What God Has in View for Us

1 Peter 4:7
Address—R. Boulard
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I'm so glad everybody's here.
Maybe we could sing 127?
Oh, bless the.
Father's house, their love divine the rest, What else could?
Say it is why the hearts of those and Jesus must live.
There's so many art.
It's Father's love.
Oh, wonderful.
Horse and given.
Of abortion.
Of love.
For some.
Love for real life?
And bring Plaza as well. I'll be loved to.
In the world.
What is the birds on the birds on the birds on the birds on the water?
And came to her.
Good morning.
Allow bring my stare.
Bless the Lord.
Therefore, this love.
To go and join the heart, no wild is there.
Lord shine to everyone.
But I just want.
My spring. My spring to do.
Fill that move to early with him.
Over the sun is given.
May not receive.
Our joy.
I don't know about you, but I often wonder about that home.
What a home.
Such as love, that He must bring us there to fill that form, to be with him.
In all His glory share the Father's house, the Father's heart. All that the Son is given, made ours the objects of His love, and He our joy in heaven.
What a home.
Well, let's turn to First Peter Chapter 4.
And we'll read just one verse there just to open up the subject. That it helped my heart.
First Peter, chapter 4.
And verse 7.
But the end of all things is at hand.
Be therefore sober and watch under prayer.
The end of all things is at hand.
You know, I have been thinking lately and just enjoying the end of what God has in view for those that belong to Him and those that are the children of God and you know and I know.
That God always gives the best. He never gives second best, He always gives the best.
We doubt him and we sometimes reach out for something that he didn't give us and we think we're getting something good. But really what hostile that was not received.
Now, if we haven't, if we've got it and we didn't receive it from Him, we shouldn't have it. And it's not good for us if we didn't get it from Him. So the end of all things is a pan for the believer. The end of all things is at hand for all those that were created by God.
They're not going to have a good end if they don't know the Lord Jesus and Savior and those Old Testament ones that lived in faith will receive a portion of blessing. Those that didn't walk in faith, those that left this scene are not going to have a very good end. But the end of all things is at hand. And so let's read in drove just another verse to open up this this subject.
Chapter 42 of Job, the last chapter.
1St 12:00.
You know, I see some young parents here. 3 verses of scripture to your kids. You don't need to remember the whole passage all the time, but three little verses of scripture. My father read me this when I was young. I've never forgotten.
And he says in verse 12, Job 42, verse 12. So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job Moore than his beginning.
So you came into this world, you were born into this world some.
Most of us perhaps had good parents, some of us maybe didn't have the best parents. But God chose who our parents were, and He formed our character by allowing us to pass through certain circumstances that we might come to this point where we could perhaps bear some fruit for Him. Every one of us has a different set of circumstances. We didn't ask to be sent here into this world. He put us here.
At this particular time and with particular privileges that we have, Can you imagine?
Living at the time after the truth has been recovered to us, and it's possible to come into the presence of the Lord and to know it. To be gathered by the Spirit of God unto the precious name of the Lord Jesus and to know it.
And to come into the assembly and know that you're not going to be told some doctrine, some wicked doctrine, devote the person of Christ and the insufficiency of work, His work, that you have to do your own part and all those sort of thing. What a privilege.
But this here isn't the end. This is the beginning. And so you had a beginning. And some of us had a decent beginning, others didn't have a real good beginning, Perhaps their children being born in Ukraine tonight. And it's not a very good beginning.
But they can't have a good end. The Lord allows for us to have a good ending. So God's going to bless the ending of the believer.
We might say beyond his wireless dreams.
You and I, it's beyond our comprehension of what's coming, but in the grace of God, he's going to give us an end. So I'd like to look at the ending of a believer. I'd like to look at the ending of the church. What's the end of the church in this scene? What's the end of Israel in this world? What's the end?
Of some of the things that we're we're seeing in the world going on the history of this world, what's the end of Russia? What's the end of some of these things? And I don't want to spend a lot of time on each one of them because we'll we want to get through. But perhaps we could just look at the ending as a believer first. And so let's look at.
Revelation chapter 4. There's a couple of things that we could look at the Rapture first, but I'd like to look at this.
Chapter 4. Verse 4.
Round about the throne were four and 20 seats, and upon these seats I saw 4 and 20 elders sitting clothed in white raiment, and they had on their heads crowned of gold. Verse 11. Well, verse 10, the four and 20 elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worshipped him that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord.
To receive glory and honor and power.
For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and we're created. There's going to be an end for each one of us as an individual.
God saves individuals. He deals with individuals. He quickens individuals. He teaches individuals.
He brings us into the knowledge of the truth as individuals, and then when we have the knowledge of the truth, we work with each one of us individually so that we will abide the truth. We'll make that transaction with Him.
And we'll buy the truth for ourselves and walk in it. And so here we just read after the rapture. There's going to be here individuals.
In the presence of the Lord Jesus.
Just after the judgment seat we don't have, you know, it says in Revelation 22/22/12, it says behold, I come quickly in my reward, which is with me. So the judgment seat of Christ, the review for each one of us individually is very closely connected to the rapture. It's not going to be a long time. I used to think, you know, the Lord would come.
Rapture, His Church and.
Boy, there's a lot to do. It's going to take a long time to get around to this judgment seat of Christ and.
No, that's not how it's going to be. It's going to be very quickly. He's going to very quickly have an individual interview with each one of us, and he's not limited by the laws of science and physics. So perhaps in a moment of time we'll have a private review with the Lord. We review our lives and tell us all the difficult things that happen in our lives and all the things that he appreciated.
Why he allowed those things and.
Feel, reward us. Feel the light to just tell us how much it meant to him.
That we went on, perhaps until the end, until we saw him at the Rapture.
That it meant something to him that we had a conference here and that there were just a few, and that there was something of Christ ministered, and that there was some enjoyment of the Lord, and that there were children there. And the Lord didn't miss one of those little ones. He loved each one and he wanted each one there. And He's going to tell us how much it meant to his heart.
He'll reward us.
Then there are going to be crowns given, but there's four and 20 seats, so we know that 12 of them represent the Old Testament Saints.
Individuals and 12 loans represent the New Testament Saints as individuals.
Elders, you don't have an intelligence. They have experience and they are brought into the knowledge of what is taking place. And you and I, one of the things that the characteristic of Christianity is that we have intelligence as to what God did in the past, what he's doing now, and what he's going to do in the future.
But notice they're sitting.
You and I are going to sit in the presence of Lord Jesus on Thrones.
Crowned with a reward in his presence.
I told the little illustration, I don't want to tell a lot of stories tonight, but.
Have a brother-in-law. He's with the Lord now. I spoke at his funeral. He was name was Keith. Janet. Only brother.
And she had one brother, one sister, they're both with the Lord. And he was, he was autistic. He was at his age level, was probably something like 10 or 11, maybe 12 years old. And he went through life this way and had a hard time communicating, couldn't really tell you how he really felt. He just had a hard time. He was abused by people, robbed and just taking advantage of.
I could tell you stories.
Just a sad life. Had a hard time keeping a job. Didn't keep a job more than a few months or a few weeks at a time. That was just a hard, difficult life.
But you know he would. We would go and get him where he lived in his little apartment, and we would.
Bring him on a Christmas Day to the.
House and feed them a nice meal and so on, and have all the other Saints over and so on. We have a nice time of fellowship.
And he would talk about the Lord's coming and he would talk about the Lord as we drove up to Tamar Bay. And then he talked about the Lords we drove back and.
No one really knew that he was a believer, but there was a little spark of affection for Christ.
When to be with the Lord?
And I read this passage of scripture at his funeral, at the graveside, I said one of those seats is going to be occupied by Keith.
He did something for the Lord. Every man shall have praise of God, and he's going to be on the throne. He might not have a lot of responsibility, but the Lord is going to see to it that he's got a throne. So don't you see in heaven just arrayed a lot of it. Don't want to be introducing imaginary thoughts or anything, but I wondered about a 360° auditorium.
Field to as far as the eye can see.
With Thrones.
And the Saints of God seated in the presence of the Lord, with Himself in the midst, with a full sense of his approval.
That's the end of the believer in the individual to be in the presence of the Lord in this way. Well, you know, we're going to reign with him. We don't have time to go through all those passages of Scripture, but we're going to reign with him. We're going to be like him. With him and like him. We'll have, as we have this weekend, our bodies will be glorified. The very same body that you lived in in this scene, the very same body glorified. And you're going to be just like a young person there, it says in the 110th Psalm.
That the Lord Jesus will be in the dew of his youth, and so you're going to be a young person in heaven.
You'll not mark us in That's the End For you in that glorious scene is really the beginning.
Be a young person in a vital use, not a market standard.
But then there's one man who's going to have the marks of sin. What sin did we'll never forget. Well, let's look at the collective side. You're going to be a part of the bride of Christ. You know, the Lord Jesus as Savior.
Ephesians chapter 5.
Can I get a box of cleanets up here? Thank you.
So it says in verse.
Season 525 Husbands love your wives. Even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with washing of water by the Word, that he might present it to Himself. A glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. So what men to love their wives?
Even as Christ loved the church.
As their own bodies.
Thank you.
He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord, the Church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones.
For this college, oh man, leave your father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they too shall be one flesh.
This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ in the church.
Nevertheless, let everyone of you in particular shall love his wife, even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Well, collectively, you know we're going to be caught up into that heavenly scene.
We're going to be caught up.
To be the object of these affections for all eternity.
You know we could read in First Corinthians chapter 15 and I often times think of this verse of Scripture verse 28.
Maybe we could read verse 27, for he had put all things under His feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that He is accepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, that's subdued to the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus will bring everything into subjection. There won't be any rebellion left.
In this world, when he's finished the.
Then shall the Son also be himself, be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be All in all.
In our older brethren used to remind us that when the Lord Jesus.
Delivers up the kingdoms to his God.
To his father.
Going to deliver the kingdoms up and say it's all all brought into subjection, not a taint of sin.
There'll be the whole of the history of mankind.
There and imperfection, the Lord has cleansed this scene from sin.
You're going to devote his eternity to his bride.
You know God always gives the very best.
And you couldn't want to live in any other time than the time that we live in because you and I are given the privilege of being associated with the Lord Jesus and companions of Christ in the nearest possible relationship for all eternity. So the end of all things is at hand. Now, Peter never really talks about the rapture. His focus is he's speaking. He's the apostle to the.
Circumcision. So he's speaking.
Really to the Jews. And he's speaking from the perspective of the appearing of the Lord Jesus in all of his in both of his epistles. But you and I, we know from the Paul's ministry that we're going to be with the Lord and he's going to nourish and cherish the church.
For all eternity. That's what he's doing now. You know what he did for it before in the past, Verse 25. He loved the church, gave himself Florida, exhibited his love, proved his love that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word. That's what he's doing now.
And what's he going to do in the future? He's going to present it to himself, the glorious church.
Not having spot, not a spot, a stain of sin, no wrinkle, no sign of age or any such thing, but that it should be holding without blemish.
You thought what I thought when I was younger. I used to think that Adam probably had the the most beautiful bride ever. Imagine the Lord.
Performing personally forming a woman for the first man.
Not a not a birthmark honor, not a not a nothing out of place beautiful creature and then bringing her to be a companion to Adam.
How he must have been delighted.
I used to think that probably was the most beautiful bride ever, but you know, I don't think that anymore. I think the Lord Jesus is going to have the perfect bride.
Gonna be composed of you and I.
He shall see the fruit of the travail of his soul should be satisfied. There's not going to be a mark of her. There's not going to be a mark of sin, not a stain of sin. Her nature will be perfectly suitable to his compassion, to his compatibility, that he's going to be perfectly in tune with him.
What a wonderful to think of the end of the believers. I wonder if there's someone here that's not saved. Perhaps there's these little ones.
They're not, They become the behavior of responsibility. But if you're a little boy or a little girl and you hear my voice and you know about the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross, you could ask the Lord Jesus tonight to wash your sins away so that you'll have a good end, the best ending ever. Well, let's look at another ending in connection with Israel. Let's.
See where we got? Not a lot of time here so.
Let's look at Jeremiah chapter 31.
You know that Israel today is in their land and.
They're at war every day. They're trying to stay in that land and they're trying to fend off the enemies that are trying to remove them from that land and to destroy them in that land. You know, I'm, I'm not, I don't get a whole lot of news or anything like that. But I on my cell phone, I have delivered to my cell phone every day the news of Israel.
I can't remember what the news service is, but it's interesting to read the news from the perspective of Israel.
In what's happening against that nation?
They're at war.
They long for peace.
And they have a pretty tight mark on a tight line of things on what's happening among their enemies.
They're trying to keep Russia at peace with them. They're trying to keep it wrong at Bay. They're trying to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. That won't happen.
There, Iran is very close to having nuclear weapons.
They're doing everything possible to stay in that land, and we know that the Lord is going to bring them into judgment during the seven years of Tribulation period very shortly. But there's going to be a time. The ending of it all is verse 31 of Jeremiah 31. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah. All 12 tribes will be joined together.
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers.
In the day that I took them by the hand, and bring them out of the land of Egypt, which my covenant were great, although I was your husband unto them, saith the Lord. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after those days, saith the Lord. I will put my law in their inward parts, and right in their hearts, write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people, and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, No, the Lord.
For they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Well, how did they get there? How did they? How do you go from having the nation of Israel today where they're at war and they can barely stay in their land because there's so many enemies all around them?
How they get from there to this point where the Lord says He's going to join those 12 nations, those 12 tribes of Israel, and He's going to put their laws and their inward part, His law and their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, everyone in the land of Israel.
At this time.
We have divine life, will be a believer.
Can you imagine being in a country where every single person.
As divine life.
It's astounding.
And to live in that country for 1000 years and never grow old.
And never die unless you sin, but those that have divine life will not sin.
Those that are born and that do not have divine life and sin will die.
But the whole nation will be born again. It will have divine life.
But there's going to be a time when they go through the judgments that the Lord has announced and He's shown in the book of the Psalms. I'm going to just read in Zechariah.
In chapter 12.
Of Zechariah, we'll just read a couple of verses.
And in chapter 13.
The restoration of Israel will take part in two parts. He's going to deal with the Jews, the nation, the Jews, and the Benjamites. They were in the land of Israel when the Lord Jesus was crucified, so now he'll deal with those individuals first, and that part of the nation, their godly remnant, will be restored to him first.
And then he will deal with the 10 tribes and bring them into the fund of the covenant and so on. But let's read in.
Zechariah chapter 12, verse nine. It shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem, And I will pour out, pour upon the House of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications. And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him as one that mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him.
As one that is in bitterness for his first born.
In that day shall there be a great morning in Jerusalem as the morning of Hayden women in the valley of Magiddon, and the land shall mourn every family apart, the family of the House of David apart. That's the royal lies.
And their wives apart. The family of the House of Nathan apart. That's the prophetic line. Their wives apart. The family of the House of Levi apart. And their wives apart. That's the Levitical mind.
And then the family of Shemi Apartheid and their wives apart.
I think this shimmy eye.
Oh my, I can't remember which which line that is.
But what the Spirit of God is showing is that all the families that remain, every family apart and all and their wives apart, there's going to be those that are individually repentant as they recognize that the Lord Jesus is the Messiah and that he was crucified in the land. And so they'll be brought to repentance and then they'll be restored to the Lord.
Then we have in chapter 13, verse seven or verse six, we have the 10 tribes. One shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thy hands? And then shall he shall answer those with which I was wounded in the House of my friends, so they weren't in the land, the 10 tribes, and he's going to.
Reveal himself to them. But you know, before he reveals himself to them, they're going to be brought into the wilderness. Those 10 tribes are going to be brought into the land of Israel.
Let's read it in Ezekiel. I think it's chapter 20.
I just want to show that there is a process of repentance and there's the end of Israel in connection with their time in the land. They're going to be brought into blessing.
That is going to be a process of repentance. Verse 33, Ezekiel 20 as I live, saith the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand, with a stretched out arm, with fury poured out, will I rule over you. And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the country where you are scattered with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm, and with a fury poured out. And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people.
And there will I plead with you face to face.
Like as I pleaded with your father's in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant and purge. I will purge out from among you the rebels, Then the transgress against me, I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel.
And you shall know that I am the Lord, so you know after the Lord.
After the Lord appears, he comes. He begins to set up his Kingdom. He's going to.
Send forth and call forth those 10 tribes out from wherever they are hiding in all the nations of the world where they've been scattered, and he's going to bring them to the borders of the land of Israel.
They won't enter the land, and he'll sift them out there in his wisdom.
In his knowledge, he'll test them and those that have faith will enter into the land of Israel. Those that don't have faith will be all the way around the nation of Israel. They'll be outside of the nation. And then when the army, the king of the north, the second conquer the Assyrian, he comes through there they are on the outside, and they'll be destroyed.
They'll be annihilated. They'll be judged just as the.
We could destroyers that are coming in from the other, from the north that are coming in, they'll be destroyed. So isn't it nice that there's a work that he's going to do and there will be a remnant of those ten nations that comes in and they'll be a fleet. And so the end of that nation is that they'll all be born of God, those that are remnant, and they'll be brought into the land, They'll be given the land and they'll have the Lord Jesus.
Dwelling in the land with them at the beginning and he'll be setting his Kingdom up in that land. They'll see the Lord Jesus personally.
Personally, they'll see that one with a March in his hands, with his feet, and they'll recognize the sin of their idolatry, those 10 tribes, and why they were sent out of the land of Israel and how they suffered for something like 2700 years outside the land of Israel. And they'll recognize His grace in bringing them back into that land and they'll rejoice. All of them will rejoice together and throw so that millennial.
Will be a scene of joy. We don't have time to to go to other passages of scripture, but I will read 3 verses. The 133rd song speaks of those 10 tribes, those 12 tribes all together. That's the end of the restoration and the the joy that they'll have as they're all together.
133rd Psalm, verse one. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brenner to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment.
Upon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, beard that went down to the skirts of his garments, as the dew of Herman, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion. For there the Lord commanded the blessing. Even life forevermore. All they're just, you know, when it speaks of eternal life in the Old Testament and in the Synoptic Gospels.
You know what it means? It means life.
For as long as this earth exists, that's really the sense of it. And so for Israel, their portion is the earth and their blessing is in the earth, and their whole inheritance, their whole viewpoint is the earth. And so it's not eternal life is what you and I think of the relationship that we have with the Lord Jesus being indwelled with the Spirit of God, knowing the Father, God the Father, and having believed on the Lord Jesus as Savior.
When they have eternal life, what they're thinking of is length, forever on the earth. Let's look at Luke. I'll just give you this as an example. Luke chapter, I think it's chapter 10.
Yeah, Luke chapter 10 verse 25. And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him, really provoked the Lord, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
What did he want?
He wanted to live on the earth forever.
We wouldn't want to live on here forever, not not state for the sin right now, but you know, when the Lord Jesus is reigning and he's the King of kings, the Lord of Lords, and Israel is the Jerusalem is the capital city of the world.
And all the riches of the Gentiles flow into it. And so on.
That you might think it's pretty good operation going here. We could live here for a good long time. Nobody needs locks on the doors or anything like that. As soon as they stand, boom, they're gone.
This man wanted to live forever on the earth, even in the Lords time. That's what he wanted. He wanted to do something to inherit that.
And so eternal life from a Christian perspective, they've spoken of in John's Gospels. And so he begins to present that. Let's let's read it so that I'll give you a definition. I think it's John 17 verse 3.
So eternal life is spoken of in two different ways in John's Gospel is spoken of differently than in Matthew, Mark and Lucy, John 17 verse 3. This is life eternal.
That they might no leave the only true God and Jesus Christ who now has sank.
So there's several things here, chapter 3 we could look at John three. We know the verse 16 for God so loved the world that who gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. So have you believed on the Lord Jesus? That's one one of the elements of eternal life. You have faith in him. You took him as your savior.
And you know the Lord is your God, is your Father.
Yes you do, but you know him as your savior. If you know the Lord is your Savior, your partner, a child of God and.
Your indwelling with the Spirit of God.
Your child of God, you're in love with the Spirit of God. You have eternal life. That's what eternal life is, is relationship with divine persons. Well, this is the end of the the story in connection with Israel. We're not going to go into the eternal state and so on. But I'd like to turn to Ezekiel chapter 38. Let's look at.
Something that is perhaps on the minds of different ones.
Today, the end of Russia.
Ezekiel, chapter 13.
The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, The Son of man, set thy face against God.
God, you know, the symbolic of the leader of the nation of Russia. And so you might say poop.
They set thy face against God, or the leader of Russia, the land of Magog. That's Russia.
The Prince of Meshech and Tubal. What's Meshech? It's Moscow.
To vote, I think, is to bless.
And prophesied against him, and saved. Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against thee, O God. The chief Prince of it should say Rosh. Meshech and Tubal.
So Mr. Kelly's translation, I think Mr. I think Mr. Darger's translation the same. In it says Russia, the Prince of Russia or Russia, Moscow, and Tubul King or tablesque. I will turn me back and put hooks into thy jaws, and I'm going to bring me forth. And all thine army horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armor, even a great company with bucklers and Shields, all of them handling swords.
Persia, Iran, Ethiopia or Sudan.
And Libya with all of them. All with them, All of them with shield and helmet. Gomer, the Crimea.
With all his bands in the House of Togmar, perhaps our Armenians of the North quarters all his bands, many people. With these be thou prepared and prepare for thyself, thou and all thy company that are assembled unto thee. And be thou a garden unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited.
In the latter years, thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword. That's the nation of Israel.
And he's gathered out with many people. So this is after the nation is brought back into the land of Israel.
Against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste but is brought forth out of the nations and they shall dwell safely all of them. So you know the Lord is going to begin to set up his Kingdom. He's going to the you know we could read another passage where the.
King of the North, the first attack of the Assyrian is going to come through the land of Israel.
The first attack will be from the South, from Egypt and her allies, and they'll come in and they'll destroy.
Spring a path of destruction into the land of Israel and the King of the North will come through from the from the north of Israel and destroy a Muslim.
Confederacy of Nations, you could read we could turn to the 83rd Psalm. I don't want to get into too much detail, but give the the gist of it. Just make a note of the 83rd Psalm. I'll give you the verses to look at and you can look at the.
Nations versus 6-7 and eight and.
The Lord is going to allow.
For Russia to empower the Arab nations.
And to those that are Muslim nations and they're going to be a 10 nation Muslim confederacy that comes down against Jerusalem and destroys they like the land of Eden, the Garden of Eden before they come and then it'll be waste claimed after they leave.
Then the Lord is going to begin to He's going to appear and he's going to judge the Western armies as they come in to try to rescue.
The situation and he'll begin to set up his Kingdom. He'll begin to gather those ten nations in and he'll begin to set all his Kingdom up. And then what we're reading of in chapter 38 is that Russia and her allies are going to say, oh.
Now they don't have any defense, they're just sitting ducks, and we can come and get them. And so this is what it's bringing up here. Verse 9. Thou shalt descend and come like a storm. Thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land. Thou all the band by band, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord God, it shall also come to pass that at the same time shall things come into thy mind.
And thou shalt think an evil thought, And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of the unwalled villages.
I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither gate bars or gates. To take a spoil, take a prey, turn thy hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, upon the people that are gathered over the nation, which have gotten cattle and goods, and dwell in the midst of the land. Well, that's as far as we read that. You know, you can read the 38th and 39th chapter and you get a pretty good picture.
Of what's going to happen to Russia, but it's after Chapter 37. Chapter 37 brings in the new birth of the nation.
And so you can see how the Lord is going to assemble the nation together, chapter 17, and he's going to make a new covenant with them as we read in Jeremiah 31, verse 26 of Ezekiel 37, He's going to make a new covenant of peace with them, shall be an everlasting covenant with them. For chapter 37, you have the rebirth of the nation.
But chapter 38 and 39.
Speak of that last attack of the Assyrian coming from the north, comprised of Russia and her allies, and they're going to think an evil thought. They're going to say we think we can come down and take this country. We think we can take all the wealth that the Jews have accumulated all over the world. They got all this wealth there and there's been several armies that are being destroyed and these.
Children of Israel are sitting ducks.
We can just come in and we can clean up and we'll have it all because you know, Russia is going to come in and occupy those lands that have been defeated by the Lord. And so they'll come in and this is the end. It says in verse 21, I will call for a sword.
Well, let's read a little further on. Earlier on it says verse 19. In my jealousy, in the fire of my wrath have I spoken. Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel.
So the Lord is going, they're going to come down and he's going to send a massive earthquake.
So that the fishes will see the fowls of the air's figurative language, that beasts of the field, all the creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence. The mountain shall be thrown down, the steep places shall fall, every wall shall fall to the ground.
I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, and so the Russia will come down and their Confederates and it says really, he says he'll call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God. Every man's sword should be against his brother. So those that are confederate with Russia will begin to turn upon.
Russia, the Russia will turn upon her own Confederates and so there's not only going to be great earthquake, but they're going to start to fight among themselves.
This is before they get to Jerusalem.
And it says, I will plead against him, or I will enter into judgment with him. Pestilence with blood. I will reign upon him, and upon his bands, upon the many people that are with him, and overflowing them, great hailed hailstones, fire and brimstone. I will magnify myself and sanctify myself, that I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know.
That I am the Lord.
So the Lord is going to intervene with natural disasters, who might say a great earthquake, and then here you have an overflowing rain.
We have different parts of the country and I'm thinking of the Japan, you know how they had an overflowing rain in 2015, I think it was. And they had all kinds of mud slides and mountains that came down. And it just, it was a judgment. It's it's going to be similar judgment from God. God is going to send overflowing rain, great hailstones. He's going to destroy.
Those ones that come against his nation, Israel.
You know, we sometimes wonder what's the end? What is the end of all all these nations? You know, there's all kinds of, there's wars, rumors of wars and even in the day that we live in, it's not the prophecy of being fulfilled. You know, when the prophecy, the prophetic clock starts.
You know when it starts, It's not. It's not moving right now. The arms on the clock are stopped and they won't start moving until something happens. There's one thing we could look at. Daniel 927 is really the key to understanding it.
Daniel 9/27.
He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week, and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. But this is the comment here. He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. So there's going to be an agreement made between the United States of Europe, the revival of an empire.
That 10 nation Confederacy that will form very shortly.
I wonder how quickly it could form.
You know, what's happening in Europe today is that they're banding together in the nations are trying to find enough oil and gas and so on, and they're trying to figure out how they can defend themselves if Russia decides to acquire more territory and so on. They're banding together.
The end of all things, and we don't have long to stay here.
And Russia, you know, in prophetic scriptures, is isolated way up in the north, isolated. She has influence with the Arab nations. She has influence with the Muslim nations in Africa, and so on to the South of Israel.
But she's isolated, she's not a part of Europe.
And so it was the last few years, 2025 years, when she had McDonald's and had all kinds of Western automobile factories and all those sorts of things. That was an anomaly. They had a little preference of light.
And now it's going back Into Darkness. It's a country that's isolated. And she'll have her own, developing her own allies. You know, saw a headline not too long ago in the news from Israel, Israel becoming alarmed at Russia's influence among.
The Arabs. The Arab nations.
Yeah, they're becoming learned.
But that nation of Russia?
Things are being set up, and I didn't think that we would see some of these things when we're here. You know, I didn't think that we would see it forming this way. But what we are seeing, I believe, is that Europe is solidifying. The Lord is allowing that. They are now turning into them among themselves and discussing among themselves how to preserve.
That continent.
And Russia is becoming more and more isolated, and she is leaning more and more upon her own allies.
God's not surprised she's written of these things, you know, it says in chapter 39 of verse one. Therefore, thou son of man, prophecy against God, say thus saith the Lord, and behold, I am against thee, O God, the chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal.
Moscow, I will turn me down and just put a bracket around this leave, but the 6th part of just put a bracket around and it's not there. It's been inserted. It says I will turn me back and lead thee and will cause me to come up from the north parts and will bring me upon the mountains of Israel. I will smite thy bow over my left hand. I will cause an arrow to fall out of the right right hand.
Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel.
You can read the rest of the chapter, but it's.
They're going to have a burying place, the Valley of Ham and Gog. That's in verse 11. Seven months shall the House of Israel be bearing them.
Well, that's the end of Russia and her allies.
But you know, it's not quite the end of 1000. Years will pass.
And 1000 years, there were going to be nations that subject themselves submit to the authority of the word and will not rise up because they know that if they do that, they'll it'll cost them their lives. But at the end of the thousand years, let's read in Revelation chapter 20.
It says.
Let's read verse 6.
Blessed and holy is he that hath heart in the first resurrection. On such the second death has no power, that shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign within 1000 years, and when the 1000 years are expired, Satan shall be moved out of this prison.
And she'll go out to deceive the nations that are in the four quarters of the earth, gaug and Mingogl to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the Saints are about. And the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven, and destroyed them. And the devil that deceived them was cast from the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and there.
Day and night, forever and ever.
Well, here's 1000 years later. They've already had this massive graveyard in the land of Israel, the whole valley.
And they didn't learn a lesson.
They had perfect world government, They had Lord Jesus.
And those that.
We're reigning with him. They saw the prosperity of the nation of Israel.
And the Satan was loosed for justice a little time. We're not told how long they'll come out and deceive the nations that yielded feigned obedience.
And he'll deceive them. Russia will lead another armed rebellion against Christ himself.
And the Lord himself will destroy them. And you know the that will be the end of those nations that have rebelled against him. So you know, we can take comfort of this in this, in these days when we see war and all kinds of things that perhaps disturb us.
You know that the Lord has written the last chapter. It's all going to turn out for His glory and He will be glorified in all understanding. He's going to bring it all into subjection. And then we have the new heavens and the new earth. Well, we kind of ran out of time, but we'll.
I think we got something. I hope you've got a little bit something.