THIS strange question was once asked by an earnest Christian. He of whom it was asked, upon first thought was going to answer, “Nothing.” “For,” said he to himself, “heaven is the dwelling place of God, that wonderfully glorious place, where sin can never enter, the home of myriads of angels, the eternal home of the hosts of the redeemed: what could be there which was made by the hands of man?” No, nothing could he think of there, that would he made by man; on the contrary, he thought of that word in Isa. 66:2,2For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. (Isaiah 66:2)
“For all these things hath Mine hand made.” And as he was about to answer: “I don’t know”, there seemed a voice to whisper to him,
“The wounds of the Lord Jesus.”
Yes, so it is, these have been made by men’s hands, and these wounds, though now healed, the Lord Jesus took with Him out of the grave, and into the heavenly glory above. When He will return to judge the world, Israel’s tribes will look on Him whom they have pierced, and they will ask Him,
In the glorified body of our blessed Lord, are, and will be forever, the wounds received by the hands of men on the cross, where He was punished for our sins, and obtained an eternal redemption for us.
Praise, honor and glory be to Him forever.
ML 06/14/1925