I FIRST met her in a hospital ward. She seemed cheerful, and would lie still, attentively listening as I sat and spake before all of Christ the Saviour, and of “the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.” And when we had improved our acquaintance, I felt convinced from her demeanor and remarks that she knew that God is true. But in her case long patience after sowing the seed was needed.
The servant of the Lord must be content to sow beside all waters, and often in barren soil. He may also be called upon to exercise long patience in watering the seed already sown; but, in due time God gives the increase, and the time for reaping comes.
She of whom I now write had improved in health, and had left the hospital; and we were together going towards a large room in which I had been privileged to set forth at different times the truth as it is in Jesus.
“Some of them,” she said, “make fun of you after you are gone. They don’t understand you like we do.”
My reply was to the effect that I was happy to go on holding forth the word of life, although some might make fun.
Presently we met again in the hospital. She was not only looking very ill, but also very downcast. Remarking to her, “I am very sorry to see you back here again,” she replied, “Some time ago they brought my brother up to die, and now they have brought me up—”
I said, “You say, they brought your brother up to die, and now they have brought you up. Now then, let us look the thing fairly in the face. Supposing they have brought you up to die—What about your future?”
Her answer was a look indicating anxiety of soul. She realized her own soul’s need as never before, and she had opened her heart thus freely, hoping for help Christ-wards.
“The Lord laid my sins on Jesus, when He suffered on the cross. Were your sins laid on Jesus then?”
“Where is the Lord Jesus?”
“In heaven.”
“Are there any sins upon Him now?”
She seemed scarcely able to answer; so I endeavored to show her that the Lord Jesus could have no sins upon Him now, not even her sins; and if she would receive this she was entitled by faith to say He had borne all her sins away, and they were removed as far as the east is from the west! They were gone, and gone forever!
Are you ready to receive the Lord Jesus? He stands at the door of your heart and knocks, seeking admission. If you hear His voice, and open the door, He will come in. And He will wash you from your sins in His own blood. Thus all the sins of your lifetime will be gone. You cannot do this; He alone can cleanse you; and He will, if now you will receive Him, confiding in His atoning work.
I left her to ponder over the good news.
The next Sunday, on reaching her ward, I made straight for her bedside, but a nurse interposed, and led me away to see another patient, slowly sinking, but saved, thank God!
Then coming back to my friend, I found she too had received the Lord Jesus, to her soul’s salvation, for she was now resting on His accomplished redemption, and no longer uncertain as to her future.
The Lord graciously restored her health, so that she was able to leave the hospital. Yet we sometimes meet on my visits still to the hospital. As I greet her, her face beams with happiness, and she is following on to know the Lord. We have a few words together concerning the things that are Christ’s, and she dearly loves to pay an occasional visit to her old friends in the hospital. We have now a common joy in anticipating a glorious eternal future— “for ever with the Lord.” Often do I recall that Sunday when “What about your future?” was a question she could not then answer. But now, how different!
Dear reader, could you answer with joy of heart if you were asked point-blank, “What about your future?” May her Saviour be also yours! but this can only be by taking God at His word, and with the heart believing His testimony to the person and work of His beloved Son.
A. J.