I HAVE often held my watch to the ear of a little friend greatly wonders to hear tick tick, coming from such tiny box with such regularity. Fanny does not know that it only goes for twenty-four hours, and then, if not wound up again, would stop, as it does sometimes when I forget to wind it.
The hand with the key is the power that sets the watch going, and when you see boys and girls playing and running about you know that there is a power that keeps life in their bodies. They are very much like this watch, for there is a constant ticking within them, only it is not so loud.
But, little reader, when once your heart stops beating it will not move again in this world. God holds the power of life in His own hands. We may say that He keeps the key. The watch tells us also how quickly time flies, every tick is a moment gone, never to return. Then think of the watch and do not let your time slip away without making good use of it, especially in preparing for eternity.
Oh, do not waste your precious time, be busy while you may; For soon—yes, very soon—your days will all have passed away.