Whiter Than Snow

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 15
TO heart and soul how sweet Thou art,
O great High Priest of God!
My heart brought nigh to God's own heart
By Thy most precious blood.

No more my countless sins shall rise
To fill me with dismay-
That precious blood before His eyes
Hath put them all away.

My soul draws near with trust secure,
With boldness glad and free;
What matters it that I am poor,
For I am rich in Thee.

Forgotten every stain and spot,
Their memory past and gone,
For me, O God, Thou seest not,
Thou lookest on Thy Son.

Is all a dream? Thou canst not lie,
Thy Spirit and Thy Blood
Proclaim to sinners such as I
The boundless love of God.

They tell Thy love, so deep, so free,
They tell the Father's heart—
Not what I am, or I must be,
They tell me what Thou art.

Come, weary sinners, great and small,
The open door stands wide,
Thy blessed heart that welcomes all,
O Lamb of God, who died.
G. T. S.