What Came of Missing the Train

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
It was nine A.M. The 8:50 train had been dispatched and the station master was settling down for an hour's quiet. Suddenly a man, with a red hot face and bursting with ill-temper, rushed on to the platform. He stormed against the bus driver whose neglect had made him late, declaring he would rather have forfeited $25.00 than miss that particular train.
What was to be done? The only course was to wait for the ten o'clock train. The man was infuriated, and walked up and down the platform excitedly. Presently, when he had cooled down, the station master went to him and said.
"There's a comfortable waiting room inside, if you would like to sit down, sir."
The man went in, and found a pleasant room, shaded by climbing roses on the outside. There was a table on which were spread some gospel tracts. To while away the time he took one and began to read: "Passing onward, yes; but whither bound?"
Soon his whole attention was absorbed. Time fled. Passengers began to arrive. The ticket office was opened for the coming train. Still he sat on, deeply interested in what he was reading.
"The train's in sight," said the station master.
"The train?" replied the man, like one waking from a dream. "Will you sell me this tract? I want to read it again."
"Take it and welcome, sir," responded the station master. "The lady who supplied the tracts will be glad if you will accept it."
"Thank you, and her," said the man. He took it, and in another minute he was speeding away in the train.
A month had rolled by, when a gentleman stepped off the train and offered his hand to the station master.
"Do you remember me?" he asked.
"I do, sir. You are the gentleman that missed the train a few weeks back, and were so troubled about it."
"I need not have been. I missed the train, but I found the Savior. Oh! what a tract that was. I had been so absorbed with business that I did not allow myself time to think about God, or to read His Word. I could not get away from the solemn questions that tract raised. Please tell the lady that it has led me to Christ. Now I want others to know Him, so I am buying all I can, and giving them away wholesale. I never knew what happiness was before."
The man resumed his seat in the train, and the whistle blew. There was a solemn joy in the heart of the old station master as he waved him farewell, and saw the joyous look upon his face. He was a new creature in Christ Jesus.
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:99That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9).
"Passing onward, quickly passing,
Yes, but whither, whither bound."