"We Shall Be Like Him."

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
“We shall be like Him!” With all the affections of children, and all their hopes-with all the schooling of God, with all the judgment of self, with all the truehearted prayer that a saint pours out for himself, and for God’s dear people-how will the groans, nevertheless, come out from the heart- “So little attained so little of power!” Never mind; go on climbing up the hill. We shall be like Him. We shall yet have no taste for anything that He has not a taste for, no mind save for that for which He has a mind. Like Christ! clothed with immortality, incorruptibility and glory! And not only like Him outside, even in a scene where all can shine out without disturbance, but like Him all within, from the quickened soul upwards and outwards. All in harmony with Christ! What a word to have in one’s heart, “I shall be” like Him! His name written on my forehead; I clothed upon with His likeness, for I shall see Him as He is.
Now we see through a glass darkly, and yet, if in any measure we see, we are molded into the same image; but then eye to eye. Go onward. Onward in darkness? No, still in light, because it is onward to Christ. While the heart is occupied with Him, each step leads it nearer. Every spot that is unlike Christ becomes odious. We purify ourselves, even as He is pure.