A MAN once said to a servant of the Lord, “I am such a helpless, miserable sinner, there is no hope for me. I have prayed and resolved and tried, and vowed until I am sick of my unavailing efforts.”
“Do you believe Christ died for your sins, and rose again?” he asked.
“Of course I do.”
“If He were here on the earth in bodily and visible form, what would you do?” “I would tell Him I was a lost sinner.” “What would you ask of Him?”
“I would ask Him to forgive and save me.”
“What would He answer?”
The man was silent. Soon the light came into his mind, and a smile of peace stole over his face as he answered, “I will,” and the man went away believing and rejoicing, and is now serving the One who saved him for nothing.
ML 01/01/1922