Where Is Hell?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
That is a frequent question nowadays; and because the answer cannot be given, the questioner concludes that there is no hell at all.
But that conclusion is false. You might as well say to the police officer, who is about to arrest you on account of some breach of the law, “Where is the jail?”
The jail exists. Its location is known to the policeman, and there the offender has to suffer. The fact that you do not know the locality of the prison does not do away with the prison itself.
So, if God has not revealed to us the whereabouts of hell, it does not follow that such a place does not exist.
Nay, but God knows where it is. Even if He has not seen fit to tell us, He has declared in many ways its dreadful nature. Without here detailing these ways, suffice it to say that, as heaven is pointed out as the place of bliss—the fruit of sovereign grace to guilty men who believe,—so hell, as the lake of fire, is foretold as the place of punishment for the lost. Its locality is concealed, but its character is made known.
“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still,” is the solemn and certain seal of the abiding condition of those who are found there. Hell does not change the disposition of the damned. A man goes there a God-hater: its punishment may make him fear, but it cannot make him love.
Love is not the creature of wrath; and yet without it heaven is impossible. “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema, Maranatha.”
Hence the gulf between heaven and hell is fixed.
It is of eternal importance to get the knowledge of the love of God today—yes, of eternal importance! Today God saves the vilest,, if he will, by faith believe in the shed blood of His Son. There can be no hope, no salvation, no escape from an unalterable doom for him who believes not.
Because you don’t know where hell is, don’t disbelieve the fact that Hell is!
“Where” and “how” are the two great questions of infidelity. Guard against infidelity.
“Do you know where the rocks are, captain?” said a passenger on board a steamer.
“No,” said the captain.
“You don’t know where the rocks are?”
“No, I don’t,” he replied.
“Then how can you guide the ship aright?”
“Because I know where they are not,” said he.
Wise man! He believed there were rocks, though he could not see them. By the aid of his chart he kept clear of them.
Reader, the Bible bids you keep clear and warns you of shipwreck. No matter where hell is, its existence is declared. Let that be enough. Act in the faith that leads a sinner to the Savior, that you may have peace with God through Jesus Christ. Otherwise, what is unknown today will be discovered with endless regret when it is too late.