LORD JESUS, it is sweet to rest
Alone with Thee,
To lay my head upon Thy breast,
And think of Thee.
I thank Thee for this desert place,
I share with Thee,
And for the rich exceeding grace
I have in Thee.
It does not seem a barren waste
When Thou art here,
To cheerwith a bright foretaste
Of joy up there.
And as from strength to strength I go through Baca’s vale,
Thy streams of life and grace, I know,
Will never fail.
Lord, Thou hast filled my pools with rain
From God’s deep well,
And of its living spring, I fain
Would ever tell.
Oh, take me to the Fountain Head, On yonder shore,
That I may praise Thee there instead,
For evermore!
C. A. W.
Some may say, “I wait for the Lord to come, and not for death:” so, truly, say I. But that is NOT the question; nor is the statement thus made the real expression of what is in the mind of the maker, at least inmany cases. That for which Christ waits, the Spirit and the bride of Christ also wait; and as the Spirit and the bride say “Come,” so does He most surely say, “Behold I come quickly.” But that is not the least in question. I wait for Christ mail He comes. But the question is (that which some overlook), Am I to wait for His coming here in the wilderness? or am I, absent from the body and present with the Lord, there to wait for His coming