Who Cares for Baby Birds?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
Dear Children,
I would like to tell you about three of our great grandchildren. Their names are Justin, Aiden and Makayla, and they have two friends whose names are Carter and Grace. They call themselves “The Genesis Nature Club.” They play together in their own little forest where they have a tire hanging from a tree that they use as a swing. All these children love animals and birds, just like Great Grampa and Great Gramma. The children put out peanuts, lettuce, carrots and birdseed to feed the rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, birds and mice. All these children love going to Sunday school where they learn about God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. They also learn to sing Sunday school choruses about the animals and birds that God created, which we read about in the very first chapter of Genesis in the Bible. Maybe you children know some of these songs, like “Daniel in the Den of Lions” or “God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall.” They learn their memory verses each week and are always ready to tell their Sunday school teacher their verse. We hope that every boy and girl who reads this paper memorizes the verse for each Sunday.
Now then, one day when it was time for the Genesis Nature Club to all go home, Justin came across a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest but just couldn’t fly! Very carefully he put it into his bug box, using a piece of cardboard. His bug box had grass, leaves and small sticks in it. Oh my, there was lots of excitement around this baby bird! They couldn’t leave it on the ground, since some stray cat or raccoon would get it! So they took the baby bird to Mrs. Teal’s house, and she promised that she would take good care of it for the night.
The next morning Aiden was over to see how the baby bird was doing. Mrs. Teal had placed an old T-shirt on the lawn and set the baby bird on the T-shirt.
Can anyone guess what happened? Okay, I’ll tell you  ... something really nice!
The mother bird saw her baby on the T-shirt and started bringing food to it! When Aiden told Justin what he had seen, Justin said, “Praise the Lord! God is taking care of the baby bird!” And then all the children rushed to get dressed, eat breakfast and race over to Mrs. Teal’s house to see the mother bird feeding her baby!
Yes, the mother bird continued to feed her baby until late that afternoon. Then the baby flew up into the lower branches of a tree!
Now, any of you children who know this Sunday school chorus can sing it with me. Okay, here we go  ...
God sees the little sparrow fall,
It meets His tender view,
If God so loves these little birds,
I know He loves me too!
He loves me too, He loves me too,
I know He loves me too,
For God so loves these little birds,
I know He loves me too!
Thanks for singing with me! Yes, our friends in the Genesis Nature Club can sing this song as well.
“Grampa, how do we know that God really, really loves us? Is there a verse in the Bible that tells us this?”
There certainly is! Here are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in John 15:1212This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. (John 15:12): “This is My commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.” And here’s another one: “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:1919We love him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)).
Yes, children, God loves each one of you and wants you to be in heaven with Him.
Lots of love from Gramma and Grampa
MEMORY VERSE: “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:1919We love him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)