We Know - We Know Not

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
One is deeply struck with the divine certainty with which God has certified to us, and revealed what is beyond this life. While at the same time He has hidden all that is of the path that is before us here, He has given us to say in words of His own providing— “We know” as to all beyond: while He has also said for us (though it is only individual faith that accepts it and knows it; one cannot know it for another), “We know not what shall be on the morrow.” The next half-hour is not sure to any of us-nor anything here below. The next world (as men say) is as sure as His love can and has made it. Our place with Christ, to see Him and behold His glory, and all that shall be our portion forever is sure. He has graciously drawn a veil over the future of this scene-only folding it back as each step requires, and as each moment passes-while He has unveiled all that is beyond, making it a present reality, whether to faith in His people; or alas, to the sinner who only lives for the present, while that solemn future exists for him.
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