What Shall I Do With Jesus

Gospel—P. Glading
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Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing palms?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? What a challenge, dear friends.
Can we all answer this in the presence of God and say yes, thank God I'm washed in the blood of the Lamb. If not, my friends were exposed to the judgment of God. How solemn the thought. Well may we sing this hymn #14.
Are you walking down in my life?
All you want.
In my life.
And my soul will rain.
Why you don't know?
How you want in the world?
A dry grown government will go around creating a life. You're right.
In my life.
And we'll be ready for the man to come, right? And we want to sit in the light.
We look to the Lord for His help and blessing.
May we sing just another short hymn #13.
#13 Man of Sorrows, what a name.
For the Son of God, who came ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah, what a savior #13.
May we read first of all.
The verse in the 19 of Luke. Luke 19.
And verse 10.
You will notice in this chapter, every verse prior to this one begins with and.
But this verse begins in a different way altogether.
For the Son of Man is come.
Friends, I know of no better news than this.
The Son of Man is come.
The blessed Lord Jesus has been down into this very scene in which you and I live. Yes, he has.
And this fact is recorded by him, by his own blessed lips in John 638.
He says, For I came down from heaven.
Well, what did he come for?
Have you ever thought of this? What was his mission to this earth?
The Son of Man is come.
What thought to abolish poverty and clean up politics?
To set the world right. No Friends 1000 times No.
This verse that we're reading here gives the answer why he came.
For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save.
That which was lost.
Who are the last ones?
Well, by nature, friends.
We're all lost by nature.
We are born in sin and shape and in iniquity.
And the scripture says in sin did my mother conceive me?
Yes, everyone of us here tonight, by nature lost.
But many of us here tonight, through infinite grace, are saved.
And friend is either that with you, you're either lost or you're saying, which is it? Answer it in the presence of God who knows your heart.
Ask yourself this question, Am I lost? What Me lost without hope, without Christ? Without a Savior? Yes, friend, that's your solemn position. If you haven't received Christ, you're lost.
Not only born lost, but you're still lost, and if you reject Christ, you'll be lost forever.
Indeed you will.
But all, how precious to read here. The Son of Man is come, our brother said in his prayer this afternoon. Jesus has come and gone.
Yes, Why did he come?
To manifest the love of His Father's heart. It's because God loved the world that Jesus came.
That's why he came. Why did he go?
Because man hated Jesus and they wouldn't have him, this world rejected him.
And this world, my friend, is charged with the deliberate rejection and murder of the Son of God. Think of it, how solemn this very world. Are you part of the world?
Remember, dear Sinner friend, if you have not truly repented and have not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are part of that world and you lie under the full guilt of that terrible act, the murder of Christ. Yes you do.
You will come under the full guilt of it and the punishment due to it if you are without Christ. What a solemn position.
We've just been reading of that Blessed One who is condemned.
Yes, condemned for you and me. But let me remind you to your Sinner friend, that if you are without Christ, you are condemned.
The scripture tells us that very plainly. John Three is at 17.
John 316 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Now it's the 18th person. He that believeth not is condemned already.
Is there an unbeliever here tonight?
Do you disbelieve the story of God's grace through the person of Christ? Are you an unbeliever? If so, my friend, you are condemned.
Obama told me a little while ago that his minister said we should not condemn sinners. God doesn't. Is that true? No, it's a lie of Satan. God tells us in that 18th verse of the third of John. The one who believes not is condemned.
I am not condemning the Sinner. God condemns the Sinner who rejects Christ who does not believe on Him.
And that Barber now is in eternity.
I was in the Barber shop the other day before coming here.
And the prior to that there were two barbers and every time I went in I gave them a track each.
This time I went in there was 1 Barber. I said where is your friend?
Dead and buried, dies suddenly.
Oh, my friend, how solemn God is speaking loudly today. He's taking this one off and that one off.
I was in the tailor shop recently, well, maybe three or four weeks ago.
To have this jacket shortened a little.
And I gave the Taylor a track.
He said, you know, I've never seen God yet. I said no, but you're going to see him, my friend. You're going to see him. Why not see him now in the person of Christ and be saved? Well, he said, I'm going down to Jamaica for two weeks vacation. And off he went, feeling happy, you know, and jolly in his own way.
About 3 weeks later I went in the tailor shop again. A strange man was in.
I said where's the tailor?
Is he back from Jamaica? He said no, he's not coming back. Oh, I said, has he decided to stay there?
He said my friend is dead and buried in his grave in Jamaica. I said what happened?
He said he was cut off.
And then I spoke very solemnly to the man in the shop, I can assure you.
But think of it, maybe you do. Young people think you have a long life before you may be the tailor thought that. Maybe the Barber thought so. They're both in eternity now. But where? Where? I don't know. I'm not the judge.
I am not the judge friend, but I do tell you this and I can tell you of a third case happened. One of our neighbors that's near home to us, my wife and I, one of our neighbors sat on the veranda with his wife one Saturday just recently. He said I think I'll get up and wash the car. The car was in the driveway. He got up from the veranda to wash the car in 2 minutes. He's a lifeless corpse on the driveway.
Yes my friend, he went into eternity in 2 minutes.
A man in good health, apparently.
All friends, do not think you can have a lease on life. You have no lease on life. You may be called into eternity tonight. And where will you go? Oh, friend, now it's settled. Have it settled now.
Where you will spend eternity, it must be in one of two places, either with Christ in the glory.
Over the damned in hell. Yes, in hell.
How solemn will we have this glorious message? The Son of Man is come. Thank God he's been here. How did the world treat him?
Ah, it's spitting in his face.
Tells us that in the 26th of Matthew.
The chief priests, Senator, people, may I just read it?
It's the most solemn scripture. Makes me tremble to read it.
The 6050 first of the 26th chapter of Matthew.
Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, hath spoken blasphemy. What further need have we witnesses? Behold, now you have heard his blasphemy. What thinking? Now listen to their answer.
They answered and said he is guilty of death.
What follows this statement? The hatred and enmity of their hearts is shown in a much worse degree. It says then that they spit in his face. Oh, friends, think of it.
Then do they spit in his face, My precious Saviour, the one who died for my sins on the cross, the one who was condemned in my place, the one who took my place in death and judgment.
They spit in his face. What have you done with him, my friend?
You know what? Pilate said. What shall I do then with Jesus? His wife said. Have nothing to do with that just man. I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. Have nothing to do with him, my friend, That's an impossible situation.
You and I, every one of us here, will have to have something to do with Jesus. We're going to meet him, and we either meet him as a Savior tonight or as a judge in the coming day. The choice is yours. Have you met him as a Savior yet?
If not, you'll meet him as a judge in the coming day, my friend. Sure as you're sitting there.
So how solemn it is.
And we have these words of Pilate, he says, what shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?
They all said unto him, Let him be crucified.
Now we have the testimony of four inspired witnesses concerning this terrible act.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all their record to the solemn truth.
The Jew and Gentile, kings and governors, priests and people, all classes.
Agree to murder the Son of God. Yes they did.
And the whole world is guilty.
And God is going to judge this world, yes.
And those who reject Christ will be judged too. It's not that he's going to judge the earth.
He's going to judge the people in it, the rejecters of Christ.
Is there a rejecter of Christ the other night?
Friends, challenge your hearts. What shall I do then with Jesus? What shall I do with Him?
You've got to do something with him.
You're either going to receive him tonight or you're going out of the door rejecting him now. Be careful.
The Lord may call you into eternity tonight. Yes he may. Three men I know of went like that into eternity, apparently well and strong, but have gone now.
Yes, it makes my heart ache to see the poor widow coming down the road.
Of this year, man.
Solomon is.
Well, what about it, friends? How do you stand before God? Have you ever put that question to yourself? What shall I do then with Jesus?
What have you done with him?
You say, well, I was not present when they all said away with him. Crucify him? No. But have you received him?
If you haven't, you might just as well.
Add to that number and say let him be crucified.
If you haven't received him friends, you'll rejected him.
Isn't that right? We either reject Christ or we receive Him, which isn't.
How do you stand tonight?
Dear young people, you've been prayed for in the room upstairs. The brothers have been pleading with God on your behalf. You, dear children of the Saints.
That you might be saved tonight.
But you might turn to that blessed one.
Owning a lost and ruined and helpless condition and receive him as your Lord and Savior.
Are you going to turn a deaf ear to the prayers of the brethren on your behalf? You're going to turn a deaf ear to that blessed One who says, come unto me.
All ye that labor in a heavy lane and I will give you rest. You're going to turn a deaf ear to his voice.
Be careful my friend, this may be your last opportunity of preceding him. You may be called into eternity tonight.
And I ask you again, where will you spend eternity? Where have you thought of it? You should think of it right now, seriously, because you may be the next one.
I might be the next one. Thank God for me through grace. It's absent from the body present with my precious Savior. I'd gladly welcome that moment. Indeed I would. I long to see the One who has redeemed me at such a cost.
Yes, he gave his life's blooded Calvary to redeem a rebel like me.
That I might be eternally saved and my sins put away.
He has cast behind his back, as we reminded this afternoon. I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. What precious words for his name's sake. Yes, God Forgives us on the ground. And what Christ has done and the sacrifice he made, and the life laid down, the precious bloodshed.
Well, this is a glorious word, isn't it? The Son of Man is come.
I asked you again, What did he come for?
He came to seek and to save the lust, Aberdeen's mission to this earth.
Do we not read of Mary? She said she supposed him to be the gardener after his resurrection. Isn't that what many people think today, that Jesus was the gardener? In other words, he came down here to beautify this world, to make it a better place to live in. Friends, He did not come for that purpose.
John 638 tells us why he came. He says, For I came down from heaven. What for not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
Well, you might question this and say, well, what's the will of the Father who sent him? And thank God we have the answer in verse 40. He says, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone would see of the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up again at the last day.
Now we know the will of the Father. It is, friends, that you should be saved. That's the Father's will for you, that you should be saved. Have you seen the Son by faith, hanging on that accursed tree, bearing the judgment due to your sins? I say, have you seen that awful sight? And yet a blessed sight?
I have my faith. I've seen that precious savior hanging there between 2 Thieves. Yes, that's how the world treated him when he came. They spit in his face and nailed him to a tree between 2 Thieves.
And we find in that 27th chapter, the world had its choice. There was Baramus. There was Jesus.
Whether the twain will either I release unto you, Pilate said they all said Barabbas.
Now Barabbas was a murderer, A robber. Oh, what a choice. Do we wonder at the police records today? Do we wonder the terrible happenings in this world? The murders, wholesale murders? It's the world's choice, my friend. The world choose a murder instead of Christ, who came to bring peace and love. He could say in Luke 9, I believe he believe it is. I came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them. That was his mission to this earth.
To save men's lives, not to murder them. What a difference. Barabbas was a murderer. Worlds that we'll have him. What is your choice, my friend? Tonight? That's what they all said.
We will have Barabbas, not this man. No, no, we will not have him to reign over us. What is your choice?
Friends, be honest in the presence of God. What do you say? You have heard what they said?
We will not have this man. Is that the language of anybody's heart here tonight? We will not have this man give us Barabbas. That's why the world is in the state it is tonight, my friends. The world made a wrong choice, the wrong valuation.
They considered Barabbas was the man for them away with Christ. And so Jesus has come and he is gone. Yes, he's gone. Gone where?
Back to the Father. The world rejected him. The Father received him back into the glory. Thank God he's there tonight.
As a living man on the throne.
Well, what a blessed message that says the Son of Man has come. Now may we just look at that word in John 6.
Verse 38.
What a glorious statement this is, for I came down from heaven. Would anybody here dispute this glorious truth that the Lord Jesus Christ came down from heaven? I do not believe you would.
Well, what did he come for? Here we have the answer again.
Glorious answer.
I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, thank God for that, but the will of him, the Father who sent him. That's why he came. And we've read what the Father's will is.
That everyone which seeth the Son and believeth on Him may have everlasting life.
What a precious statement this is.
And then we have in First Timothy 115, Christ Jesus came into the world.
What for? Again to save sinners? Who are the sinners? The drunkards?
Would you class them as sinners only? Well, God gives the answer to this.
Who are the sinners? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. All without exception.
There is only one blessed person ever walked this earth who never sinned.
And we have a four fold testimony to the perfection of Christ.
In one John 35 we find there.
He knew no sin in him was no sin. 2 Corinthians 5 he did no sin. I believe it's how it's reached and in First Peter 2/22 he maybe read them because I'm so sorry to discrote them First John 3/5.
It's a wonderful testimony to the perfection of Christ.
One John 3/5.
And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him is no sin.
That could never be said of anybody else. In him is no sin. What a statement and what a truth. 2nd Corinthians 5.
And verse 21 For he God hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin.
In him was no sin. He knew no sin.
Now first Peter 2/22.
Who did no sin?
How wonderfully statements are now Hebrews 4.
Verse 15. The end of verse 15.
If all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
And yet we read. I believe it's Hebrews 9.
Where he appeared to put a waste in by the sacrifice of himself.
What a blessed fourfold testimony to the perfection of Christ. In him was number sin. He knew no sin. He did no sin.
And he was without sin, and yet he was made sin. Yes, God made him the sinless 1 to be sin for you and for me, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
And he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Oh, what a wonder story this is of the wondrous love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And then we read, He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Who are the sinners?
I was standing on the waterfront in Shanghai.
Giving tracks to the British sailors as they went back to their warship.
And two young men came up staggering along. One was absolutely drunk.
The other young man was quite drunk enough, but he could walk. He was trying to hold the other young fellow up.
A sad, pitiful sight, I can tell you, if their dear mothers can only have seen them.
It undoubtedly would have broken their hearts, but away from home, let's have our fling. You know that's the language of many of these young men. When they get away from home, let's see the world.
And have fun. You often hear that expression, do you not? When people are partying on the railway station. We'll have plenty of fun.
Plenty of fun. I remember standing in my corpse.
In the funeral parlour, Brother Walker and I.
And he knew the man who was in the coffin there, and his son and wife stood by the coffin.
And we are asking a little about the man who died.
And the only thing the son could say was, well, you know, he had plenty of fun in life. That's all he could say about his father in in death. Well, he had plenty of fun in life. I said it. It's it's worthless now, though, friend, isn't it? There's no fun in hell if that's where he's gone. No fun in hell, my friend.
You may think, dear young people, you're going to have plenty of fun, but let me solemnly warn you, this is the only place you'll get it.
If you reject Christ and you're seeking fun.
Or if you're seeking to follow The Beatles.
And not Christ. You are going to have a sad awakening in the coming day.
Well, that's all the poor man could say. Father had plenty of fun in life.
And there he was, dead, gone into eternity, and that's the only record the sun could give. Think of it. Plenty of fun in life.
But I solemnly warn anybody here.
Who is the rejecter of Christ? There'll be no fun in hell and there'll be no water in hell either, my friend.
There'll be no precious blood in hell to wash your sins away. There'll be no savior there. And there'll be no Christians there. No, not one.
The blackness of darkness forever.
How solemn the thought away from God forever.
I often think of the Lord's words most touching to Jerusalem's He wept over it. He says I would. That shows the heart of the Lord. I would.
But he says ye would not. That shows the heart of Israel and your friends. It shows your heart too. If you will not take Him tonight as your Savior. It shows your heart. It exposes you before a holy God.
As lost, guilty, ruined and undone on the road to hell. Oh how solemn the thought. Oh dear friends, let me plead with you tonight.
Those of you who do not know Christ, who turn to Him this very moment before it's forever too late, fly to the shelter of His precious blood, for it is only the blood of Christ that can wash your sins away.
And fly to that precious blood before it's forever too late. Tomorrow may be too late for you.
Yes, that which overtook the Barber, the tailor and my neighbor might overtake you tonight.
Who so? I solemnly warn you, friend, not to trifle with the patience and grace of God.
No, He offers you mercy, salvation, forgiveness of sins right now.
Thank God the precious blood of Christ is available at this moment to wash all your sins away and make you fit for God's holy presence. And nothing else will do it, friends, nothing else whatever.
We hear sometimes when I'm going to turn over a new leaf.
Well, that proves that people who say that do not know how bad they are.
We read in Ecclesiastes God required that which is passed. How can you obliterate the past by turning over new leaf? Will that take you to heaven? You might turn over 1000 leaves and still go to hell.
It is in the case of turning over a new leaf, my friends Tisha. It's a case of taking a place before a holy God is lost and guilty and undone.
Crying to God for mercy, to salvation, and you'll get it.
That's the way I got it. Yes, I did.
I'll never forget that I either.
I'll tell you, it's a very simple thing that stirred me up to a sense of my guilt and need. Very simple thing. I was going home from the gospel meeting one night. They're just a little company of people on the sidewalk with a tiny little organ. A lady sat at the organ she was playing.
Your reap whatsoever you sow The harvest is certainly coming, and you will reap whatsoever you sow. And just those few words went home to my heart like a knife. I went away from that little company as miserable as I could be. I knew that if I were to reap what I'd sown, it'd be an eternity in hell. Away from Christ. Yes, an eternity in hell. And those few words God used to stir me up to a sense of my need and my guilt.
And thank God it was the means of bringing me to Christ. Yes, well, how do you stand? Dear young people, how do you stand tonight?
You stand in your sins before a holy God.
Or have you been washed in the blood of the lamb?
If so, you are ready for the glory.
If you are in your sins, you are ready for hell.
My brother quoted that verse in John 8 and the very solemn one too, if ye believe not. And these are the words of the Lord Jesus, not our words.
If he believed not that I am.
And that great I am is the one the world crucified and spit in his face, the beloved of the Father.
And God has a controversy with this world, my friends. And if you haven't received Christ, you are part of the world.
And you will come under the awful judgment of God for it.
Do you think the world is going to get away with the murder of God's beloved Son? Indeed not.
Oh, I think of this in a very solemn way.
We got the two aspects of the death of Christ.
Presented in Psalm 69 and Psalm 22.
In Psalm 69, I believe we have there Christ's suffering as a martyr for righteousness.
At the hands of wicked men.
And what we read in that Psalm, the blessed Lord calling for vengeance from God to vengeance upon his enemies as a solemn thought, isn't it? And yet on the cross he says, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Why? I believe it's simply this. God has two sides.
Is characterized by grace and judgment. Yes, two things. And if you reject the grace of God, my friend, you'll have the judgment of God, you will.
I don't trouble what you think of what you're saying.
If you reject the grace of God, you're going to come under the judgment of God, and perhaps sooner than you realize. Yes, you will, my friend, but there is a way of escape from the judgment of God, and it's Christ. Yes, that blessed one brother repeated this wonderful truth in the room upstairs tonight.
Christ died for our sins.
According to the scriptures. Thank God for that and that he was buried and that he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.
What a glorious statement, if Christ may not raise you yet in your sins, and your faith is vain.
Yes, but oh thank God, we know that Christ is risen. Yes, He is a living Savior to the Father's right hand.
And he's available tonight to meet you, dear Sinner friend, and all your need and ruin.
Abolish the thought abandoned the thought of turning over new leaf. Get down on your knees tonight and own yourself as the last guilty Sinner before a holy God. That's the first step to eternal blessing, to acknowledge that you're a Sinner.
I believe myself, I'm open to correction. I believe that's why the Lord sent those fiery serpents among the children of Israel.
Not merely to bite them that many might die, but to produce from their lips these words. We have sinned, yes.
And that was the way the Lord produced that confession, by sending those fiery serpents among the children of Israel.
To produce that, that statement, that confession. We have sinned, and so have you, and so have I. But thank God mine are forgiven, washed away in the precious blood of Christ. What about yours, friends?
You're either in Christ or you're in your sins. Yes, you are. There's no middle ground, you know. No, there isn't. Well, this is a glorious statement. I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
That was the Lord's primary object, to do the will of His Father, to glorify His Father here upon earth. And He did, and the only one that ever did.
Perfectly glorify God and every step of His pathway He could say with truth and the only one. I do always those things that please the Father. No one else could say that with truth. Could you say that? Indeed not, neither could I. I bow my head in shame and say perhaps I do very little to please the Father.
To solemn thought, and how true, or what failures we are miserable failures. But let us not be occupied to that side of it. Let us be occupied with the risen Christ in the glory, the one who was there for you, dear Sinner friend.
Who has gone to be to the cross for you? And God has raised him from the dead.
Yes, he was delivered for our offenses.
But God raised him again for our justification.
Well, we have then in the 22nd Psalm, I believe.
There Christ suffered as a victim for sin, not under the hand of men, under the hand of a holy God.
And Christ's suffering is a martyr for righteousness under the hand of man brings down judgment upon this Christ rejecting world.
But Christ's suffering, A victim for sin under the hand of God, opens up the well strings of blessing, eternal blessing, to those who will receive Him by faith. Yes, there's no crying for vengeance there upon His enemies, but there is in Psalm 69, and not one word will fall to the ground. Can you imagine, dear Sinner friend, what it will be when God draws the sword of judgment to execute judgment on this world which is rejected? His Son crucified Him.
Can you imagine what the judgment will be?
When that cry from the Son's heart will be met with a sword of judgment upon his enemies, yes, it will. All. Friends, I tremble to think there may be some here who will come under the judgment of God for their sins. And I tell you again, if you haven't received Christ, you're part of this world, and you'll come under its full guilt of that terrible act of crucifying the Lord of glory.
The children of Israel were told to take the lamb and to kill it it. And yet there were thousands of lambs undoubtedly slain on that Passover night. But we read thou shalt take the lamb and kill it it. Yes, there's only one lamb before the eye of God, and there's the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. And the very fact that the children of Israel had to kill the lamb would make them responsible for the death of the lamb. Yes. And my dear friends, you and I are responsible for the death of Christ.
For whom did he die if that's not the case?
Did he die for the fellow across the road, the drunkard in the gutter? Or did he die for you? Let's be honest about it. Christ died for you. He died for me. So then I say in this respect I am responsible for the death of Christ. How solemn the thought. Yes, because he died for me. He died for you to put your sins away and to make you fit for God's holy presence. Are you fit for God's holy presence?
Or you say, I'd like to know that the remission of sins is for me. I cannot even take it in that this means me, that I'm included in this.
Well, one of our John 316 we have two words there, 1A general term, and the other a particular term whosoever.
The world and whosoever.
Whosoever speaks of the individual does it not.
The world at large speaks and includes everybody. So there we have everybody, included the world and whosoever.
How can you say?
That the application of this word does not mean you, the world, or whosoever. How can you exclude yourself from the application of this statement and say it does not include me? I do not come under the title of whosoever. I do not belong to this world. It's impossible for anybody here to say that.
And then we have in the 24th of Luke, another glorious statement, bringing in the same truth. May we look at it.
To convict the Sinner that the remission of sins is for him or her.
The 24th of Luke.
Beginning at verse 2646, rather 46. And said unto them, Thus it is written, And thus it behold Christ to suffer and arise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations.
Beginning at Jerusalem.
Here we have some wonderful statements.
We have the basis, 3 special thoughts I believe here, the basis, the authority and the sphere. What is the basis here?
The remission in the 46 verse it behold Christ to suffer.
Without the shedding of blood, my friend, there's no remission of sins. No, there isn't it. Behold, Christ, to suffer. To suffer for whom? For you and for me.
It behold Christ to suffer, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission, and his precious blood was shed at Calvary. To wash your sins away in mine. Have yours been washed away?
Or you say, but wait a minute, where is the authority for this?
Blessed be God, thus it is written. Precious, indisputable authority. Nothing can change it, nothing can alter it. Thus it is written. Yes, it's written in the Word of God, by the hand of God, that Christ died for our sins. His blood was shed on the cross to wash them away.
And God says, thus it is written, ah, that's a blessed authority. And the basis of the forgiveness of sins is the suffering of Christ, the death of Christ, the precious blood of Christ.
The sacrifice of Christ, yes, that's the basis of blessing for the Sinner.
And the authorities thank God, I do of my own heart. Thus it is written.
Had it not been written, you and I would be in doubt for all eternity. I wouldn't know how he stood. Oh, thank God for these words. Thus it is written. Who has written it? Some poet know God himself. Thus it is written. Precious news, isn't it?
It behold Christ to suffer, and that's not all, is it? And to rise from the dead. Thank God for the resurrection of Christ. I repeat, if Christ be not raised, my friend, you're yet in your sins.
And so am I. But oh how glorious the truth in Ephesians 2. But now is Christ risen?
And become the first fruits of them that slept precious, glorious truth. We cannot separate them. The death and resurrection of Christ.
No, the gospel. That's the gospel. The death of Christ and the resurrection of Christ.
Two of the greatest events this world has ever seen. I shouldn't say two of the greatest. They are the greatest events this world has ever seen. The death of the Son of God and his resurrection, although the world didn't witness that.
But his own witnessed his him in resurrection.
But there are two glorious events. And then it says then that repentance and remission of sins.
Should be preached in His name among all nations.
Can you escape the application of that word? All nations?
Do you belong to a nation? Of course you do. You cannot escape the application of that word, can you? To all nations, yes. So the gospel then is to all nations. To you.
Whoever you may be, wherever you may have come from, the gospel is for you, my friend. The gospel of the grace of God, the gospel of God concerning his Son. That's the gospel. It's not something we have made-up, you know.
We haven't written books and come here to preach it now. It's the Gospel of God concerning His Son the Lord Jesus Christ and is to be preached to all nations. Thank God for that. How? That reminds us of that blessed verse in Isaiah 4522.
The blessed Lord says, Look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else, all the ends of the earth. The gospel is not for any particular tribe or nation. No, it goes out to all the ends of the earth, and the people to all the ends of the earth are invited to look to Christ with the eye of faith and receive him and their Savior. Have you done that tonight?
When are you going to do it, my friend?
Are you going to wait till death knocks at your door and takes you into eternity? Too late? Then you know no second chance is no chance after death. Do not be deceived by thinking there is, there is not.
As far as you're concerned, death ends your history here on Earth.
But that's not the end of you now God breathed into man's nostrils of breath of life, and man became a living soul.
And as the tree falls, social it like you die in your sins, my friend, you're going to be raised in them.
Whatever you might think or say or disbelieve, that's the truth of God, and that's what we're here tonight to proclaim. God's precious truth. Yes, and after death, the judgment. How solemn. Oh, makes 1 tremble to think of it.
Man says very often I'm not afraid to die. That's the end of everything. Oh, what a terrible lie of Satan. Dear Sinner friend, do not believe it for a moment.
The devil is a deceiver. He will deceive you into hell if he can.
Believe the truth of God's Word after death, the judgment for those who die in their sins.
Would you die in your sins tonight?
Or which is I trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ if death knocked at your door?
Must be one or the other.
And then we get here, something else very precious and that repentance. Yes, repentance. This is what God commands from you. Sin a friend, repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. It's a command of God and dare you to ignore it and see what you get.
You ignore the divine command of God, my friend. You do so at your own eternal peril. You will find yourself in the lost eternity in hell if you disregard God's command. God. God, not the preacher. God now commanded all men everywhere to repent. Why? Because.
Yes, God doesn't leave us in the dark, you know, because God has a point of the day in which you will judge this world in righteousness by that man. Which man? The Lord Jesus Christ. Did you know He's appointed to be the judge in the coming day. Read the 5th chapter of John verse 22 and verse 27 and see then read what the judge says in verse 24. Bless the truth.
The one who's appointed to be the judge, he turns to the Sinner and says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me.
Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death and delight. What a glorious statement, friends, just in a friend. Listen to it from the lips of the judge, the one who was appointed with the judge in the coming day, the one to whom the Father had committed all the judgment and the power to execute it, and the authority to execute it. Now the judge turns to the poor Sinner and says, Verily, verily, I say unto you.
Precious words. Thank God for those words.
He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, hath present possession.
In the Sunday School of Bermuda, I asked the children what that word meant. Half.
Little collar boy, said Sir, it means got it.
Good answer. Wasn't it? Got it. It's true. Half means got it. Not will have or may have got it. Have you got it?
If you haven't got it friend, you're without it. And if you're without Christ, I wouldn't change places with you for 1000 worlds now. I wouldn't know all the gold in the world.
Because if I left the scene, I wouldn't take any of it with me. If I did, I couldn't spend it.
I was let profit a man if he gained the whole world and lose his own soul. What shall a man give an exchange for his soul? Can you answer that question? Well, listen to this, this is precious.
That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. Why beginning at Jerusalem? Why Jerusalem was a very guilty spot on His earth.
Yes, Jerusalem was responsible for the murder of the Son of God.
And yet the blessed ambassadors were to begin at Jerusalem.
The first office of pardon would have resented the very murders of the Son of God, all friends, the grace of God. Think of it all. It makes me rejoice and thank God when I read that beginning at Jerusalem, the guiltiest spot on earth was the very place the Lord sent them to 1St.
And to present the glorious message of a free and full pardon because Christ has suffered. Think of it. Isn't that grace? Where would you find more grace than this? The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the grace of God, to send those blessed ambassadors, ambassadors to the very guiltiest spot on earth and present the office of pardon to them, the murderers of the Son of God.
I know of no grace like this, my friend. If that doesn't reach your poor heart, I don't know what will.
And to know that God is love. What does the cross of Christ prove?
Does it prove that God is love? Yes, thank God it does. It proves to that Christ gave his precious life to save you and me from the flames of an eternal hell. Thank God for that. But what is the cross of Christ proved to this world? That his guilt is consummated and his judgment sealed?
Yes, solemn thought, isn't it? Yes, this world, friend, is coming under the judgment of God for rejection and crucifixion of His beloved Son. God holds this world responsible for the treatment that afforded His beloved Son when He sent Him down here to seek Him to save the lost and to do the Father's will. Well, friends, our time is up, and the time may be up for you at any moment.
Yes, the day of grace may be gone tonight, my friend. The door of mercy will be shut forever.
Think of what the foolish virgin says. Lord, Lord, open to us. Haven't you made a mistake?
Or how awful the crime Lord Lord open to us. How withering the response. I know you're not. Yes. Oh, I trust you'll never hear these words because I have called and ye have refused. I've stretched out my hand and no man regarded.
I also will laugh at your calamity and mock when your fear cometh. Oh, I trust, and no one here will hear those solemn words. The blessed Lord is available tonight to save you from your sins and to give you the assurance and gift of eternal life, and to assure you of a home in the glory. But I say to your friends that if you reject Him and despise the office of God's grace and mercy, you will have the judgment of God and you'll deserve it, and that will be your choice.
Yes, God has done everything for you. Christ has given his life for you, his life blood to wash your sins away. He invites you to come to him tonight. He says him that cometh to me, I will in no way is cast out. Won't you come on the strength of that you're going out of the door and your sins condemned already awaiting the execution of God's judgment upon you. Oh friend, I plead with you not to do so. Get on your knees this very moment and acknowledge yourself a lost guilty Sinner and say I have sinned.
And I accept Christ as my Savior. Do it now, my friend, before it's too late.
Being the first hymn, almost persuaded now to believe.
Number one.