EVERYBODY seems to admit that there is something wrong. We live in a charming world, its beauties none can deny, yet a blight hangs over all. Medical skill increases, and yet disease abounds. New sources of fun and amusement are continually being tapped, yet sorrow broods in millions of hearts and homes. Parliaments meet, and out of much talking legislation springs, yet oppression, social misery, and discontent flourish as much as ever. We reason, and invent, we continually make fresh discoveries, yet death goes on as of old, flinging out, of this world millions of human beings every year. It may be our turn next.
So far we all agree. It is when we ask the question, "What is wrong?" that differences appear.
The tendency is to tinker with details, and avoid going straight to the root of the mischief.
Many years ago an invalid sent for his physician, a Dr. Wheelman, and, after detaining him for some time with the story of his aches and pains, said: "Now, doctor, you have humbugged me long enough with your good-for-nothing pills and worthless syrups. They don't touch the real difficulty. I wish you to strike the cause of my ailment if it is in your power to reach it.”
“It shall be done," said the doctor, as, lifting his cane, he demolished a bottle of gin that stood upon the sideboard.
This was not at all what the patient expected, but doubtless it was quite right. Politeness had hitherto veiled the real cause of the trouble, but, being thus directly invited, the doctor had both the candor and the courage to point out the source of the mischief.
Open the Book of God if you wish an answer to the question, "What is wrong?" This Book will treat you with singular candor and unflinching courage. It lifts the rod of divine displeasure and strikes at, not a bottle full of gin, but a heart full of sin as the root of the mischief.
“Your iniquities have separated between you and your God." (Isa. 59:2.)
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." (Jer. 17:9.)
“By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." (Rom. 5:12.)
These are plain words, and, what is more, they are TRUE. Sin is the root of all the mischief. Not our social system, as some men think; nor lack of education, nor insanitary dwellings, as others think; but SIN.
Nov the world—; but that is a bit too big and unwieldy; let us come down to something more within our grasp; now you and I will never be right or happy until this sin question is settled. Only One can settle it. His name is Jesus.
“Thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matt. 1:21.)
The story of Jesus you know right well, His life, His death, His resurrection. He died, remember, that he might make a settlement of sin, and meet God's claims concerning it.
“Christ also hath once suffered for sins... being put to death..." (1 Peter 3:18.)
His resurrection attests the validity of the settlement He has made; and sinner, if you would get the benefit of it, you must trust the One who made it, or else He died in vain for you.
He invites you.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28.)
He will never refuse you.
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37.)
Then you will be free and happy indeed and right for eternity! F. B. H.