Oscar is a very good friend of mine, and he has a real love for boys and girls. He goes to their homes and tells them of Jesus and His love, and brings them to Sunday school with him.
In quite a few homes, the children are on the look out for Oscar every Sunday, and they run to meet him. In one of those homes, the mother was feeling rather unhappy. There was something in that home which was not pleasing to the Lord, and the mother wanted to get rid of it. Her dear little boy loved Jesus and she told him her trouble, and added, “What will Oscar think, when he comes on Sunday and sees it here?”
“It doesn’t only matter, Mother, what Oscar thinks. He only sees it on Sunday, but the Lord sees it all the time!”
Wasn’t that a fine answer! Yes, boys and girls, God sees you and me all the time. He hears you all the time too, even when no one else is listening.
Have you received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
ML 12/27/1953