What Is Sin?

Duration: 39min
Children—Caleb Buchanan
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Look over it, find some songs that you want to sing. This is a children's meeting, so the children's songs are on the Backpage.
If you don't have one, you just have to share with someone next to you here.
Who has a song to start out with? Which song did you want?
Which one?
46 OK #46 Glad tidings. Good. That's what we're going to talk about this morning is glad tidings. Good news, but let's sing #46 Glad TI.
That's a matter just come to USA me.
And because.
I have to.
Be in Him and have all their sins now washed away.
Good, good. We've got so many kids up here. We don't have quite enough chairs for everyone. But if more want to come up front, I'm sure we can find another chair. I see some of you sharing chairs. That's nice. OK, who else has a song?
17 #17.
Have you any room for Jesus? It's a question.
Let's sing #17 have.
Room for pleasure, room for business.
But for Christ the crucified.
Not always that we can enter.
In my heart for gratitude life.
During while you may have you any time for you.
Because I'm crazy from the killer.
Hope you take his time and standard.
Tomorrow you may call it baby.
Lord 40 + 4 of glory.
Haze, that is, not really.
The last verse was talking about time.
How much time do we have left?
We don't know, do we?
Might, might not be very much and I think that that's the case. I don't think we have very much time, you know.
If one of you boys and girls or somebody may be farther back listening in, knows that they need to accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior, but maybe they haven't done it yet. Now is the time to do it because we don't know how much time we have left. Or maybe you've accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior and you're thinking, well, someday I'm going to start living like a Christian. I'm not really living like a Christian now, but someday I'm going to start living like I should.
How much time do we have left to live for the Lord Jesus?
We need to make those decisions now when we have time. OK, how about another song? Go ahead.
40 #40 I'm glad you gave this one. Now this is a good song. Jesus loves me, I think everyone.
Even some of the little ones know this song, so let's sing it. Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me, this I know.
Lost me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, because I slaughtered me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me go my back and he waits to make me laugh. Ways to pull me in his arms is safe from every heart.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, because I slush me.
Yes, please stop swatting sleep, but I will tell you what tells me so.
Jesus loves me, loves me still when I marry me, Gandalf.
Promised shining with my heart comes to watch me where I lie.
Yes, Jesus won't speak. Yes, I see, I slice me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me. He will stand close beside me all the way.
If I trust him, should I die, he will Take Me Home. My heart.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus likes me.
Yes, she's a slump straight the Bible.
Tells me so.
OK, we're going to bow our heads and look to the Lord right now, OK?
Our God and our loving Father we give. OK, that was kind of an easy verse to learn, wasn't it? Only 6 words right now. I want to talk about that verse a little bit this morning though, and maybe we can go through it kind of slowly and talk about some of the words. The sting of death is sin. It's easy to learn, but sometimes, you know, we learn the words, but we're maybe not quite sure what they mean, how, why God says it the way he does.
So let's go through the verse and let's talk about some of those words. Let's go from the end of the verse back to the beginning and let's talk about that last word.
Sin. First of all, who can tell me what sin is?
What do you think sin is? You have your hand up in the air. What do you think sin is?
It's something that.
Is bad and you can't do. You're exactly right. It's something that's bad, something that we're not supposed to do. Is that what you were going to say? Something like that? OK, good. Then it was something bad. I think we know that, right?
Who decides what is good and what is bad?
If something bad is sin, who decides?
It's the answer.
Our parents, yes, that's very good. That was one of the answers I was thinking of.
Our parents say maybe they say I want you to sit down and finish your homework and not get up until your homework is done or something like that. And then we're supposed to do that. If we don't do that, we are sinning, right? It's something bad.
But who tells us to obey our parents?
Why do we have to obey our parents?
Have you ever thought about that before? Why do we have to obey our parents, Susanna?
The Lord tells us to. That's exactly right. So the Lord Jesus, God in his word, is really the one who tells us what is good and what is bad.
You know, there's a lot of people that you might talk to and they say, well, I think that.
Telling a lie. If nobody is hurt by the consequences of the lie, it's not bad. Is that what the Lord Jesus says?
No, He tells us not to lie. He tells us to be truthful.
And so somebody else might say, well, I don't think that that that's so bad. Maybe I maybe there's some other sin that they say, well, it's OK to do it a little bit, you know. But is that what God says? No, God is the one that tells us what is right and what is wrong. I'm going to ask you some questions. I think we know some things that are wrong, like telling lies. We know that telling a lie is wrong, right?
OK, I'm just making sure because I told the boy once it's a little bit older than you guys that telling a lie was wrong, was a sin. And you should have seen the look on his face. He was so surprised. He had never heard that lying was wrong. He said lying is a sin.
He looked at me and I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. He was very serious. And so, yeah, we told him that lying was wrong. So we know that lying is wrong, but what about and disobeying our parents? That was one that that we talked about a little bit, disobeying our parents. I'm going to tell you something that happened in our house and you tell me if this is a sin or not.
One of the rules when in our house, the kitchen and the family room are kind of all together. There's no wall in between them, but the floor changes there. In between them is one kind of floor in the kitchen, one different kind of floor in the family room. And one of the rules in our house is when we're eating snacks, we eat them in the kitchen, not in the family room.
Well, not too long ago somebody was eating a snack and they were walking over towards the family room and I saw him and I said you need to eat in the kitchen. And he kind of put his foot down and walked along the line and he said one foot is in the kitchen.
Now is that a sin?
Or not. What do you think?
What do you think? Is that a sin? That is a sin. Maybe he was obeying with one foot, but he was disobeying with the other foot, right?
And God tells us to obey, and he doesn't mean just halfway. He means all the way. So that is a sin. Now I'm going to tell you now that a little story that maybe something like this is kind of happened to you. I heard this story. I won't tell you who it was, but.
This this family, their their their mom teaches them at home and during a certain time of the day they they have a little pillow that they're supposed to sit on and not get off of it for a period of time while they do some school work.
And so one of these children needed to get up and do something, or they thought they needed to. And so they picked up the pillow with them and they held it on their backside and they went to do what they wanted to do.
OK, now you tell me, is that a sin?
Or is that OK? What do you think, Kevin? It's a sin. You're right. Because what did Mommy really mean?
She meant to stay there. And so sometimes we try to get around things a little bit. Now these are kind of funny stories, but you know what, I've talked to some grown-ups that are just as silly in the ways that they try to get around God's laws. And we can kind of laugh and think those are funny stories. But you know, we as grown-ups, we do the same thing and it's just as silly. It's just as funny. Well, it's not funny. It's, it's bad, it's wrong, but it's, we're, we're just as foolish in trying to get around God's laws. So I wanted to give a few examples so we understand really what sin is.
Not just to obey the exact words, but to obey what God means.
When he tells us or when our parents maybe tell us to stay on our pillow or whatever it might be.
OK, so that's sin. I think maybe we got to have an understanding of what is sin. So it says the sting of death is sin. Now somebody talked to me about death. What is death?
What do you think death is? What are you going to say?
When you die.
Yeah, and when you die, what happens?
I went to a funeral just a couple weeks ago of a friend of mine.
And he knew the Lord Jesus.
And at his funeral there in the in the room where the funeral took place, there was a big box up in the front. They call it a casket. And his body was in there and it looked like him the way I remembered him.
But where was my friend? Was he in that box?
No, he wasn't. His body was, but he wasn't there. Where was he? He knew the Lord Jesus as a Savior.
So he was in heaven, right? Is that what you're going to say? You're right, He was in heaven. His body was still here.
And then later on we went to the graveyard and had a burial for him, but his he, my friend, was in heaven. And so that's what death is when the soul, that's who we are on who we really are, the soul and the spirit go to somewhere else. They leave the body and they're separated from the body. So that's what death is. And I think that's the kind of death that this verse is talking about because it's talking about resurrection.
In those, in those verses before and after that. But there's another kind of death that's even more serious than this that I want to just mention here. And the Bible talks about it as the second death.
The second death can you die twice?
Can a person die twice?
God says they can.
God says they can because those who die without the Lord Jesus.
Without the Lord Jesus as their Savior, we'll have to stand before Him someday.
At a place. I don't know if you can call it a place.
Have to stand before a great white throne and beep.
Cast out of the presence of God, body, soul and spirit.
Cast out of the presence of God for all of eternity. Separation from God. You know, the first death is separation of body from the soul and the spirit, but the second death is separation of body, soul, and spirit from God for all of eternity. And that's very solemn. That's the place we call the Lake of fire. And everything that God is is not there in the lake of fire. God is light. God is love.
God is peace. All these things that God is, there is nothing of that.
In the Lake of Fire, it's a horrible place, and so I want it. It's very serious. We need to know the Lord Jesus as our Savior so that we do not.
Have to stand before him at that great white throne and be cast out of his sight. That's the second death. OK, now the sting. The sting of death is sin. Raise your hand if you've ever been stung by a bee or by something. Raise your hand if you've ever been stung. Most of us, almost all of us. Now keep your hand up if you liked it.
Nobody likes getting stung. Why not?
Why not? Why don't you like getting stung?
Because it hurts, right? There's pain.
It hurts. In fact, we use the word sting sometimes. Like maybe you bang yourself and you say, oh, that's dumb.
It hurts. That's what we use the word for. Now that's a little picture of sin, and sin hurts. Sin does hurt. In fact, I think the the word the sting of death. What is the sting of death?
What is it is sin. You're right, the sting of death is sin. So the sting that we're talking about in this verse is sin.
Now, somebody that maybe has studied a little bit of biology and some of their science classes, can you tell me what happens when a bee or when something stings you? What happens?
What's that? Well, the bee dies. You're right. A honey bee. Anyway, Some other bees don't. But what happens to you? Why? Why does it sting?
What do you think?
You're right, it injects poison and different kind of animals, different kinds of bees or Wasps and other Hornets and things they have. Their poisons are a little bit different, but it stings. Is anybody here allergic to bee stings? Maybe you know someone at school?
That is allergic. So I know some of you have allergies and sometimes those allergies can be very severe, but sometimes there are people who are allergic to bees, bee stings and something that maybe would only sting you or me can be very dangerous for that person. It can even cause death if they don't get the right medicine, the right treatment. The poison in the body brings about death sometimes. And I was thinking about that because I think that's maybe a little picture of what the verse is trying to tell us even more than a than a bee sting, which may be.
Her way. I know it hurts, but maybe it doesn't take our life. But the story in the Sunday school paper was about a snake bite, right? Did some of you read that story about a little boy that got bit by a rattlesnake? And that is a lot more dangerous poison, isn't it?
I was thinking about that story and I want to tell you another story about.
Snakes and snake bite. This is a true story and it happened not in this country. It happened in in Ecuador, in South America.
And there was a bus traveling from 1 village to another village in in the jungle there and going through the jungle out out there. And the bus was driving down the road and the bus driver saw a snake on the road that he recognized immediately as a very poisonous snake.
Well, he.
Didn't like that kind of snake and he ran over it with the bus.
Well, he wasn't sure if the bus did the damage. It actually killed the snake yet. So somebody on the bus offered to go out and make sure that the snake really was dead. I don't know if he had. Maybe he had a machete, which is kind of like a long knife, and he was going to finish the snake off.
Because they don't like those snakes. They're very dangerous. Anyway, he got out of the bus and went to make sure that the snake was dead, but it wasn't and he got bit.
Well, immediately the bus driver knew this man needs help. He's been bitten by this very poisonous snake. And the man got back on the bus and the bus driver just drove fast to get him to a clinic in the next town or wherever it was he was going. I don't know where the where the clinic might have been, but he was driving fast to save this man's life. Well, you know what, I wish there was a happy ending, but there's not. The man died from the snake bite before they even got to the next village, before they got to help.
Because he.
Got bit by a snake. The bus driver knew when he was sitting on the bus that this man is dying because he has poison in him and he was trying to save that man's life.
He lived for a while, but he died. You know, each one of us is just like that man.
We had the poison in our flesh.
And we, if we don't get treatment, are dying, are going to die.
And so just like the bus driver, sometimes somebody comes along and tries to save your life. Maybe it's a parent or Sunday school teacher or a gospel preacher, and they try to get your attention so that you pay attention and get serious about this and get the help that you need. Because we are dying because of sin. That's what the sting of death is. The sting that that that brings death is.
Sin Now I didn't hear exactly what kind of snake that was, but I did a little bit of research and I am very confident that it was that it must have been a snake that they call.
The ekis or that's the that's the the letter X in Spanish. So if you said it in English, you would say the the X the Eckies. Now I think we have a different name in English.
We call it a fur de Lance. It's a Viper and it is very poisonous. In fact, it is the most people that die from snake bites and all of the Americas die from snake bites caused by this one snake, and it is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. I don't know, maybe it is the most dangerous woman, but I'm not going to say that for sure now.
A couple things about this snake that are interesting and I believe that God gives us lessons, gives us pictures in his creation just like he gives us pictures in the word of God. He gives us pictures in creation too to help us understand things like the sting of death is sin. A few things about this snake it is very poisonous and it also.
Can. In fact, the local people down there say it flies. Well, it doesn't really fly, but it can jump a long ways.
And not only that, but it is a very aggressive snake. It doesn't think twice about striking.
Biting. It's a very dangerous, very snake. Kind of like sin. Very dangerous and very deadly. Not something that you would want to play around with, right?
Now the equis.
A few things that I thought just give you. It has an X shape on its back. That's why it gets its its its name. It's kind of.
A a a a pink or a color, bright color. And maybe you would even think it's pretty. I don't know. I don't think very many people think snakes are pretty, but it has an interesting design on the back.
That man that got off the bus, I don't know exactly what happened if if, if the snake jumped and got him or or what happened. I really don't know.
He went into a place that he knew was dangerous. He put himself in danger by getting off that bus and trying to get close to that snake, didn't he?
We you might say that was a foolish thing to do.
But sometimes we.
Do the same thing with sin.
We fool around with it. Maybe we think well.
That snake was run over. It's probably not very strong. It won't get me. And we do the same thing with sin. Well, I know that it's wrong, but I am stronger and I can handle it.
That's foolish, isn't it? Because that snake, I don't know what happened in this story, but that snake can sit there and leap out, and if you're close enough, it can sometimes get you very dangerous. Couple other things that I learned about this snake.
When it lays eggs, the snake, it lays 60 or 70 eggs at once. Can you believe that? That really surprised me.
You know, there's a verse in Galatians that says.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. And that verse is warning us that we better be careful. We have to do with God. Don't be deceived. God's not mocked. And if we sow in our life, if we plant.
Bad stuff, sins, things like that. We're going to get back sins. Now when you plant a seed in the ground and it grows up, do you get one seed back?
So you plant a wheat seed in the ground and you watch it grow. Do you get one wheat seed back?
No. How many do you think you might get back?
Sometimes you might get 100, sometimes you might get 60 or 70.
You know, it's like that snake.
When it reproduces, it has a lot of little baby snakes. And you know what about those little baby snakes? As soon as they're born, they have full potency to their poison. So a little baby snake, even if it may be, it's only just a few inches long.
Has the same poison that its mother did.
You know, each of us as children of Adam, as soon as we're born, we have in us a nature that is sin. That's why we need a savior. Even boys and girls, we need a savior. But you know what I said? We were going to talk about good news. Now, this is kind of scary news. But the good news, the glad TIDINGS that we were singing about, the glad tidings.
Is that there is a remedy, there is a way to save our life, to get saved?
You know what that is, don't you?
You know who is the Savior, right?
You know who the Savior is? It's the Lord Jesus, right? You know that? I hope that you have put your trust in the Lord Jesus as your Savior. I believe that many of you probably have, but maybe some of you haven't.
Now I want to read a verse.
In First Corinth or Second Corinthians? Our verse was in First Corinthians, but let's turn to 2nd Corinthians because this is how the Lord Jesus.
Takes away, took away the poison of sin.
Let's read a verse in Second Corinthians chapter 5.
The very last verse of the chapter, I want to read it here, 2 Corinthians 521 it says he, that's God, He hath made him, that's the Lord Jesus. He hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
You read that verse, The sting of death is sin.
You know how they make anti venom?
They take the poison from the snake and put it this is the way they used to do it. Maybe they do it.
More chemically now I don't know, but they would take the poison from the snake and inject it, sometimes in small amounts, sometimes in larger and larger amounts in in animals.
And some of the animals would die, but some of them would stay alive and develop in their own body a way to.
To combat the poison and then they would extract that or they would look at it and study it chemically to figure out how to reproduce it. That's how they learned how to make medicine that would take away that would counteract the the poison of snakes. But here's a story about the Lord Jesus.
The Lord Jesus have sinned.
No, he, he never sinned. He could never sin.
To even suggest that he could have sinned is wrong because it would mean that the Lord Jesus was not fully God. Because God cannot sin, and because the Lord Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, he could never have sinned. So the Lord Jesus says in our verse, he knew no sin, He had no sin in him, He could not sin.
He was completely apart from sin, but what happened on the cross?
Let's read the verse again. God hath made him to be sin.
For us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God.
In him, you know what, When the Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross.
About 12 noon, about the middle of the day, normally when the sun might be up. Highest sun might be the brightest of the day. What happened?
Got dark, didn't it?
I don't know how God did that, but it says.
There was darkness over all the land and I don't believe that you could see the cross.
Or what was happening on the cross. But God tells us a little bit.
Of what was happening for the next three hours, the sun was dark.
You know, it says about the people who were there that saw that, it says they beat their breasts. They beat their breasts and returned into the city. Now, maybe they didn't completely understand what was happening, but they knew that something awful was happening, something terrible was happening, and they felt that and says they beat their breasts and returned to Jerusalem.
God tells us in his Word that in those three hours.
What he did to the Lord Jesus on the cross is he took my sins, all the things that I've done wrong.
And he put them on the Lord Jesus.
You know what? He took your sins if you've asked the Lord Jesus to be your Savior and put them on the Lord Jesus.
And the sins of every boy and girl and man and woman that has ever put their trust, has ever had faith in God, from the beginning of man's history all the way to the end of man's history, put them on the Lord Jesus. And then he poured out his punishment, His wrath against sin on the Lord Jesus. He made Him to be sin for us who knew no sin. The Lord Jesus didn't have any sins on His own.
But they're on the cross. So God punished the Lord Jesus, made him sin, and then poured out all of God's righteous anger, wrath against sin on the Lord Jesus there.
For three hours that happened.
Now we really don't understand what it would be like for the Lord Jesus, but you know, sometimes God gives us little pictures in the Old Testament and one of the things that he says is, is all thy waves and billows have gone over me.
I remember one time when I was swimming.
And some big waves and had a big wave come when I wasn't expecting it. And I went down and got turned around and the sand was in the water. I couldn't see. And for just a few seconds I thought I was never going to come up again.
And that was a horrible feeling.
Now that's just a little picture of what the Lord Jesus went through, not just for a few seconds, but for three hours. And not just one wave, but stroke after stroke, all of God's anger against sin poured out on the Lord Jesus so that you and me could be made the righteousness of God in him.
Now, boys and girls, we understand, I hope, a little bit of what it costs the Lord Jesus so that you could know that your sins are forgiven. Do you know that? You could know that for sure? You can know that your sins are forgiven. You don't have to hope or wish, but you can know that your sins are forgiven because of the Lord Jesus and what He suffered on the cross.
Let's bow our heads and look to the Lord.