What Think Ye of Christ?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
What think ye of Christ? Does the question offend you? Surely not. You live in a Christian country; and should one say you are no Christian, you would consider it an insult. Why yes, you willingly adopt the name of Christ; it is a badge of respectability. But do you know Him? Is He your Savior, your life, and your Lord?
But what think ye of Christ?
"The question surprises me; I hardly know how to answer you.”
Indeed! The child of God should be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason concerning the hope that is in him. But can it be—(I suggest it)—that in you there is no hope? Are you without God, and without hope in the world? For you is the future a dread uncertainty, and death a leap in the dark? Can you go on eating, drinking, and making merry, with this great question still unsettled: "Where shall I spend eternity?”
What think ye of Christ?
"Oh, I never trouble myself about these things. It always makes me feel uncomfortable when people speak about Christ. I mean to enjoy life while I can.”
Stop, my friend, would you cease to enjoy life if you knew your sins were forgiven? Would it fill you with sorrow to call Jesus "my Savior," and God "my Father"? Would it blight your happiness to know that an eternity of pleasures at God's right hand awaited you? That a Father's welcome and a Father's kiss would greet you? Would you find no satisfaction in the thought that the sorrows of earth would soon be exchanged for the joys of heaven?
What think ye of Christ?
"Well, if you must know, I have never honestly thought about the matter. I look on such subjects as childish and I don't care to give my attention to them.”
And is that the way you treat the gospel of God? Is that the value you set on God's offer of mercy? See the Lord of glory who sends you the message, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock." Will you treat Him with such careless indifference?
What think ye of Christ?
Do you say: "I know Him as my Savior. His death has saved my soul, and the love which brought Him to it has won my heart. However, I keep my own counsel, my salvation is a strictly personal matter, and I do not care to speak of it. I am naturally of a timid disposition, and do not like to be thought peculiar.”
Are you ashamed of Christ? He bore shame, ridicule, abuse, contempt for you. Will you not own Him before men as Savior and Lord?