"Who Can Tell?"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
The cry arose in days gone by,
“Who can tell?”
For judgment swift was drawing nigh,
Mark it well!
While Ninevites in sorrow heard
Their doom pronounced through Jonah’s word,
Their king exclaim’d, with conscience stirred,
“Who can tell?”
Yes; who can tell if God will turn,
Who can tell?
Our evil ways His eyes discern,
And knows them well.
In forty days His wrath will fall,
Unless, self-judged, on Him we call;
So his decree went forth to all,
“Who can tell?”
That king at once proclaimed a fast,
Mark it well!
For forty days it was to last,
“Who can tell?”
So, turning from their evil way,
Those Ninevites in sackcloth lay,
And mightily to God did pray,
“Who can tell?”
Repentant in the dust they lie,
Mark it well!
“It may be, God will hear our cry,
Who can tell?
Perchance He may our City spare,
Hope yet may shine through dark despair,
We can but trust His pitying care,
Who can tell?”
Swift came the answer from God’s throne,
All was well;
His love was speedily made known,
Mark it well!
Yes; God did from His anger turn,
And six-score thousand sinners learn,
Grace triumphed over judgment stern;
All was well!
That grace has lingered till to-day,
“Who can tell?”
Though men God’s gospel don’t obey,
Mark it well!
Yet at the Cross by faith we see
What Christ endured for you and me;
And Jesus died to set us free;
All is well!
The worth, poor lost one, of thy soul,
“Who can tell?”
But Jesus lives to make thee whole,
Mark it well!
This world, with all its pleasures fair,
Its wealth and fame, its jewels rare,
Can never with thy soul compare,
Then—don’t rebel;
While mercy lingers stilt for thee,
All is well;
Christ’s blood, so freely shed for thee,
Saves from hell.
Faith in God’s saving grace divine
Brings rest and peace, which shall be thine,
And in Christ’s image thou shalt shine,
All is well.