Where Love Is

Open—A. Dominguez
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No, I'm gonna enjoy the.
Book of Revelation lately.
And it's been so much precious to my soul.
To know that umm.
Loving God, tender God, in spite of uh.
Ready to execute judgment?
Because it's not known as the Father, but.
The judge Christ, who is going to set up his Kingdom, there is still mercy towards this world.
Our brother.
Uh, mentioned in Philadelphia.
What characterizes that assembly was because of, uh, faithfulness.
There was weakness yet, but it was faithfulness at the same time.
That was what it was, much value.
To the Lord because we noticed the Lord doesn't present himself to Philadelphia as in the first chapter with all those characters of Josh.
But with his moral character.
As he's presented to the beloved ones.
And then in in a book full of judgment, there is still mercy love display in this book.
And uh, my brother says Philadelphia means brother-in-law and, uh, how we characterize.
With that love.
And we umm, in a certain major display that love to others.
Or we are full of intellect.
Or we are full of, uh, knowledge of the world, and we neglect something very precious to the ship of the Lord Jesus Christ.
His care for them.
To be mindful the ones that are suffering.
Those ones that they are going through trials like Brother mentioned.
But we are just.
Umm umm, filling up our heads just with knowledge.
That perhaps, uh.
It might bring blessing to us all, but on the same time it might bring division.
So how important to see that, umm, we take the word of God.
Not as intellect, not as wisdom, but we are knees on the floor.
To bow before him.
To us from the Lord guidance.
Direction How to say to other to others to bring blessing instead of destruction. Now let's look at the Gospel of John.
Chapter 8.
That's something that I really enjoy in in recent, uh, readings that we have in the local assembly.
Chapter 8.
Verse 42.
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father.
You could love me.
What I precede for, and I came from God. Neither came out of myself, but He sent me.
And you notice.
That he's addressing to these parties the Lord Jesus Christ.
And they're boasted because they pretended to know Jehovah, they pretended to know the God that was revealed to Moses, but their heart was a wave far away from from the Lord. They they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. They were full of knowledge, but there was no ground in their hearts.
Uh, to the person of Christ, to the Lord Jesus Christ. So the Lord has to utter to them, Ye good loves me, for I proceeded, for I came from for God.
You know the Gospel of John characterizes because.
He leaned on Jesus bosom. Have you ever wondered? Have you ever asked yourself why?
Umm, this expression of love is so much stated in the gospels, in the pieces. God is love, God is light for gods all over the world, and so on.
Because we know that, John.
Leaned on Jesus bosom.
How many times have you sit down and contemplate that person?
How many times have you entered into that love?
That brought the out of the pit that those children said this morning brought you out of the pit.
Into the marvellous Kingdom.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We see that the Lord is stated twice to his disciples. I mean, John stated twice that he was the one that Jesus loved him.
That doesn't mean that he didn't know Peter, James and the other ones. He got love for each one of them.
But there was something special that.
John understood, and that was to contemplate that person.
The love that brought him down like we have in the Bible readings. And he became men.
And he was obedient unto that, even the dead of the cross. So how wonderful to see that he's a God of love.
And, uh, John had special revelation for that.
Is not characterized about the other gospels, but it is full of truth. I really enjoy the Gospel of John.
And I was thinking, meditating what a brother said yesterday, that the Lord Jesus Christ never condemn a soul. You are a Sinner. He had the right to do so. So.
He could have said you are.
Sure of the glory of God are going to bring judgment to this world and.
Create something new.
That woman in Chapter 8, he says. Where are the accusers?
Nobody condemned thee.
Neither do I.
He never said to anyone. You're a Sinner.
And he was.
The Son of God.
The person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let's turn to John, chapter 13.
Verse one.
Now we pour the seeds of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour was come, that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them until the end.
Let's go down to verse 34.
A new commandment I give unto you.
That you love one another.
As I have loved you that you also love one another.
You know.
So many times I have experienced in the breaking of bread so many verses about the love of God, the love of Christ to us, and that's wonderful.
Have you ever pondered what the Lord said before He was going to ascend to glory?
What he commanded to us.
Did he knew our hearts?
Did he knew you? Did he know me?
After the the Last Supper, we could say the breaking of bread. It was a distinction between the disciples who's going to be the greatest among them.
If he knew what is in my heart.
Verse 3. Verse 34. A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you.
We display.
That love to our brothers.
Listen to Chapter 15.
Verse 9.
As the Father have loved me so.
I have loved you, continued in my love.
Verse 12 This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.
Why did the Lord repeat this twice?
It says in progress we got the speakers once, yet twice.
November not.
Be careful.
You should fix the third time.
Let's turn to 1St John Chapter 4.
This is one verse that we often.
Quarters in the rows.
And the remembrance of the Lord.
Verse 19.
We love him.
Because he first loves us.
That is wonderful.
Let's go on.
If a man say I love God and hate his brother, he's a liar.
For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God who he had not seen?
And these commandments have we from him.
Listen to Proverbs chapter 15. Proverbs 15.
Verse 17.
Better is a dinner of herbs.
Where love is.
Then this tall ox and hated there with.
I wonder.
Do I display?
What the Lord intended my to me for others.
Or do I criticize?
You know when I was.
Reading in Philippians chapter 2.
As The Lorax an example.
What right do I have to judge?
When the only ride that I have to be condemned inhaled throughout eternity.
It's been a race.
Why don't we spend more time to?
See like it was mentioned to see the qualities of our bread, and in Christ than the failures.
It won't bring much blessing.
You know.
Just to close, I'm going to read a couple of verses in First Kings 17.
Uh, I'm sorry, it's 19/13/19.
You know the story when Elijah was persecuted because of Jezebel the queen.
And Elijah was afraid, and he has to flee away from from here. And then he went to the wilderness and he hid in a cave.
Uh, we're gonna read in verse nine. And he came there and he came there onto a cave and lodged there and behold, the word of the Lord came to him and he said unto him, What thou St. thou hear Elijah.
And he said I've been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts.
For the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant.
Thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with a sword.
And I even I only I'm left.
You see what Elijah was saying?
I only I left.
And they seek my light to take it away.
The Lord brought this to his conscience.
He had the intended effect.
That he was he in the need to speak twice like we've seen, like we saw in the Gospel of John.
Let's see.
Verse 13.
And it was so when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of The Cave. And behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What thou is, thou hear, Elijah.
What was the larger response?
And he said, I've been very jealous for the Lord, the God of host, because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thy thine altars, and slain the prophets with the sword. And.
I even I only am left.
They seek my light to take it away.
You know that after this?
There were two times only that Elijah was used for the Lord. That was when, uh, neighbor venture and, and the other time.
Umm, recall exactly, but he was used twice.
But not like.
Like he was supposed to because the Lord.
Told him that he was going to have a successor and that was Elijah.
And you know that this event is recorded in the New Testament. What was the failure of Elijah?
Do you think that Lord enjoys and delights when somebody speaks against his people?
That doesn't belong to you, it doesn't belong to me. But we are the Lords.
And because of this failure.
The Lord gave him a successor. That was Elijah, to go on to ministry. That was the end. We could sail his ministry.
And we know that he is standing before all the prophets of Balaam, very mighty miracle because of the Lord, but.
But he needed to understand.
And face the Lord face to face.
Umm, the Lord just asking what thou was thou hed Elijah, Why are you fleeing from Jezebel? Didn't I was with with you when I sent fire from heaven?
Thai people is not a cause.
What are you afraid of?
And the Lord wanted to stir up his conscience and bring it up to him so that he can confess his failure, not a failure of the others.
But we confess our failure.
Are we any better than our present?
No, the Apostle Paul has to write to the Corinthians.
In the 13th chapter.
But what is the greatest of all things? Yeah, there was too much gift.
Prophesying tongues, etcetera, etcetera.
But what that the Apostle Paul has to write to them?
Between chapter 12 and chapter 14. Chapter 12 describes the the gifts given to the body and chapter 14 the function of them.
But if there is no love.
It doesn't make any difference.
It has to be combined with love.
I hope.
We understand that.
In a local assembly, mainly that uh.
We always face difficulties, trials and we always try to blame others instead of uh, looking in ourselves and bring it up to the Lord. We always trying to find Paul in others instead of uh, looking in, in our hearts. We are capable.
We are able.
To destroy it too.
You know the enemy is always at hand.
You can use anything.
She can use a any brother to discourage another brother and cause division.
Why so many difficulties?
We display.
The love of God.
Do we meditate what the Lord says before He was going to glory? Because He knew my heart, Angel.
Love one another.
You said that you loved me.
Well I hope umm this be a meditation to to our souls and umm always find Christ.
In our breathing and to encourage him.
To motivate and to go on with the Lord.
Please, please uh, I got a word that I got the the word of God.