Children—Wally Dear
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Of course. And so.
Yeah, looks like we might be a little short on girls today, but nice to see everybody welcome everybody to our Sunday school.
And we always begin by singing. So you got a #4747 on the back, Let's sing 47 on the back.
And I'm going to make a suggestion in order to be able to say more of the songs on this great hymn sheet. Maybe we'll sing the first and last verse. Unless you indicate otherwise, we're going to see the 1St and the last verse.
They shall shine.
For his crown.
Who else says number?
So we're still on the back page #42 a little children.
Surprisingly, all kind of.
Salvation Progress.
The scene sounds very good. Who else has a number? Next number 4444.
In 2010.
Nobody ever had so listen to me.
Tell him again, Tell him again. So salvation story ringing horizon, horizon.
Nobody ever has so many people.
Bending we got the last words of his breath, your daddy answered the valley under God. Thank you sun to show her everything he.
Then I am sure that he said him for being in heaven, and lay down again.
Again, but I'll make some story between your landlord to the Omaha and play of the Children of Men, though I need ever had so beautiful truth.
Yeah, another one number 4545.
Along in previous printing not included.
Does anybody have 45?
Too little lies to the Lord little God to live in. American squirrel never left the lonely to do all of our King's prayers live and still work for him all right again.
Why do they go on time? They just take it and they take the surrounding a little bit while I'm doing a little hard. Go ahead. And now they can buy. There's no more in Jesus. That's why I've expected me.
All the way from the end of the trailers and everything.
Very good.
Who else? Anybody else?
40 #40.
#4 Jesus loves me this kind of Does anybody need a hymn sheet with that extra hymn sheets here?
OK #4.
How many know the sign language?
To the chorus, I think I know it. We'll try it. OK, so when we get to the chorus, let's sing and sign. OK, so #4 Jesus loves me.
So we don't want you to be long. They are. We find being here strong. Yes, he comes by with me.
Yeah, Jeez, that was bloody. Yeah. She's not loved me.
One or two more. Anybody else have a number?
And if you know a song that's not on the sheet, we might be able to sing it by memory. Yes #5.
Oh, happy day number 50. Happy day. That makes my joy.
Under my God, one day let's go.
Rejoice and tell us, drive yours all around.
Happy days, happy days.
I mean, let's get in when she starts my thins already. You know, as we sing this song, I look around.
And I see some happy faces.
And I believe that these people are singing this song like they really mean it. They know the happy day in their life when their sins were all washed away.
And if that doesn't make somebody happy?
I don't know what else can, but you know I.
If we know the happy day when Jesus watched as soon as the way, now maybe there's somebody here today.
They can't think of any time when they ask Jesus to wash their sins away. They never had the happy day, and so they Can't Sing with a happy face if they're like that. But you know what today can become?
The happy day now what is the date today?
Who knows?
You know the date.
Today is.
Uh, there is this time you said what? It's the 22nd. Very good. May 22.
This can be your happy day if you've never asked Jesus to be your savior. So now let's sing the last verse.
Let's all stand up and do this, shall we? We'll sing the last verse and the chorus of #5.
I'll rest, my Lord.
His hands around nor ever grow thy nor become her to do it in my bed. Very goodness. Happy day Happy day for 19 and swami's my symbol.
Umm, my sins are away.
Repeat soccer. Well, let's take time for one more song. One more song. Anybody else have a number? Yes #4 #4.
Christ is the Savior of sin.
S outstanding, therefore I want to change him. Since darkness come by his Prince, I am free praying.
Staying around, staying in frightening.
How shall I come and praise her, and let us make sense of danger for me?
Straight to the last day and then take your own standards lightly.
Shining light on my grandson.
Well, this is him. She's aside.
Your chair floor.
Now we're going to ask the Lord for his help today.
So let's pray.
Our Godfather, we thank thee this morning for the wonderful message of the gospel. We thank Thee that Thou art still saving boys and girls from their sins. We thank you for the precious blood of Jesus.
That can wash them all away. And we do pray that if there's one in this hall here today who cannot sing with a happy heart or happy day when Jesus washed my sins away, may they call upon thee today.
For salvation.
May they turn to Thee, Lord Jesus, and put their trust in Thee and in Thy precious blood that was shed there at the cross of Calvary, in love for our souls. And so we commit this little sunny school today, thanking me for the opportunity to be together, and we just pray that Thy word might reach deep into each of our hearts.
At the entrance of thy word, give light, bring salvation. We ask this as we can.
Thy grace and goodness following the precious name, the Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen. Now I got something in this box.
It's big. It's got big eight lakes.
But don't worry, it's not going anywhere. It's gonna stay right there.
I wanted to show you something else.
Before I'm looking for the box, you see this book here. What does this say?
Holy Bible. Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible is the best book we could ever read. We sing a song about that, don't we? The best book to read is the Bible. If you read it every day, it will help you on your way. And so how wonderful to have.
The Holy Bible.
Oh, oh, Oh no.
This is not good.
I opened up the Holy Bible.
Look at this.
Is your Bible like this? No, no. Look at the law is Bible. It's filled with words.
I am so.
Thankful, I just rejoice. I'm so happy that I got a Bible like my Lord.
They're not a Bible like this.
Can you imagine how waffle it would be if we came to the Sunday school today and everybody opens up their Bible and there's not a word in the Bible?
That would be awful. It would be terrifying.
You put it very well terrified.
You know what David said.
In Psalm 28.
He said unto thee, Will I cry, O Lord, my God, be not silent to me. Let if thou be silent to me, I become like those that go down into the pit.
He's referring to hell.
You know, we got a Bible. It's got words, the King James Version of the Bible.
It has about 783,000 words.
Is the word of God, and God is speaking to us through this book and he's telling us.
About how bad we are, but how good and loving He is and how we can be saved.
It's all in this blessed book, the Bible.
And so, boys and girls, we can thank God for this 4th out. The fact is, there's some people in the world that don't have.
And I got this little book from.
Organization that is seeking to bring the Word of God to all the different languages.
It's about 7000 languages, I believe, and they say there's about 1700 of their languages where there's not even a portion of the word of God. So these people are trying to translate this Bible so that other people can read the word of God like we are here today. The sad thing is there's many people.
In this country and in the United States, and they don't care.
If the Bible would look like this, in fact, they don't want to hear God speaking to them. I hope there's nobody like that here today.
Because God speaks to us.
In his word.
Can be the joy, the joisting of our heart. You know that's what Jeremiah said. He said thy words were found, I did eat them, and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.
So we got the Bible.
Everybody has words in their Bible.
Today I want to open up this box.
Has anybody here ever got stung?
Yeah, how did you get stuff?
***** in the ear.
Right here a ***** my that sounds painful.
Are you OK now?
Quite a while ago. So you're OK now? OK, How about you, Rachel?
Where'd you get some? How did you get some like?
Call my wife, I wish to walk in by myself.
Right. Walking by a log, lots of water, one came out.
Were you pointing at the WAS?
Not really, because I know a man.
I don't know why the bees seem to be attracted to him.
And he saw AB and he pointed.
Has to be like that. And that fee came right? We stung him on his fingers and hit.
Never forgot that.
I don't think he ever will, even though the pain went away. Now where'd you get stung by AB? Right here.
Right over.
Well, you know, that's not a very nice thing. So we got somebody stung by a Hornet and we got somebody stung five feet Hornet B.
Wasp and wasp.
OK, so we got the three stingers.
Now I got something in this box.
And I told you, it's eight legs.
You know what?
I think you know what it might be.
Put up your hand if you think you know.
Exactly squats.
Scorpion now.
This scorpion.
Is bigger than most scorpions.
In fact.
I don't know that there's any, I don't think there's any scorpion in this size, but what I would like to do.
Is to put this fellow together really quick. See, he wouldn't fit in the box.
With his legs on so he had to.
Take off the legs.
OK, but I think we can put these legs on.
Rather quickly. So let's see what we got going here. This goes in here.
Like that?
I mean, this leg here goes here.
And has anybody ever been stung by a scorpion?
Well, earlier this spring.
We were out visiting in the southwest.
Please call Arizona.
And that's where my daughter lives.
You know, there was a man that came to service a couple of tanks.
Gas tanks.
And it's interesting that, uh, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, I think they were.
There at the same time as this man came to work on these these tanks OK LP tanks.
And he came over to us and he said, you know what you got Scorpions.
Underneath those tanks, and you better be careful. And we didn't know about that. But see scorpions, they like to live.
In a dry place.
And in a dark place.
So they wanted to get rid of those scorpions.
Out of their yard.
And you know how Mr. Buchanan, he did that.
He went out.
At night when it was all dark and he had what they call a uh.
A blue light or an ultraviolet light?
And when he shone that light on the ground, the scorpions.
They began to glow.
And it was really amazing. They see a scorpion, he's got some kind of.
Chemical in his body that responds to the the blue light.
And it takes begin to glow at night. And then you can kill him because nobody likes scorpions. Is there anybody here like scorpions?
No, of course not. We want to get rid of the scorpion. Now this model here, I must say I had a hard time keeping the tail up like that. But you see on the end of this tail.
That's where the Stinger is.
And at the base of the Stinger, there's a little sack, like a little bag.
It's got poison. We call it venom. And when this scorpion.
Strikes and stings, Maybe another insect.
Or some creature of some sort, or maybe even a human being.
Maybe a boy or a girl. Then this venom comes out and it's poison, but rarely.
Scorpion sting.
Kill anybody but it makes them very it can make them very sick and it can be very, very painful. But usually they walk around like that because.
Before they sting.
They want the object to be right there in front of them so that Stinger tail comes right over and stings.
You say, well, I thought this was supposed to be a Sunday school father, Lord Jesus.
Well, it is, but you know the Lord Jesus spoke about scorpions.
And I just like to tell you a little bit about what the Bible says about scorpions.
All right, how many here I've seen a scorpion?
Beside this one.
OK, I see quite a few have seen one time.
I want some place and somebody had a scorpion as a pet they got at the pet shop and it was a rather unusual pet, but in any case.
The Scorpion.
It has a Stinger.
And it's not nice. And I think in the Bible the scorpion would speak to us, represent the power of Satan.
I like to read a verse and this is in Ezekiel chapter 2.
That's a little bit hard to find. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel. You don't have your Bible. Just listen.
You see the Lord, he sends Ezekiel.
To speak to the people who have turned away from God.
They don't want God, they want to go their own way and they were even worshipping idols.
And Ezekiel, he was sent with the word of God to these people. It was to the nation of Israel, because they were rebellious and they were stiff hearted and God in His goodness sought to communicate with them. He didn't just destroy them, He sent His word through His.
Servants Ezekiel. Now listen to this Ezekiel chapter 2 and verse 6.
The Lord says, Thou son of man, be not afraid of them.
Neither be afraid of their words.
Both briars and thorns be witty, and Dow dust dwell among scorpions.
Be not afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.
Now the point here.
Have you ever tried to talk to somebody about the Lord Jesus?
Maybe at school?
Or in your neighborhood.
And you find that.
Whoever you're speaking with doesn't want to listen.
He don't wanna hear about Jesus. They don't wanna hear.
The Word of God, they don't wanna hear the gospel.
And you almost feel like you're among scorpions.
And that's how the Lord describes his people, that it turned away from him. Scorpions, I remember one time.
I was.
In a place I saw some young people and they were sitting there at the table.
So I thought, you know, these young people, I think they need to know about Jesus.
They need to know how to be saved and so I walked up.
And I had a cracked in my pocket and I said, here's a little message of God's love for you.
You know what the young man said to me?
You said buzz off.
That's what he told me.
When he said that I started wondering, does he think I might be?
But the Stinger I, I think the fact that I tried to give him a gospel tract, it almost was kind of like a stink.
But the fact is, I kind of felt a sting myself.
Because of what he said.
So you know what I did? I just buzzed off. Yeah. I didn't stick around. They didn't want to hear it. Well, that's how these people were that we're reading about here, right here in Ezekiel. But you know, the Lord says to Ezekiel even because.
They're retaliates and they're stiff hearted.
Don't be afraid of them. Don't be afraid of their words.
And don't be dismayed by their looks.
You know boys and girls.
If somebody like that tells us to buzz off.
What we need to do is to post to somebody else.
We don't want to just give up.
Passing out tracks, telling others about Jesus because somebody said something rather nasty. And so the Lord here told Ezekiel, don't get discouraged, just keep on keeping on.
And I always recall with the Mr. John Kemp told me one time he says we need to be like corks. You know what a cork does when you push a court down into the water?
Just bounces back up and sometimes we find people try to put us down, but we need to keep on keeping on for the Lord just and the Lord will help us and the fact is we're on the winning side now if we turn over to.
Luke's Gospel Let's see what the Lord Jesus has to say about scorpions.
And I find this to be a great encouragement.
In Luke chapter 10.
Luke, chapter 10.
We find that the Lord Jesus had sent our disciples 70 to, uh, preach his word.
And also they had power over the devils, and in verse 17 they returned and.
These disciples, they say, Lord, the devils are subject unto us through thy name. They thought this was wonderful.
And in verse 19, well verse 18, he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
There was a boy named Billy.
And Billy, he used to come to the Bible hour. We had Lambert Lake. We lost track of Billy, but we just crossed paths with Billy just recently after many years, and we happened to find him in a interesting.
Place while it was in a bookstore.
And you know, Billy, he was asking, well, how's the Bible hour going?
But I always remember Billy coming out one day after a meeting. This was years and years ago, he said. The power.
Of the Lord is greater than the power of the devil.
I said, Billy, that's very true.
We need to keep that in mind.
Now we know the power of the devil is great, much greater than our power, but if we're on the Lord's side, we're on the winning side, because the Bible says, if God before us, who can be against us? And here the Lord says he gives his disciples power to tread on serpents and scorpions. But in the next verse, verse 20. Since notwithstanding this, rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you.
Rather, rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
Let me ask you a question.
Is your name written in heaven?
I'm sure it's written.
On the record book at school, on the attendance chart at school, You got your name there. But the question is, what about heaven? You know, the most wonderful.
Truth is.
To know that we're saved in our way to heaven.
And all those that have accepted about Jesus put their trust in Him.
We know that we're going to spend eternity in heaven.
And that's wonderful to have our names in the Lambs book of life. But you know, as we go through this world on the way to heaven, God gives us the ability to overcome the power of Satan because the Lord Jesus at the cross defeated Satan. Did you know that it tells us in Hebrews chapter 2 That through death or by death he has destroyed him who has the power of death or he has made him weak and.
Delivered them through fear of death all their lifetime subject to *******. Now the Lord helps us day by day. Let's turn back.
This is Deuteronomy chapter 8 reference again to scorpions.
Deuteronomy chapter 8 and watch the time.
And here's what the Lord says.
Speaking the word of God.
Tells people how that the Lord had provided food for them.
From the skies, demand is coming down. Water out of the rock a couple of years ago. How many were here two years ago? Was it two years ago when Mr. Roach, he showed us how we get water out of a rock? Anybody remember that?
He had a big rock.
And I think somebody went with a stick and hit that rock.
Water keeps flying out all over the place.
Remember, of course it was bottled water and everybody was able to have a drink and that was so nice. So the Lord gave water out the rock. But here it also tells us in verse 15 to around 8:15, Who led thee through the great and terrible wilderness wherein where fiery serpents, these guys.
I researched it out there in the wilderness.
They were Slytherin around.
But they were out there in the desert, but something else was out there with the serpent.
What does it say? And scorpions.
Where they work. And you know, the Lord protected his people and he brings him through this desert and it tells us.
That it was.
Day by day.
You know we have a wonderful guide. He's an all the way home savior, saves our souls for time and for eternity.
And we're all in the desert. You know, we've been singing in these meetings how the world is a wilderness wide, and we look forward to the day when we're gonna be with Jesus.
And the Lord Jesus is coming back, perhaps today. I hope the boys and girls are ready to meet Him when he comes.
How can you be ready? A qualifying PM say, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner, I want to be safe, I want to go to heaven. He's listening to wash his sins away.
Now just in closing.
Years ago we were on a bus. It was down in, uh, Mexico.
And all of a sudden, this man jumps out of his seat. He starts shouting to everybody on the bus.
Your single medicine is bueno.
Para loskeenen.
Contra log este medicines muy bueno.
You know you still.
Do a song This right here.
And this medicine here, it tells us on this bottle how you can take a few drops and put it into lukewarm water and then you drink it. And if one of these guys bites you.
Then the pain will be as severe.
And I don't know if anybody ever thought one of these on the bus beside myself, but I bought 1:00. Not that it was so much afraid of it, scorpion, but I just thought it was interesting. And so it shows a picture of the scorpion.
And the interesting thing it tells me here too, if you got a toothache, you can, uh.
Saturated cotton in this put on the tooth and it's supposed to take away the pain so I don't know about that. Interesting.
You know, it's involved in Stunned and in the Bible, I think the one place where it says steam of death, and that's over in First Corinthians chapter 15. We don't have time to turn to it, but you know, boys and girls, people are afraid to die because they know they're going to have to meet God.
And they're in their sins.
And they're terrified. Often that's a thought. But you and I, we have a remedy.
For the stink.
And it is the blood of Jesus that can wash our sins away, so that we are before God, holy without blame.
Perfectly clean from all our Saints.
And there is no sting to death because.
Since I've gone the precious blood of Jesus, what a wonderful savior we have now.
This is a real scorpion.
And I'm going to.
I'll tell you what I see our time is we're going to pray. And if you want to look at a real scorpion.
And come up and have a look.
Yeah, that's not a big scorpion, but it's quite a size. Scorpions can get up to maybe 9 inches really big, but that's just.
Let's sit down just while we pray and then then you can come up, OK?
Dear Father, we thank Thee this morning that we have thy word to encourage our hearts and we think of how thy people evolve. They they walk through this.
And their clothes did not wear out.
And their shoes did not wear out, and their feet did not swell, and they got food, they got water, and they were preserved from the fired surface and scorpions. And so we see that goodness in all of this. And we thank Thee for Thy provision for us today, too. We thank Thee that we have and all the way home, Savior, to protect us from the power of Satan.
And from his.
And we thank the two for the Lord Jesus, who on the cross gave his life and shed his precious blood in order that the sting of death might be removed. So we thank thee for each one here today who has the assurance of salvation. But we do earnestly pray that there's one who has never yet called upon Thee that they might do so even now as we're praying.
They might be saved and have their sins washed away and know it and enjoy it.
And so we pray Thy blessing and the Gospel as it continues to be sounded for it.
Yes, and give thanks in the precious worthy name of our soon coming Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.