Our picture today is of a little boy playing in the beautiful shining white snow, but we would like to tell you of a little girl who learned of something that is even whiter than the snow. Do you know what it is?
This dear little girl lived in a beautiful mansion. She was only six years old and her father, who was a nobleman, loved her very dearly. One day she came running to her father’s study and bounding up to him she asked this question,
“Father, do you know what is whiter than snow?”
Her father was astonished at the strange question, and hesitated to answer. His little girl soon gave the answer with great delight.
“I know,” she said, “It is a sinner washed in the blood of Jesus.”
Amazed and surprised, the father asked, “Who told you that, my child?” “My nurse.” Instantly the nurse was called in and questioned, and when she acknowledged that she had taught little Alberta about the precious blood of Jesus that cleanses from all sin, she was ordered to leave the house in an hour’s time.
A short time after, a royal prince came to visit in this beautiful mansion, and it was not long until little Alberta had made friends with him. One day she asked him the same question, “Do you know what is whiter than snow?”
The prince smiled and said, “No, I never heard of anything whiter than snow.”
“I do,” said the delighted child, and before her father could stop her, she said, “A sinner washed in the blood of Jesus.”
There was complete silence for a moment. The prince received the child’s remark without opposition, and at the same time it struck conviction to the conscience of the father. Soon after this he was saved, and we need hardly tell you that he soon brought back the nurse who had first told the good news to her household. He gladly gave her full liberty to speak of Christ and His atoning blood in his home.
Dear reader, have you been made “whiter than snow” through Christ’s precious blood, or are you still going on in your sins? What a terrible thing it would be to stand before God in your sins and hear His awful words, “Depart from Me.” Why not pray the Drayer of David of old, this very day?
ML 12/20/1953