Gospel—A. Coleman
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We open our gospel meeting by singing hymn #10 hymn #10. There is a Savior on high in the glory.
A Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree. A Savior as willing to save now as ever. His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Oh come now to Jesus, that dear loving Savior. Receive him this moment and peace shall be 9 #10.
Turn with me, first of all, to 1St Thessalonians chapter 4.
First Thessalonians, chapter 4.
One verse, One verse.
Verse 18.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Two Peter, Chapter 3.
Verse 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise.
Some men count slackness, but his long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. I read that verse in First Thessalonians 4. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
You know, we've had the joy. It has been an incredible joy.
To have had those two chapters before us in the last four readings that we've gone.
And I really, really enjoyed this.
This wonderful subject of the coming of the Lord, and those wonderful verses in First Corinthians chapter 15 and these wonderful verses in First Thessalonians 4, but it ends with those words. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Well, you know that was for those that are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
But I read this verse specifically for this cause.
As we were meditating on those verses about the Lord's coming in the last four meetings, I wonder if there was one person here or two, a young one, an older one, a boy or a girl sitting beside their mother and father. And as we were discussing and meditating upon the Lord's coming, was it comfortable to you?
Did you feel a little bit uneasy about it?
Did you feel a little bit uneasy about it?
I see this because I know from experience.
Because I sat in a gospel meeting as a young boy and when these verses were read, I was uneasy. I wasn't comfortable about it.
I wasn't comfortable about it because of the one fact that I didn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and if the Lord had to come.
I would have been forever lost, forever lost. And so we asked you tonight, be a little bit uneasy about this.
You know you can't get to heaven with your mother and father.
Your mother and father can show you the way to heaven, but you can't get to heaven with your mother and father's salvation. You have to come as an individual, as a guilty Sinner before a holy God. But how wonderful it is that we read those verses in second Peter, and it says the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some man count slackness, but his long-suffering and not willing in any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Isn't that beautiful verse?
And so we had the wonderful privilege of once more preaching the gospel.
At this conference.
God is long-suffering and not willing that any should perish. He doesn't want to send a man to hell.
And so he's lengthened out the day of grace so that you can hear the gospel once more. Once more the gospel message goes forth. Beautiful, isn't it? A wonderful, loving God that has his arms outstretched to this world, saying to you, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. That's the message of the gospel. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Wonderful, wonderful message.
Have you received? Have you received it?
Have you come as a guilty lost Sinner? You know you have sinned against God. Romans 323 says For all of sin, come short of the glory of God. You can't get to heaven with all your sins on you. You need the Savior of sinners, that one who suffered on Calvary's tree.
That one who died on Calvary's cross for you. He loves you. He gave himself for you on Calvary's cross for you.
And he saved me, and he can save you.
I want to bring before you a verse.
Matthew 27.
Now beloved, here tonight, this verse that I'm going to bring before you is a verse that I love to preach the gospel from.
Because it's a very searching verse.
And as I read this verse, I want you to ask yourself.
As this question is being asked, a very, very serious, important question that is being read here, this verse is coming from the lips of an unbeliever, an ungodly man. Think of it.
That God by His Spirit is using these very words.
To speak to poor lost, fallen man. Here they are, Matthew 27.
Verse 22.
Pilate sat unto them. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? Oh, what a question, what a question. And this question is being asked of everyone here tonight in this room.
And especially to those of you who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior.
This question is asked of you.
And this question especially is this that you cannot, it is impossible, impossible to get around this question. You must answer this question.
You must answer this question What shall I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ?
Again, I repeat, you must answer this question.
This man pilot, he tried to answer this question in this way.
He took water and he washed his hands.
He wanted to stay neutral.
Who was before him, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ, I am innocent of this just person. And he took water and washed his hands.
There's a verse in John's Gospel chapter 3 and verse 36 it says this.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abindeth in him. Now I ask you, is there a middle part of that verse? No, there isn't. It's only one way or the other. It's either a decision for Christ or a decision against Christ.
You cannot remain neutral as Pilate tried to do. You can't. It is impossible. You must decide, as our song says, the gospel song says, decide for Christ tonight and God's salvation. See, Oh dear one, tonight as you're hearing the gospel, won't you come to this verse and decide for the Lord Jesus Christ?
What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? I have to say this, that it was a thrill to my soul that.
When we were in Ghana, this year, Nigeria, I'm sorry.
And we had the opportunity of preaching the gospel to the prison there. 550 souls.
In this prison.
16 different cell blocks.
And when we came to the last cellblock, he was an enclosed cellblock inside.
And this verse came to me because it was my turn to speak.
Brother and I created all 16 cell blocks.
And this first came before me.
And I preached the gospel from this verse, and they told us afterwards that those prisoners were going to be executed.
God in his long-suffering mercy, not willing that any should perish, but at all should come to repentance. What a loving God, that those dear ones that we're going to be executed had the opportunity to hear the gospel once more. But think of it, dear one, tonight many of you here, if not all of you have heard the gospel over and over and over again.
And if you come to the Lord Jesus yet, are you saved yet, or are you still a lost Sinner?
Of what you, dear one, tonight I plead with you as the Lord Jesus is pleading with you, to come to the Lord Jesus tonight to be saved. It says in John 737 In that last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. Think of that the last day, and this could be the last Gospel meeting that you'll be under.
Then we'll be fulfilled.
That wonderful chapter in First Thessalonians 4 when we'll hear the shout that will take us out of this scene and into His very presence forever. But think of it. But though there might be one here tonight, remaining in their seat, lost forever. No hope. No hope for all eternity. To face the blackness and gloom of a lost eternity. Does God want to send you there? No, he doesn't.
He says, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but at the wicked turn from his evil way and live turn ye, turn ye for while will ye die that's.
Coming from the lips of a loving God that doesn't want to send a man to a lost eternity and so long-suffering not dwelling at any should perish. And he wants you to hear the gospel once more. He wants you to hear the story of the the Lord Jesus of how he went came into this world.
And how he went to the cross of Calvary, and died for guilty lost sinners such as you and I.
We sang. What does it say, those hours of darkness?
He suffered for sinners on Calvary's cross. Oh, forsaken alone. Oh, you think of that, You know, you go down in our chapter here and you go down to the 45th 1St. What does it say now? From 1/6 hour there was darkness over all the land until the 9th hour.
And about the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying, Eli, Eli Lamis are back than I. That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Oh dear one tonight. Why did God forsake his Son there on Calvary's cross in those three hours of darkness? I'll tell you why. Because he bear the sins of Al Coleman. Yes, he did. Oh, what a wonderful savior.
Study bore my sins.
In His own body, in the tree, my loving Savior, who died for me to make it all possible, where my I might have eternal life and spend an eternity with Thee in that coming scene of glory.
He wants you and I in that coming scene of glory. Are you going to be there? I know I'm going to be there. What is it? The authority is the word of God. This is it. What we have right here. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away. We have it right here, recorded in the Word of God. But wonderful words of life. Can I tell you a little incident? I don't want to do this too much tonight.
I got I got sick.
In in Ghana and so they took me to a hospital and it was 7:30 in the morning and.
They just dropped me off there and I and I went into this hospital and there was probably about 50 people in the, in the waiting room and the language I, I, I couldn't understand anything, but I had the.
Went to the front desk there and registered.
And that's everybody was speaking a foreign language and I was the only white person there. And so we're sitting there and about 10 minutes to 8, everybody stood up and held hands. And well, the, the, the black man beside me, he held my hand. So I held the hand the next fellow and somebody got up in the middle and prayed in a native tongue. You could tell he was praying.
This is in a hospital and in We all sat down and then that man stood up in the middle of the room there and he preached for about 10 minutes and then and then we.
And then they said the Lord's Prayer in English. And then the day began.
Would that happen to a hospital in Oakland in in Burbank, CA?
The word of God, the word of God, oh, it's so precious, wonderful that we have here open before us. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? There's a verse. I want to, I want you to turn with me to Lamentations chapter one.
Lamentations of Jeremiah, chapter one.
Verse 12.
Well known verse.
Is it nothing to you?
I repeat that again, is it nothing to you?
Is it nothing to you?
All ye that pass by, behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger. Oh, what is this? The sufferings of our blessed Lord on Calvary's cross. And what is He saying here? Is it nothing to you?
Is it nothing to you that the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son, suffered on Calvary's cross for you?
This is nothing to you, you know, dear one. Tonight you're passing by the cross.
The cross is being put before you tonight, even though it's been feeble and you're passing by the cross. And what are you going to do about that blessed one, the Lord Jesus Christ who died in Calvary's cross for you? Is it nothing to you? Are you going to go out of this gospel meeting tonight and say there was nothing, There was nothing? Are you going to go out of this gospel meeting tonight and go about your affairs?
And forget all about it. Forget all about what was said.
That you heard about the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ in Calvary's cross, and are you going to say it's nothing?
What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ?
Turn with me to Exodus Chapter 5.
Exodus Chapter 5.
Verse 2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord?
That I should obey his voice. Who is the Lord? That I should obey his voice? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. Who is the Lord? Said I should obey his voice, I know not the Lord.
You're going to say this tonight? I know not the Lord.
There was a Newfoundlander that came into our gospel meeting.
And after the gospel meeting, he came to me.
Dear brother.
So simple is one of those that had touched the hem of his garment.
He had touched the hem of his garment and he came to me, and he says, I knows, dear Lord. I knows dear Lord. He said that in his doofy accent. He come to me and he says, I know the Lord. Can you say that tonight is the Lord of your life? Is he? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior? Do you?
Can you say I know the Lord Pharaoh? He could say I know not the Lord.
What a solemn thing. Turn with me to 2nd Thessalonians.
2nd Thessalonians, chapter one.
And to you verse seven, and to you who are troubled, rest with us when the Lord Jesus.
Will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels inflaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power. Do you want this? Do you want this? Have you obeyed the gospel? Have you received the gospel tonight?
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord? What would a lost eternity be like?
All blackness of darkness forever.
By total banishment from a holy God. Total banishment from a holy God. Solemn, solemn go to first. John chapter 5.
First John, chapter 5.
Verse 13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that they may believe on the name of the Son of God. Pharaoh said, I know not the Lord, but you know the Lord. You have the assurance of your salvation. This is a wonderful verse to show us the assurance of our salvation.
Really, No, you see, God doesn't want us to guess that our salvation. He gives us the assurance in this precious book right here that we have opened before us. And this verse, it says these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know.
That ye have eternal life, that ye may know how precious that is. I stand upon the Word of God for my soul salvation. I know it, and I have the assurance of it. Can you say that tonight, dear friend? All He wants you to know your salvation and have the assurance of it.
Turn with me to Acts 26.
Acts Chapter 26.
Verse 27.
King Agripper, believeth thou the prophets I know.
That thou believest then, Agrippa said unto Paul, almost Thou persuadeth me to be a Christian.
Here was the man that heard the gospel. You're hearing the gospel tonight. It's people. You're hearing it, but you're responsible for what you hear.
And faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Here's the man that heard the gospel. What was this comment? Almost. Thou persuadest me to be a Christian. He was just about a Christian, but was he?
No. He was just about a Christian. But was he? No.
No, there is not going to be one almost Christian in heaven. Not one.
You have to make a total commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The verse was read earlier that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in thine heart, that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved, Jesus as Lord of my life.
He is Lord of my life. Oh, I wouldn't want it any more than that. Lord of my life. Is he. Lord of your life? Have you confessed the Lord Jesus as your own personal savior? Little boy, little girl, we sometimes sing the song. A little child of seven or even three or four may enter into heaven through Christ. The open door. Think of it. That door is still open tonight.
You can come, he says, come, for all things are now ready, yet there is room, yet there is room. You can come tonight knowing that he'll receive you. It says this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them. Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out, and I want to see this, that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son cleanseth us from all sin, and you'll never get to heaven without it.
The blood of Christ as we go to the Gospel of John and let's go to it. Gospel of John chapter 19.
We've read it many times, read it again.
Verse 32 Then came the soldiers and break the legs of the 1St and of the other that was crucified with him. And when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already, they break not his legs, but one of the soldiers with a spear, beers decide and force with came their own blood and water. And he that sought their record, and his record is true, and he knoweth that he set true.
That he might believe.
For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled. A bone of him shall not be broken. Again another scripture.
Says they shall look upon me who may Pierce. Oh, that precious blood that flowed from the ribbon side of the Lord. Jesus has washed all my sins away. Have you plead to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the land? The precious blood of Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sins.
Beautiful in this The Word of God is so beautiful. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. And you won't get to heaven without it. No, you won't. Wonderful, wonderful.
Wonderful plan of salvation that God is offering poor, lost, fallen man. Oh, if man would open. And so man has so many excuses of not coming to Christ. I get them all the time as I go about my walk downtown giving out gospel tracts. I could say that I could probably write a book and all the excuses that I got of people that would refuse a gospel tract.
But still.
God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. How wonderful that the blessed news of salvation is still going out, but some guests will be the last. Yet there is room.
You know, if the last one was to come tonight, then would be fulfilled First Thessalonians 4 and we'd be there, home, beautiful home with the Lord Jesus in that coming scene of glory. Wonderful and exciting to know that that is just before us. And I believe that we're right in the last days before the Lord's coming. But oh, how responsible you are.
As you hear the gospel.
That tomorrow may be too late, too late, too late will be the cry Jesus of Nazareth has passed by. Go to the 24th chapter of of Acts here.
Yeah, 24th chapter of the book of Acts.
Acts Chapter 24 and.
24 And after certain days, when Fetus came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewish, he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. And he, as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled and answered, Go thy way this time, for when I have a convenient season I will call for thee. He had a convenient season that was right there at that moment that he heard it.
And dear one, tonight you have a convenient season here tonight. You're here in the gospel once more. Tomorrow may be too late.
Be too late.
When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.
His season was right then. Your season is right now. Tonight. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
That's the time to come to Christ when you're young. Don't wait, Don't wait till you're 20 years old like I did. Come now, he says. Come now. Let us reason together, saith the Lord. Throw your sins be a scarlet, they shall be white as wool, white as snow, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. He said. Come now, come now, come now, come tonight. Tomorrow may be too late.
There's a gospel meeting slated for tomorrow night. Our dear brother is going to give the gospel tomorrow night.
But he might not. He might not.
The Lord might come.
Turn with me to Second Samuel, Chapter 20.
Second Samuel, chapter 20.
You know I love Second Samuel. He has so many.
Gospel stories in it that Bruce knows that I preach from so often. And here's one.
Amazing, amazing.
Was given every opportunity. David wanted him, he said. He wanted. He wanted a major for the captain of his host.
And what does he say here? Let me see. I got it here. Yeah.
Chapter 20 and verse four then then said the King David to Amesa, Assemble me the men of Judah within three days, and be their present.
So Amaza went to assemble the men of Judah, but.
But he carried longer than a set time which he had appointed him.
And you know what happened to Amazon? He died. He died. He died at the hand of Joab. Joab came up to him.
And he grabbed him by the beards.
And he jabbed that sword into him under the fifth rib. Instant death.
Instant death. He died.
He tarried longer than the set time appointed him.
What a solemn thing.
A solemn thing, that.
Would there be one person here that would carry longer?
God's time is now.
Come tonight, God is pleading for your soul tonight. Come to the Lord Jesus tonight.
He wants to save you. He's willing to save you. He's longing to save you, his arms wrote, stretched to you.
Won't you come to him? Will you turn him aside again?
Turn to Second Samuel, chapter 3.
Second Samuel, chapter 3.
Verse 27 And when Abner was returned to Hebrew, and Job took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly and smote him under their first rib, that he died for the blood of Ashley's brother. Here he is. What is joy? What is what is Abner doing? He's pleased he had killed the man he was fleeing to the city of refuge.
And that city of refuge is Christ. It's Christ. He is the city of refuge, an old year one. Tonight, if you're with, if you're still in your sins, flee to the Lord Jesus Christ and get there immediately. Right now. There's an urgency to it.
Right now, tonight, in your seat. Don't wait for the end of this meeting. Come now.
There he was.
He had his hand on that gate and he was going to open that gate and get into that city.
And Job said just a minute. And you know that is just what the enemy of our souls is doing tonight to so many. You want to get saved tonight? What are you saying to you? Just a minute. Just a minute before you get saved. Wait a minute.
Wait another day, wait another hour, wait another month. No, God's time is now.
All he had to do was open the gate and he was in there and he was staying. Johab couldn't have touched him. He was inside the city of refuge. Beautiful, isn't it? And all you have to do is to come to the Lord Jesus, to be sheltered under the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. You think of the children of Israel long ago and that night of Egypt.
When I see the blood, I will Passover you. That blood had to be in the lentil in the doorpost, and they were safe, sheltered under the precious blood of Christ.
Abner would have been safe if he had gone into that city in the City of Refuge.
But he was turned aside, and he died right there at the gate. Instantly died solemn, solemn. How solemn these things are.
Turn with me now to Jeremiah.
Jeremiah chapter.
Verse 20.
Just a minute now.
Verse 19.
Jeremiah 3819 And Zedekiah the king said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that are falling to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hand, and they mock me. But Jeremiah said, They shall not deliver thee. Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord, which I speak unto thee, so it shall be well with unto thee, and thy soul shall live. You know what King Zedekiah did.
He said I'm afraid, I'm afraid. And you know, maybe there's one here tonight that's saying this. I am afraid of reproach for the name of Christ. If I come to the Lord Jesus Christ, I am afraid of reproach of what my friends will say and what my.
Classmates will say and what the men in my shop will say if I come to the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm afraid.
And you know, that was my case when I was a young man. What would my friends say if I followed the Lord?
You know, there's a verse, and it's a very solemn verse. Turn with me to.
Revelation chapter 21.
Revelation 21.
Revelation 21, verse 8. But the fearful.
But the fearful.
Gen. Believe you, the Abomo, the murders, the ************ the sorcerers, the idolatries, and all liars shall have their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
You know this is interesting as we read this first, you would think that.
Listed first would be an idolater or an an adulteress, one of those awful sins that a man commits. But no, listed first is the fearful, a timid soul that is afraid.
To confess the name of Christ.
Is listed first solemn.
But the fearful, afraid of reproach for the name of Christ.
I want you to turn with me now to Mark's Gospel Chapter 10.
Now we've had.
Various ones here that came too late.
Now we're going to see two from Scripture here, one in Mark chapter 10.
Verse 46 Well known glorious gospel message from this blind Barnabas. And they came to Jericho, and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus sat by the highway side begging. When he heard it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.
You know, the public can say, God be merciful to me, a Sinner. That's the sinner's prayer. You know, he delights to have mercy. If you call, go for mercy, you'll get mercy. There's only one man recorded in the Scriptures that call for mercy and never got it, and that was the rich man Luke chapter 16. He never got it because it was too late. And here Barnum is calls for mercy.
Oh dear one, tonight call for mercy to the Lord Jesus Christ, and you'll find mercy. And many charge him that he should hold his peace, but he cried the great deal. Thou son of David, have mercy on me. He was a needy Sinner. And dear one, tonight you're a needy Sinner and you need the Lord Jesus Christ. And Jesus stood still. The creator of this world stood still to listen to a blind man. And you know the creator of this world.
Can stand still today and listen to a little boy or a little girl, if you'll call upon him, he says, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. That's God's Direct Line to heaven.
Direct Line to heaven, come to the Lord Jesus and they call the blind man saying be of good cheer, good comfort, rise, equality. What was his response? Did he wait? No, he did. He casting away his garment rose and came to Jesus. His garment was.
Was a hindrance to him and he cast it away. He was so desirous to come to the Lord Jesus all that there would be 1 Sinner here tonight.
That would come to Jesus in this way.
Nothing hindering you from coming to the Lord Jesus once you come tonight.
Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I may receive my sight. And Jesus said unto them, Go thy way, thy faith that made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
Luke, chapter 19.
And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho, and behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was chief among the Republicans, and he was rich, and he sought to see Jesus, who he was, and could not for the press because he was little of stature. And he ran before and climbed up into a Sycamore tree to see him free with us to pass that way. Here's another one eager to see the Lord Jesus. Oh, are you eager to be saved tonight?
Oh, what did he do? He climbs up into a Sycamore tree.
Beautiful. And when Jesus came to the place he knew, he knew Jack is. Zacchaeus was up there and he knows where you are tonight and he's seeking you tonight. The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
And he made haste and came down. Think of that. He made haste all, dear one, tonight, if you're without Christ, tonight, if you're still lost and in your sins, won't you make haste and come to the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, dear ones, tonight there is a Savior on high in the glory arisen, and a glorified Savior there in the glory, and his arms are outstretched to you tonight.
He wants you to come to Him. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And you'll find in that wonderful Savior, one who delights to save and take you all the way home to the Father's house. One that looks after you, cares for you, blesses you, keeps your wonderful loving Savior. Do you know this wonderful Savior, the Savior of sinners coming to me?
All ye that labor and are heavy laden. And I will give you rest. Shall we sing hymn #1 Almost persuaded.
Now to believe almost persuaded Christ to receive. Seems now some soul to say, Go, spirit, go thy way, some more convenient day on the I'll call him #1.
Jesus invites you here list.
To his voice, so clear.
Now falling on thine ear.
Come, wander, come.
Commend ourselves to the Lord.