NO question more important than this could ever fall on the ear. It is indeed all-important to be able to give a satisfactory, not a mere conjectural, reply. Eternity you must spend somewhere, and the where is the grave question. I would raise with you, my dear reader.
That you cannot spend eternity on earth, in your present surroundings, is an acknowledged fact. Death is too keen and busy an archer to omit to plant one of his eternity-fixing darts in your bosom sooner or later. Forget not that death, or the Lord’s Second Coming, ―now so near at hand, ―will certainly fix your-condition eternally. What shall that condition be, and where will you spend eternity?
It is quite possible that you may argue that I have no right to put such a question to you. That only argues that you are not prepared with a happy, and confident reply―in plain language that you are not clear as to your soul’s salvation; if you were you would thankfully and triumphantly give a reply that would exalt and honor the Lord Jesus, the Saviour of sinners.
To retire from my question, and moodily seek to hide yourself in the mists of uncertainty,—saying, No one can answer that question, betrays no wisdom, and a great amount of folly, for you may answer it as truly and happily as did a young lassie of fifteen just the other day. Lizzie— had for over two years been battling with consumption. More than once had she been so ill, and the hæmorrhage from her lungs so severe, that recovery seemed hopeless, and her near departure anxiously feared by all save herself. Sitting by her bedside, a week or two since, I sang to the sick child this verse―
“Where will you spend eternity?
This question comes to you and me;
Tell me, what shall your answer be?
Where will you spend eternity?
Eternity, eternity.
Where will you spend eternity?”
Turning to her I said, “What shall your answer be, Lizzie?” “In heaven with Jesus!” was her immediate and joyous reply.
“And how long have you been sure of that?” was my next question.
“Two years on the― day of this month. Don’t you remember speaking to me then, doctor? I came to Jesus that day, and He saved me, and I have had no doubts since.”
A charming reply was this most surely, and as genuine, I know, as simple. Well did I recollect the day when, as she gasped for breath between the rapid flow of her life blood―and I thought she could scarcely survive the severe loss going on―I told her of Jesus and His love, of His atoning sacrifice, and giving up His life’s blood to wash away the sins of sinners. Well, too, did I remember how the apparently dying girl of thirteen received, as a little child, the glad tidings of God’s salvation, and made it her own by simple faith. Yes, she believed the gospel when she heard it, received it as God’s message to her, till then, troubled soul, and found peace in believing.
Two years of bodily weakness had given time to test the reality of her conversion, and for the Spirit of God to confirm hex faith. “In heaven with Jesus!” was the happy and assured reply of her soul, when asked where she would spend eternity. Happy child! Happy because simple and trustful.
Now, my reader, what say you in response to my query, “Where will you spend eternity?” It must be spent “in heaven with Jesus,” or in “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:4141Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (Matthew 25:41)). You must make your choice now where you will spend eternity. To leave the matter unsettled is folly of the deepest dye. As the tree falls, so will it lie. If you fall as you are―die in your sins in plain language― you will not spend eternity “in heaven with Jesus.” There are no sins there, so if you do not part company with your sins in time, they and their consequences will stick to you for eternity in “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Is it not strange that man should despise grace, slight Christ, and decline the mercy of Him who says, “I go to prepare a place for you,” and choose rather the everlasting fire prepared (not for man but for) the “devil and his angels.” I do not suppose you or any other careless sinner would like to put your choice into words in this bald way, but “actions speak louder than words,” we have heard, and that witness is true.
Friend, there yet is time to repent of your sins, and your fatal folly. Let not 1896 pass away only to witness against you that you preferred to spend eternity with Satan, rather than with Jesus. Permit me to plead with you. It is not yet too late. Soon it may be. Come to Jesus now. Trust Him. Believe that He is as good as He says He is. In tender love He yet lingers over you, and says, “Come unto me... and I will give you rest.”
Let, the time that is past suffice for the service of sin. From this hour yield yourself to the Lord. Your sins are no real barrier. They are many, but Jesus’ blood can wash them all away. Trust it. Your heart is hard, but His love can soften it. Come to Him. Your guilt is deep. His grace is deeper, far, far deeper. There is no limit to the depth of His love to forgive you, to the power of His all-cleansing blood to remove those sins, and to the sufficiency of His grace to deliver you from Satan’s thralldom, and bring you to God, redeemed and renewed. Only trust Him. Trust Him as you are, just now. Wait for no improvement or fancied fitness―
“All the fitness you require
Is to know your need of Him.”
“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace; thereby shall good come unto thee.” He will save you, just as you are, and give you the assurance of forgiveness, and the possession of eternal life. Once more I ask, “Where will you spend eternity?”
“Turn, and believe this very hour,
Trust in the Saviour’s grace and power,
Then shall your joyous answer be,
Saved through, a long eternity.
Eternity, eternity.
Saved through a long eternity.”
W. T. P. W.