We Are Glad We Ever Heard the Blessed News

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
We are glad we ever heard the blessed news,
How that Jesus died to pay our mighty dues,
And that God has said He never will refuse
Those who trust in Jesus' blood.
Blessed news! joyful news!
Blessed news! joyful news!
Blessed news! joyful news!
Sound the joyful tidings forth!
We are glad we ever heard the blessed news,
How that Jesus died to pay our mighty dues,
And that God has said He never will refuse
Those who trust in Jesus' blood.
Oh! what love of God to send Him from on high,
Oh! what love of Jesus thus to bleed and die,
Oh! what love we owe for pardon brought so nigh,
Through faith in Jesus' blood!
But if we the fullness of that love would know,
And to that bright home of peace and joy would go,
We must know our sins forgiven while here below,
Through faith in Jesus' blood.