"I WISH you would go and see my grandfather," said a lad to me; "he is very ill." I found the old man sitting by his cottage fire; his legs were bound up, and he was suffering greatly from dropsy. As I spoke to him, and read the word of God, I found that he was not ignorant of the way of salvation, but he had not seen or believed in the full provision which God had made for him as a sinner, when He gave His Son to die upon the cross. He soon not only knew, but believed the love God had to him.
The last time I visited him, with a friend, I said to the sick man, who was now confined to his bed, "Well, what will you do when you get to heaven?" The reply was spoken with surprise and emphasis: "What can I do but praise Him?”
The following is an extract from a letter received some time after from the friend who accompanied me upon this last visit: —
“I cannot help thinking of the Lord's goodness to that old man,— grandfather— plucked as a brand' at the last hour to be a worshipper for eternity in the glory, seeing his Saviour's face, and adoring Him, instead of for eternity brooding over his misery in the lake of fire." W.
“SHUN foolish questionings," and go on quietly and earnestly with the work God has given you to do.