We Need Water. The Water of Life Which God Gives

Duration: 45min
Hebrews 9:27‑28; Genesis 1; PSA 1:32; Jeremiah 17:8
Listen from:
Children—H. Roossinck
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The blessing too. And so this morning we're going to start singing and.
We'll start.
Who has the one in this book? Like what one would you like?
#2 maybe you're thinking of #2 is a fine hymn. We'll sing the 1St and the last verse of #2 and then we'll get some more, the first verse and the last verse. Come to Jesus gently calling ye will cares and toil. All right.
Where the argument.
Come and I will give you right.
For your.
Family wants us suffered.
On the cross, the word was on.
And the word by God, now I've heard.
Through each weary soul is calm the last verse.
Come for Angel Farm using.
Or the sight, the strangely sound God.
Be seeking man refusing.
To be made forever.
From the world.
And if they lose on now, our voice does rise as one.
For we shall God.
Heaven and thou reactors come.
What was the last word we sang?
What was the last word that we found? What was it?
Come, come where? The Sunday School.
Where does the Lord Jesus wants us to come? Where?
To him, that's right, and it's important to come to him while you're young.
Because you know when you get older.
It's much more difficult to come to the Lord Jesus because there's so many things that enter into our lives.
Now we don't have much time to think and I know some older people, I know a man that used to work for us and he got saved way in the later years. And just two days ago he was over our place. I hadn't seen him for quite a while and he said to me, he said you know, I said I was digging through some of my old rubbish and he said I come across a little book and it said Rex on the Burma Rd. Somebody mentioned that yesterday and I was so happy that he seemed to value that book.
And evaluate some other little stories that were in the Sunday school paper. Because he was an older man when he turned to the Lord Jesus and he stayed. And I'm sure I'll see him in heaven. OK, who's got another hymn? Let's try to go to the Backpage if you can. But you can take another one. Which one would you like? 16 OK, then we'll go to the other side of the room next. Whosoever hear us shout, shout the sound.
Whosoever here rush.
The sound sound, the blasted hiding all the world around.
Spread the joyful news.
Wherever man is found.
Whosoever will make come?
The so ever will grow, so ever will.
Then the proclamation over Veil and Hill.
Is a loving father.
All the wonderful whom so ever well may come.
Whosoever come must, must not delay.
Now the door is all far. Enter while you may.
Jesus is the truth, the only living way.
Whosoever will may come.
Whosoever will, whosoever will.
Then the proclamation over valence you.
There's a loving father called the Wander Home.
Whosoever will may come.
Who does that mean? Whosoever.
Does that mean everybody in this room?
What do you think? Do you think it means everybody in this room? I'm sure it does. Whosoever will may come. If you don't come now, tomorrow might be too late. Tomorrow might be too late because there's two things that could happen.
What two things might happen before tomorrow?
What my You could die? You could die. What else might happen before tomorrow? You've answered a question. I got to get something out of these. What might happen? The Lord might come.
And if the Lord comes, it will be too late to come, because the door will be shut.
You know, boys and girls, I want you to remember two things this morning, that everyone of you are saved or lost.
Keep those words in mind as you grow older. Save or lost? There's no in between. Save or lost. OK, who has another hymn? Let's go in from the Backpage. OK, what one do you have?
Young lady.
47 good.
When he cometh, well, that's a nice hymn. When he comes. When he comes.
To make up his jewels. All his jewels, right? Just jewels. His love and his own. Like the stars of the morning.
And bright round our Dorning today shall they shall shine in his deer's beauty.
Right. Yeah, for his Brown.
He will gather. He will gather.
Large gems for his Kingdom. All the pure ones, all the bright ones.
They love them his own, like the stars of God.
Good morning.
And bright brown adorning.
There's a shining.
There's beauty.
Bright down for him.
Little children, little children.
Who love their Redeemer.
Are the new of righteous.
His love and hello.
Like the stars of the morning.
Yeah, right around us. Morning.
Us shine and his beauty.
Cry down for his crown.
You know, that's a very comforting hymn when we think of little children who have been called home. And sometimes the Lord does take little children home before they have reached very many years of life in this world. And so it's important to come to the Lord Jesus right now and ask him to be your Savior.
And tell me now, is there anyone here who knows why we need a savior? Why do we need a savior?
Why would you say we needed a savior?
If we don't wanna go to hell.
What? What keeps us from going to heaven?
What? Satan. Satan. Yes, there's another word I'm thinking of. Do you know the word I'm thinking of? Sin. Sin. Sin. How do you spell sin?
SIN. What's the middle letter?
Aye, aye. So you'll see, we're all enclosed in that word, sin. Everyone in this world is born in sin except the Lord Jesus. When he was born, He was the only one that had no sin. So He was the only one that can be our Savior. And we're so thankful this morning that we can be reminded of the Lord Jesus in so many, many ways. And a little later on, we'll be remembering the Lord in his death, and then we're already going to be reminded that He bore our sins on the cross if we put our faith and trust in Him. OK, who's got another one?
Oh, I get one more from this side yet. OK, which one would you like to sing?
40 OK Oh, you know. 40 Jesus loves me. You know that one, don't you? OK, let's sing. Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me that I know. For the final salvation.
Are we? But he is strong.
Yeah, Jesus loves me.
He's a lovely.
Survival. Tell me so.
Jesus loves me, He heard I.
Have on a gate to open the wine. He will wash away my sins.
Let a little child come in.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yeah, Jesus love.
Yeah, Jesus loves me the Bible.
Tells me so.
Jesus loves me though. I'm that.
Anyway to make me glad?
Way to hold me in his arm keeps me.
Safe from every harm.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yeah, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me, love me still.
When I'm very weak, And now from his shining place on high, come to watch me when I lie.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yeah, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus lost me.
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loved me. He will stay close beside me all the way.
If I trust him, should I die?
He will Take Me Home on high.
Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me.
My Bible, help me. So what do you think we ought to do after we had been singing about the Lord Jesus loving us and that he died for us? What do you think would be a good thing to do right now?
To thank him, I think that would be a real nice. So let's just close our eyes and fold our hands and we'll thank the Lord Jesus together.
Our blessed God and our Father, we thank thee for the Lord Jesus.
And we thank the Lord Jesus that we could sing together this morning. Jesus loves me and all. Precious Savior, we thank Thee that every one of these boys and girls are known unto thee. Now know us all about them, and we thank Thee.
That others go to that cross of Calvary and their suffer and die.
In order that we might live all blessed Savior, we pray that everyone of these boys and girls.
Would put their faith and trust in thee. And if there's any older one here in the room this morning.
That doesn't know the Lord Jesus as Savior. We pray that Thou has helped them to see their need and to turn to Thee. So we pray for blessing on the gospel wherever it's going forth today. But we especially ask for Thy help and blessing here this morning, and we ask it with Thanksgiving in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
I think we could sing one more yet.
OK, we haven't. Who hasn't given one out before?
OK, what one would you have?
OK, all this is that not nice one about that little gypsy boy we sang this last Sunday at our place at our Sunday school.
And that and where I did say boy lay dying alone at the close of the day.
News of salvation, we carried that he nobody ever has told that to me.
Tell it again.
Tell it again.
Salvation story repeat our end of our.
Hell, none can say of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
That is all of me, a poor little boy.
Stand under me the good tidings of joy. Need I not perish my hand will he hold?
Nobody, ever. The story has told.
Tell it again.
Tell it again.
Salvation. Sorry, Repeat or an hour.
Helen can say I'm the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
Are Manning. We caught the last words of his breath just as he entered the valley of death. God sent his son, whosoever said he.
Then I am sure that he sent him for me.
Tell it again.
Tell it again.
Salvation story, Repeat or and.
All none can say of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
How many learned the verse in the Sunday School paper last week?
I see some hands and some probably thought if we go to a conference we won't have to learn the verse because there'll be so many boys and girls there. But I'll tell you what we'll do instead of if I can find my paper.
I should know what my heart, shouldn't I?
But I need a little help too.
And this is 2 verses I believe.
Who knows where the verse is found?
OK, where was the verse? Down.
2827 and 28 right and I'm going to read it to you first very slowly and carefully and you listen and then we'll see it together. All of us OK it is appointed under man wants to what's the next word?
Quite a few of you know that, but after this the.
So Christ was once offered to bear.
The sins of many very good. OK, let's all say it together. It is appointed on demand, wants to die, but after this, the judgment. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many Hebrews 927 and 28. You know, it's very good to have those scriptures before us and to be reminded.
That the Lord Jesus.
Died that we might be spared from judgment, because you know our sins.
Which shut us out from the presence of God. You know, God is up in heaven and there's no sin in heaven, no sin in heaven, and there can be no sinners in heaven. There can be saved people up there, Saints, but not in their sins. And so the only way, there was only one way that you and I could ever get to heaven, and that is that God had to send his beloved Son.
The Lord Jesus into this world.
To go to the cross of Calvary, and there bear the judgment of God against. And he died that we might live. But if you don't accept him as your Savior, you will have to die in your sins and all. What a terrible thing that would be if you died in your sins. There would be no hope for you if you died in your sins. But we want you to all be have your faith and trust in the Lord. And that's why the brethren here had a special meeting for children.
So you can hear the gospel once more and I hope that I can present the gospel to you. Now, most of you know that. I think most of you know, maybe the other children or the older ones know that one of the things that I like is to grow fruit. And we work with fruit trees. And I don't have a tree with me today, but sometimes I've taken a tree with me. And but I'm going to tell you a little story about trees. You know, you read about trees. Where do you think you read about trees first in the Bible?
Anybody know?
West Chapter.
Do I think you can go back one more chapter once? I'm going to read you a little bit from Genesis chapter one.
You know when the Lord created the heavens and the earth, we know that there was, it says that there was, the earth was without form and void and darkness. But I'm going to read you a verse, verse nine. And God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place.
Now you know children, I know most of you have heard this verse from the Psalms.
About the Lord Jesus, where it says all thy waves and thy billows passed over me. And probably you were like me, you didn't really understood understand what that really meant. But it really meant that all the judgment of God against sin was born by the Lord Jesus. And God was so anxious to get this to his people that he way back here in the first chapter of Genesis, he says let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto 1.
Play. And then he thought perhaps about his Son, the Lord Jesus, who would.
Someday bear the judgment in order that we might be set free. And so then it says, and let the dry land appear. You know, there could be no blessing in this world. There couldn't be any fruit trees in this world. It's a dry land in the pier. But in the very next verse, I believe it is, or a verse or two down, verse 11, it says, let the earth bring forth grass and the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding, her fruit yielding.
After his kind.
Whose seed is in itself upon the earth, and it was soul. So in the very first chapter of our Bible we read about fruit trees. And I know that God knows how that every one of us can bear fruit for him too. But we have to first of all come to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as our Savior. Now it tells about a lot of fruit trees really in the Bible. And in the 12Th verse it says about the fruit whose seed within itself after his kind.
And you know, there's a lot of things about fruit trees. There's something about the oak tree that speaks about man. We won't talk about that right now. But then there is the palm trees at the children of Israel rested under. Oh, God loves trees and he loves boys and girls and men and women everywhere and wants us to put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. But now we're going to go to.
Psalm, Chapter one.
And there we talk about 32. The trees are mentioned everywhere in the Bible, and it's such a big subject and it's so nice to try to understand a little bit. So the first verse of Psalm one said, blessed is the man. You want to be blessed by the Lord. OK, now here's the instruction. Blessed be the man, or we might say the boy or the girl or the young person. And last night our brother in the gospel was very faithful in giving solid words of warning.
Because if we don't listen to God's Word and we want to go our own way.
We're going to have to reap the results. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. And so it's important. This first verse in the Psalm is a very important verse. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.
You know, first people.
Maybe they start walking in the path of the ungodly, and then it goes on further. It says, nor standeth in the way of sinners. Remember how Peter stood one time, you know, by the fire warm himself, and he had his eye off the Lord, and he was looking at the people around him, and he was not quite ready to take his stand with the Lord as he thought he was. And so he was standing there. Well then it says here.
Nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of a scornful.
You know, that's the way it goes. It's a downward step. So boys and girls, we want you to be very, very careful what kind of friends you find in school.
Because sometimes friends in school will take us away from the Lord and get us to try to reason out in our minds about things instead of accepting faith from as a gift that God gives faith and trust in His beloved Son. Well, that's why we're here this morning. We want you boys and girls to be assured to be sure that you walk with those who are Christians and find your fellowship with them.
And I want to warn this for the older ones too, because I know that some of you are in school, high school, college, and wherever it may be. And the kind of friendship that we keep, and even after you get as old as I am, the kind of friendship we keep is going to leave its mark in our life.
So try to choose the right friends. How do you try to choose the right friends? Who do you go to to choose the right friend? Would you go? Would you ask your mom and dad? That would be good. If there's somebody else that you can go to, who is it?
Who is it?
The Lord. That's right, we can go to the Lord, and boys and girls, don't ever think you're too.
Young to come to the Lord Jesus. You're not too young to ask him to help you.
And so we want to tell you this morning that it's very important for you to come to the Lord Jesus while you're young. Now there's another verse in Jeremiah. You know, I think every book in the Bible has something about a tree in it. I'm not sure. I haven't read it very that careful, but I don't doubt. But there's something about a tree and in nearly every book in the Bible.
And Jeremiah 17, it says this blessed is a man that trusteth in the Lord. And we could say here blessed are the children.
That trust in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
And then it says he shall be in the eighth verse as a tree.
Planted by the water, a tree planted by the waters. Well, you know, this year we set out about 1000 young trees and we wanted to be sure that all those trees had water to drink. So after we set the trees out, we ran a little tiny pipeline down each row of the trees. And that little pipeline is plastic. It has little holes every eight or 10 inches, about every 10 inches, I guess it is. It has a little hole and a little drip of water will come out.
That little hole and it'll feed that tree. You know, boys and girls, you need to be fed by the word of God. Now you may not have much time in the morning when you get up to read their Bible, but remember the Bible is the the water that we get to grow these trees.
It is just like the water that you and I need from reading our Bibles. We need to read our Bibles.
And then the Lord helps us to grow, and he will keep us from reading the wrong kind of stories that would destroy our Christian life. So it says here, He should be like as a tree planted by the waters that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and none, and shall not see when the heat cometh.
Well, these little trees that we planted this year, we had to stay maybe.
8 or 12 inches away from the tree, we couldn't get any closer than that to drop that line alongside those trees.
But you know, in about another year or so if we were to dig those trees up because we've done this before.
Then we find that all the roots of the trees, they seem to be able to tell where the water is and they go right to that spot and they get their nourishment in that water and.
I remember that I was told that we should always put that water line on the one side of the tree where the wind was going to blow the other way. So we get mostly West winds up at our place and you do throughout most of the country. So you should plant that water line on the West side of the tree. However, in our situation, they planted part of them on the West side and part of them on the east side. So I said to the, you know, my nephews that I work with, I said well, watch that and see how well.
If there's any difference, because if you get the roots on the West side and growing real good, it will keep that tree from blowing over in the wind. You see the trees we plant today aren't, they don't have very deep roots. And so we need to feed them. Well, they need help and you and I need help too. We have the word of God and we need to be fed. And if we, the trees are lacking something, they could mix in perhaps a little bit of nitrogen or something in that water so the trees that grow a little bit better.
Well, it says here this tree is like it's planted by.
There are waters that spreadeth out our roots by the river. Well, you know the river.
Water speaks of water that's flowing all the time and there's light and you know, that's the way the word of God is, is really gives us life. It gives us something that we can really enjoy. And if you boys and girls enjoy some little thing about the Bible, some little verse, tell somebody else. Tell your mom or your dad or your brother or your sister and it'll encourage them. Tell your friends and it's nice to be a help to one another.
And it says they shall not see when the heat come up. You know, there is a coming a time in our lives and all of our lives.
And I think especially if you young people there, there comes a time in your life when the heat is going to be put on, as they say, and you're going to have to make some decisions. You're going, life is full of decisions. I got a little game one time many, many years ago and it's called decisions. And you had to decide which button you were going to push. Play this little game of decision, but it was full of decisions. Well, that's the way life is.
And you have to make the right choice. The only way you'll know how to make the right choice and spiritual things is going to the Bible to get.
Our understanding about what would be right and pleasing in the sight of the Lord.
Well, it says release shall be green and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. It says shall not be careful. Now that really means it's not going to matter what happens. This tree got her strength in the river and you don't have to be full of care about what's going on if we get our strength from the word of God.
But the word careful really means not so much to be careful about what we do, although that's a good thing to do.
But just don't get worried, because the Lord Jesus is the one who can give us everything that we need every day of our life. And if we do, we'll be like that fruitful tree.
And the next verse in that Jeremiah 17 says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? You know, I know what my heart is like. I can't see into your heart. But I know that I need help every day, Every day of my life, I need help. And I'm so thankful that in the morning when I get up that I have a little bit of time, that I can sit down and read the Bible and then I can just pray.
And justice, commit myself to the Lord for the day, boys and girls, I hope you'll get in the habit of doing something like that. Don't follow me, but follow the word of God and you'll realize that the Lord wants us to put our not only our faith and trust in Him, but He wants us to have confidence in his Word. And He will guide us and keep us and direct us. Now there's another place that we read about fruit.
We read about the tree in the first chapter of the Bible. What do you think is in the last chapter of the Bible?
Well, let's turn to it. If you have your Bibles, and if you don't have your Bibles, you just listen.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the midst of the street of it. On either side of the river was the tree of life that bear 12 manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation.
You know, this gives us a little picture of what heaven is going to be like. There's going to be the tree of life.
And all the difficulties that are in the world today, and there are so many difficulties and they don't know how to account for all the things that are taking place. They don't know what to do as they look ahead and they don't want to look that far ahead. But if you and I look ahead, we can remember that there's a wonderful time coming and there's going to be the tree of life. Oh, we were going to, I was going to tell you too, about the trees in the Garden of Eden.
Many different kinds of trees in the Garden of Eden wasn't there. There's a tree of good and the knowledge of good and evil. Then there was the tree.
I better turn out and read it.
In the 17th verse we read.
The 16th verse the Lord God commanded the man, saying of every three of the gardens.
Thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest arrived, thou shalt surely die. Well, you know, man was given that choice, not really a choice, but he was told not to eat of it. And when sometimes when we're told not to do something, that's the very thing we want to do, That's because we have a sinful nature within us that wants to do just the opposite of what the Word of God tells us. But we want your children to, really.
Remember that the Lord Jesus is there to help us and He will always help us if we come to Him. We want you to come to Him early in the morning first thing when you wake up. If you can't do any more than well, I don't want to. I'm going to repeat something that I heard the brothers during the meeting this morning. I think I don't see anything He said every morning when I wake up, he said, I throw my arms back and I say thank you Lord for this day.
And I hope you'll be willing to do that.
You know, at less than Mark, I mean, I heard this many, many years ago and this mother said, I wake up in the morning and I put my arms out like that and I just say thank you, Lord, for this day, for saving my soul and giving me eternal life. If you just say that much. And maybe I'll add a little bit more pretty soon and ask the Lord to help you and to keep you. And that's a good way to start out today to thank the Lord together. I mean, thank the Lord individually because he likes to hear our voice.
Somebody has read the verse yesterday and.
Just come, let me hear thy voice. Oh, he is. The Lord wants to hear our voices. So now, in closing, let's sing one more hymn.
We didn't sing.
41 So let's close our meeting this morning with singing hymn 41. Around the throne of God in heaven will many children sing? It doesn't say all, but I trust that everyone here will be among that number. Children whose sins are all forgiven will heavenly anthem bring OK 41.
Around the throne I've gone in heaven dwelled.
Many children.
Are all forgiven? Well heavenly and thumbs break singing glory.
And the shining of the spotless white is one will be one will be arrayed.
An everlasting life and joy that never paid singing glory.
Sorry, glory, Glory.
To God.
On high.
What brings them to that world of that heavens, all bright and fair?
Where all is peace and joy and the love of God.
Those children.
They're singing glory.
Glory to God.
Our Savior shed his blood.
Stupers away their sins.
Now wash them alive. Mulch rush on blood. Behold and widen. Clean. Now wait a minute. Please wait a minute.
Stand up.
Sorry, Glory.
To God.
I will repeat that chorus.
The Lord.
Seated, you know the reason I asked you to stand is because it says glory, glory, glory be to God on high. Now the next meeting that we hope to have here, Lord willing, will be to remember God's love in sending his beloved Son into this world and to go through death that we might have everlasting life. So we really want to give God the glory. Now let's just commend ourselves to the Lord.
Our blessing God and our Father, we do indeed thank Thee this morning that we could be here to speak of Thy love. We know it was done in a very feeble way, but already able to use Thy word for blessing to each one of us. We pray for these dear boys and girls, and do pray that early in their years they may put their faith and trust in Thee. And then we think of our dear young people too, and the older ones, all of us, how much we need Thy help.
Help us to realize and feel our dependence upon Thee. We know Thou does delight to bring blessing into our lives and so we thank thee for the land that appeared when all the waters were gathered together in one place and now they can be blessing blow out. We thank Thee. Lord Jesus, commend us to Thee and then thy precious and worthy name, Amen. Now the Sunday school papers are on the either end of the stage there for the children or something who need a copy. So be sure you pick up a copy so you can learn your verse.
Thank you. Would you please pass the song sheets to the center of the room?
A black man fear.