have some some help. Do you feel better, Brandon? I would too. All right, now, I don't want you fellows to get hurt. Let's see, Reg, maybe you can go that direction or I just don't want you to. All right, let's see if we can help these fellows out here. OK, go ahead.
All right, OK, come back and stay there a minute. OK, All right, just stay where you're at that that's.
I was glad to see that.
That's a relief. And you know what, children, we can't underestimate the power of prayer. And even when you're little, do you think that your prayers are powerful? Your children think your prayers are powerful. Let me tell you, they are. Let me tell you, they are. So reading the word of God is that important? What we're going to show just how important that is, I hope in this little lesson. Let's come back to the middle here.
All right, now, now. OK, let now this is what we're going to illustrate here. Let's say that Christian feels, you know, he gets a little confident and he says, you know, I, I did OK. We just pulled him right over. You know, it wasn't that hard. So he starts to feeling confident and he says, you know.
I'm so busy, I, I don't have time to pray. I, I just don't have time to pray. So, so prayer drops off.
And he says, you know what? I I sit down to read and there's 10 things I need to do. I just don't have time to read. The reading drops off. All right, let's pull.
Oh, what happened? OK, that's good. All right, all right, that's good. Let's come back now. Stay there a minute. OK. So what happened, Brandon? What happened when those big boys dropped off? The struggle was.
Very, very hard. And you couldn't overcome it, could you? OK, can you guys hop back on one more time?
All right, so then, OK, just a minute. So, so then Brandon realizes the need of prayer and reading, and I hope we can get the point. All right, let's see. Let's get this in the middle. OK, go ahead.
Well, well, all right. Now, if you would help each other take your signs off, that would be good. And then you can sit down and we're going to finish up in the few minutes that we have left. We're going to give a little summary of what we've had.
OK, you can sit down. Just help each other. Take your signs off, OK. And Justice, let the rope drop down here. Just let it fall down. Thank you very much for helping us.
Very good.
OK. Yeah, just hang on to those or here I'll take them. So they're not a problem for you. It doesn't. It doesn't matter. Thanks.
OK children, I hope you can understand what we're trying to illustrate, that when we were born into this world, we're born as sinners and we have these forces working against us, but wonderful provision of God. He sent his Son, the Lord Jesus to die on the cross. And when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. So the Lord Jesus has come into this world and now we have a power outside of ourselves.
Now we have a power that doesn't depend on us, and that power, the Lord Jesus, can overcome all of these forces. And you know, we didn't speak a lot about it, but behind all of these forces is the God of this world, Satan. And he wants to pull us away. He wants to pull us away from the Lord Jesus. We might look at this side as doing bad, doing evil and trying to do good and that struggle, but Satan would.
Into that with the Lord, Jesus can give us the victory, and I want to end with a few verses.
And then we'll just sing a part of a song and then we'll be done. But I want to end with a couple of verses. And, you know, our brother Campbell began the meetings with some verses that touched my heart. And I just want to read a couple of those in Psalm 73. In Psalm 73, we had those verses that we began these meetings with yesterday. And you know, this is the the book of Psalms is divided into five books, but we won't go into all of that.
And most of it is about the remnant of Israel that is going to have all these struggles in a coming day.
And there are going to be enemies that come against them. Literally, this is going to happen. They're going to come against them and annihilate their land. They're going to come in and, and just devastate their land. I know those are big words, but it tells us in Psalm 73, we get a little bit of the feeling of their heart. And this is what I hope is our feeling. Verse 26, Psalm 23, my flesh and my heart, Faileth.
You know, I hope I'm going to apply it in this way. I hope that your children have gotten to the point where you say.
Like Paul said, I know that in me, that is, in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. I can't do this.
In my own strength, I hope you've come to the point where you say the flesh faileth, my flesh faileth, and my heart faileth. If you with your natural heart are going to try and overcome these things, you can't do it. You can't do it. But he goes on to say, but God is the strength, or really the Word is rock. God is the rock.
Of my heart and my portion forever. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't it wonderful to have a strength outside of ourselves? And then we have that well known verse in Philippians chapter 4.
This man, the apostle Paul, had to come to this point to, you know, this isn't something like I said, when we're saved, that struggle continues. We don't instantly become victorious, but it's a daily thing.
It's a daily struggle. That's why we need to pray. That's why we need to read the Word of God, children, for ourselves.
It's good to be at a conference and hear it, and that's wonderful, but we can't be at a conference all the time, and yet this battle goes on. So Paul says I can do all things through Christ, verse 13, which strengtheneth me.
And then he says to the Corinthians in First Corinthians 15.
And this is where we each have to come to where we realize that it's nothing in ourselves. The battle is too great, the enemy is too strong. But we can say in verse 57, thanks be to God, which giveth me the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Have we come to that? Can we say?
The victory is not mine. I can't do this in my own strength. The enemy is too strong, but God.
Can give us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. What a wonderful.
Provision. Well, let's just sing a little bit of that hymn. Read your Bible, pray every day and you'll grow, grow, grow with your children. Like to stand? Just go ahead and stand and sing that. And if you want to do the hand motion, that's fine too. We'll just sing that one part of that, that little hymn. Read your Bible, pray every day, read your Bible.
For every day and pray and everything and pray and have a great day.
OK, let's.