UNSAVED reader, we would bring before you the deep and solemn importance of your soul’s salvation, and earnestly urge upon your consideration the following six points, as weighty reasons why you should come to Christ and be saved.
First, Because you are
guilty before God.
For the Scripture says, “All have sinned, and have come short of the glory of God;” and “if ye die in your sins,” the Lord Jesus says, “where I am, ye cannot come.”
Second, Because God, in His great love, has opened a way for you to be
righteously saved.
He gave His only begotten Son to die upon the cross, there to bear all His righteous judgment against sin, and in that death God has been infinitely and eternally glorified. Now He has raised Jesus from the dead, and given Him glory; and, on account of this great work, this blessed message is sent to you, Come, for all things are now ready.”
Third, Because of the
eternal interests at stake.
It is not a question of the loss of a little property. Houses and lands, silver and gold, all dwarf into the most utter insignificance in comparison with the salvation of your soul; therefore the Lord Jesus puts this solemn question to, you, “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
Fourth, Because
God earnestly appeals
to you to avail yourself at once of the great salvation that is now within your reach. You can never make yourself more fit than you are at the present moment; and the most suitable time to be saved is surely God’s time, and He says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Oh then, come to Christ at once!
Fifth, Because you know not what a day or an hour may bring forth; it may be true of you that “this day
thy soul shall be required
of thee,” and you would have to meet God in your sins, — or the Lord Jesus may come, and take all His own to be with Himself, then the door would be shut and you left to perish.
Sixth, Because you will most surely be damned
if you refuse this salvation
which God has provided, and go out of this world unsaved. We once heard of a poor dying man who, in his last moments, cried out,
“I have missed it at last!”
Oh, reader, make sure of it now! Come to the Saviour! Come as you are, in your lost, helpless, needy condition, and Jesus says He will in nowise cast out.
W. H.