Who is Your Guide

Children—Bernie Roossinck
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Good morning, everybody.
You guys hear me? OK. All right. Good morning. Good morning, kids. There's lots of room up here and I really love kids. I got 4 girls.
So don't be shy, I don't mind. And you'll have to forgive me if I can't remember your all of your names, but we're going to swing some this morning off these hymn seats and there's some real nice ones on the back. So who would like to be first?
OK, number one, that's OK if you pick on the front two. Number one, my dad had this painted on the back of our camper when I was a kid.
Number one.
Almost first way.
In our soul and soldiers.
OK, who wants to be next? Yes, Sir #38 #38 thank you.
Okay #38.
I know, that's why.
I'm getting all no other life.
There's lots more room up here, kids said. Don't be scared. Yes Sir, Number six.
All right, you know, I think to so we can have more songs. Let's sing the 1St and the last verses. Is that OK with you?
OK, so now let's sing together number six.
God in mercy.
OK, now it's a girls turn. Mary Ann.
OK, very saying #1 how about one off the Backpage?
44 OK.
Into it. That's a good one. This one reminds me of the Gospel parent.
Where's regs? They remind you of the gospel time, doesn't it? We used to sing this.
Hundreds and maybe thousands of times into a tent #44.
OK, we'll sing the 1St and the last verse. Is that OK, Alex?
All right #25.
Let's have one more so we give it to a girl.
What would you like?
OK, you want #3 what did you want?
18 And then, well, we can do two more. We'll do #3 that sounds good.
We'll sing the first and last one of verse of #3 and then you wanted #18 right, Okay.
They already sang that one. Can we you sing 18? Go ahead. And Mercy sent us out. Different one. Same theme though. We'll do three and then we'll do 18. And after that I'm going to ask about the memory verse.
So let's see the first and last person #3.
By Hope.
You know, when I was a kid, Mr. Nolan was my Sunday school teacher. Remember that Derek? And Derek took his fishing trail, fishing at a place called Wild Coat Ponds. And to get there, he had to walk through what we call the Newfoundland of Bog. And I got off the trail.
It wasn't very long. I was up to my waist and mud.
And Derrick had to come and pull me out of the mud.
Sinking sails, But kids, the Lord Jesus is a rock.
And when our feet are, when our souls are trusting by faith in the Lord Jesus, we're on the rock.
And there's no sinking in that, is there? About none. OK, now we're going to sing #18 We'll sing the first and last of this one, too.
God loved the world.
I think it's going to work.
Bill, can you help me out?
Let's put our hen seats down for a while.
Sir, we all know this book that I have in my hand.
The precious word of God, before we open it, let's just bow our heads together and ask the Lord self, shall we?
Our loving God and Father.
We thank Thee this morning for all of Thy love and grace and mercy to us.
We thank the Father especially for sending Thy Son, the Lord Jesus, into this world to be our Savior.
We thank the Lord Jesus for going to the cross.
And laying down by a life.
So that our sins could be washed away in thy blood.
Now, Lord, we ask for help this morning. We ask that you would bless each of these boys and girls.
And that they would know and love thee, Lord Jesus as their Savior.
We ask for help this morning in Jesus name, Amen.
OK did anybody happen to memorize last weeks verse?
It's kind of a good I better make sure that I know what it is.
All right. When you guys want to say it.
Would you like to see it? Would you like to say it for everybody? OK, talk right into this.
Luke 817 Nothing is secret that should not be made manifest, neither anything that shall not be known. Luke 817 Well done. Excellent. Would you like to do it? Yes.
17 nothing is secret that's from ultimate manifest neither anything hid that from optimal. Great summit team. Well done. Thank you boys. Anybody else like to try it?
That's okay because we have a limited amount of time anyway.
So nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest.
You know when I was a kid once.
My dad told us there were some rules and Reg and I thought, well, as long as he didn't know about it, it wouldn't matter. So we set up a station in our attic.
To do something secret.
But it was really disobedient.
And in the course of that project, a light bulb was installed.
That happened to be touching the rafters of the.
Eric And before long the smoke began to roll and the secret was out.
And we got in big trouble. That wasn't right. But you know the Lord's, the Lord knows everything, and it says the eyes of the Lord.
Are in every place beholding the evil and the good, so we can't hide from God. Then it also says he who formed the eye. And who is that Alex who formed the eye?
The Lord God did he who formed the eye, shall he not see? He does, doesn't he? He does.
Well, I have something here with me. What is this right here, kids?
That's assignment.
Don't know.
What do you think, Marianne? What's this? Nope, it's not a phone. Cameron. What is it?
Nope, it's not an iPod. What do you think of this? It's a GPS.
Is that what you were going to say? It is. Now why do I have this in my pocket?
What do you think?
So I know where to go.
Yeah, you think that this thing could think if I had this in my pocket, I I could get lost.
No, you know, I believe that too for a while.
So I travel some and.
I work in agriculture so I'm usually off the main drag and I noticed when I was in Wisconsin that.
The road means not only don't they have names, they're just letters like XYZ but every time he tains townships they change the name. So they would say well I want you to go to a 2-4.
But in between that it was about six other names, so.
So I decided I needed to have this and.
Before I talk about this are one other thing.
If this is a good guide.
What do you think? This guide us to where we want to go.
Alex, is this a good guy sometimes? OK, does any of you kids have your Bibles with you?
Hey somebody want to read a verse in Jeremiah chapter 3 for me?
I love this verse.
And if you don't have this underlined in your Bible, I suggest that it would be a good thing to do.
OK, Jeremiah chapter 3 and if you could read verse four for me, could you do that?
Broke down a lot from this time. Cry unto me, my father. Thou art the God of my youth. Thank you.
Will fail not cry unto me at this time, my father.
Thou art the guide of my youth. You know, when you're young, you need a guy, don't you? But when you're older, you need a guide even more. I found out. Am finding out.
And what a good desire, what a good thing to ask the Lord, Will thou not cry unto me from this time? My father, thou art the guide of my youth.
You know the Lord has a plan, a path for your life.
The Lord has a desire for your life, that you would be fruitful, that you would know Him and boys and girls never seem like you're. You wish you could be older. You ever think that?
Yeah, I used to think that, and now that I'm older, I wish that I could be young again.
And I am sort of young, but I but I remember when I was six or 754.
I want to behold again.
You know the Lord.
Wants to bless your life. He wants to be the guide of your life. Did you know that, Simon? But the Lord has a plan for you. He does.
SO wants to be your guide, you know.
Many years ago now at a conference like this.
A brother named Kim Wilkin was preaching the gospel.
And you know what happened that night?
I got a six or seven. You know what happened that night, Rachel?
The Lord spoke to my heart.
Probably some in this room that we're probably in that gospel meeting in Sackville, NB.
The Lord spoke to my heart and I got saved at a conference just like this.
And you know, the Lord has been my guide since that day. It's probably been 30.
30 some years ago now.
And a memory exactly how old I was.
So to you moms and dads too, I know it's a lot of work to bring your kids to a conference, but do it.
I met the Savior.
At a conference like this, and if you asked my mother the night of that conference, he probably would have thought, I can't wait to get home, but it was worth it. Now let's go back to this guide.
You know, last year we went to Lawrenceville conference and I mentioned to you guys that I work in farming and I like tractors and I like land.
And Barnes, I really like being on the freeway, so I knew that this little thing here.
And our family, she's called Matilda because of the little voice that if I I knew very well how to get from the hotel to the conference on the freeway. But it was springtime and I wanted to see, I don't know if Sam Buchanan's in here or not.
I wanted to see.
Tractors and stuff, big stuff. Maybe that's just the boy that I am. So I said, I told my wife, well, if we just go off this other way and Matilda will recalculate, we'll get there just fine. So, and we went. It was good.
We went by tractors and we went by Barnes and Fields and after a while the road started to get a little bit narrower, but Matilda said you're still on the right path.
So I was. My wife wasn't quite so sure, but I was.
I was sure you know the way seems right and tells us in the word of God there is a way that seemeth right to a man or a woman or a boy or girl, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
It seems right though.
Actually the path that I'm on right now is. It seems right.
But you know what kids? This is our guide. This is our guide the the Word of God.
So we carried on and I followed Matilda.
And pretty soon the road went from 2 lanes to one lane. But I was used to that because I am always on agricultural pathways.
But I knew I had to get across the river and pretty soon we came out to the Wabash Cannonball Bridge. Everybody heard of that.
OK, well that bridge is about the width of this aisle way.
And last spring, the rivers were flooded. And there's a little short.
Wooden rail and just railway ties and two wooden planks down the middle.
But it didn't say not to go and Matilda said this is the right way, so we did.
Yeah, I looked over the side of the bridge and the river was muddy and it was wide and it was swollen. And I I told the kids that I halfway expect to see an alligator pop up here in a minute when we got to the other side. And then we were in Saint Francisville, which I knew was on the way to the meeting room.
To the conference. So I thought, well, this is great. And then we had to stop and pay a $1.00 toll to a guy in a little shack.
But I thought, well, that was fun.
So up the hill into St. Francisville we went.
Then it was black top again. I thought, well that worked out fine.
And then we went down the hill on the other side of Saint Francisville.
And the road turned into third again, which didn't bother me.
Because the way seemed right, didn't it always?
And my guide said, Yep, you're right on the money.
And after a while, the road turned into an irrigation pivot track.
But the GPS said it will continue past this and then you'll come up by the Elville Elementary Center. And I was sure that that road would go through so and I worked.
And presently we came to a mud puddle about from here to those tables over there are bigger.
And that said stop and turn around. And I said, now this has to go through.
So we went.
And after that there was a big tree that is falling across the track.
And you would think that I would stop and turn around, but I didn't.
And then we came down to the Wabash River and it was really muddy and I began to get very concerned that we were there for the rest of the day.
Because we came to a cul-de-sac and a big bunch of bushes and the GPS said go straight.
And there was no way to go straight. The guide was wrong. How could that be? The way seems right though. But it was wrong.
And I tried to, I turned my wife's van around with I just basically I put the hammer down because I told her if we get stuck now we're walking.
And we went back up the hill to Saint Francisville and the whole time, Matilda said, do a U-turn at the next available opportunity.
But I knew that Matilda was no good.
This little guidance system is Matilda.
Does he trust it? Yes. You know, I found out afterwards that Matilda was half right and I was half wrong. But anyway, we got out of there. We got up to the water tower in Saint Francisville. And then I said, now what are we going to do? Because I don't know any other way. And this was my I was relying totally on this. And now I'm lost. And so I, we stopped the lady that was walking the dog and she probably looked at our van and thought, what?
The world have you people been doing? But she kindly told us how to get to the conference, and remarkably, we weren't even late.
Which is remarkable for our family.
But anyway, do you think I learned my lesson from that?
I didn't.
I was so sure that I had to be the Lawrenceville roads that were bad and that Matilda that I decided to trust her on the way home too.
And pretty soon we were in Central IN at another cul-de-sac someplace else. And my wife said, give me that.
But the way seems right, kids, it seems right, but it wasn't right. And I realized afterwards I had it set for the shortest distance and left the best route.
And it was an unpassable seasonal Rd.
It seemed right.
You know kids, the Lord Jesus wants to be your guide, the Lord said in John chapter 15.
I am the way.
What does that mean? One of the ways? What do you think?
Is there you think there's many ways to get to heaven? No one.
So the Lord said, I am the way.
That's a really reliable guide, isn't it? I am the way. That's the word Jesus speaking.
Turn over to Psalm 16 with me.
The very precious.
Fact, even though this has nothing to do with the guy that we just mentioned, kids, the very first verse of this song says this. Preserve me, oh God, for in thee do I put my trust. Can I suggest, kids, that that would be a good thing to start your day with that prayer? Preserve me, O God, for in thee do I put my trust.
When I was thinking of the last verse.
It says Thou will show me the path of life.
That will show me the path of life. I think the Lord is interested in your life.
What do you think, Cameron? Do you think the Lord is interested in? How old are you, Cameron?
And yet the Lord cares about what 9 year old kids care about.
Yeah, you know, the word Jesus was nine months. Yeah.
That's pretty neat to think about, isn't it, Alex? How old are you?
Almost nine. I think the Lord cares about things that Alex cares about.
The word is interested in your life, the Lord wants to bless your life and He'll show you the path of life.
All through your life, from the tiniest kid to the oldest person in this room, the Lord wants to show us the path of life.
Not only the path of life to get to heaven, which is important, vital to know that your feet are on that pathway of faith on the narrow Rd. that leadeth to life.
That's what we had in the gospel meeting last night. Enter in at the straight gate and.
Headquartered exactly while looking it up and we're running out of time, but you see it's essential kids. The board wants to have your heart and that puts your feet in the pathway of faith and service for him and the Lord will show you and you know when you get older there are other decisions that come before you like what should I choose to do for my work and when you get older, maybe who should I get married to or where should I live or any number of things.
And the Lord cares about that, and he'll show you the path of life.
Turn over to.
Some 119.
And this is a well known verse.
Verse 105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
My word is this word of God right here, young people, boys and girls.
The Lord will show you in this book the Word of God.
So way up under my feet, white under my path. Isn't that lovely to think that the Lord has that?
Isn't that beautiful to think of that?
One more in Proverbs chapter 3.
This is a well known verse to many of us too.
Roberts chapter 3 and verse 6.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He will leave it up to you to find your own way home. Is that what it says?
Is that what it says? No, in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Who could be more reliable than the Savior to direct your path?
It would be nice to be able to say to the Lord, show me Lord. And he does. He does do that. It's right here in his word. And you kids, I know some of you are maybe not up to the age where you're reading well yet, but develop a a habit of opening God's word.
When you're young, because it's worth it. This is the guy. This is not going to set you on the wrong path. This is the guide for many years. When I was a young person, I went to the Bellsouth camp.
And here's this is so and one of the things that was done there every night, we spent 15 minutes with the word of God.
And it's a habit, boys and girls, that you will never regret.
This is the guy right here. This is the guy, and now we're out of time. Almost.
But I I want to just emphasize one other thing with you kids and that is.
The Lord wants to have your feet in the path of life.
We had in the Gospel meeting last night, the Lord Jesus went to the cross and he gave up his wife. There he is, kids hanging on the cross, God's beloved Son, there he is.
And you know who he was thinking about.
You know who he was thinking about when he was hanging there.
I think he was thinking about you.
You believe in it.
There he is, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus hanging on the cross. And Simon, he was thinking about you, he was thinking about me and each one in this room and the Lord Jesus says.
Open your heart. His blood was shed for you and.
Young people, boys and girls, the most important decision that you're ever going to make.
Is to say yes to the Lord Jesus and to open your heart to Him.
And put your feet in the path of life, real life, eternal life. It's worth it.
Maybe it's a close. I don't think this song is in our seats, but we probably know it. Let's sing together at the hearts door. The saviors waited.
We do that together.
Here we go.
You sing that again.
OK, let's bow our heads in prayer.
Our loving God and Father.
We thank these for being our guide.
We thank thee for thy word.
We thank Thee for giving the Lord Jesus to go to the cross for us.
Lord, Thou knowest the purposes that you have for each one of these young boys and girls.
Oh Father, we pray that their hearts would be open.
To respond and their lives would be fruitful and useful.
In bringing honor and glory to the Lord Jesus.
Our hearts.
Give thanks this morning. We pray that that was blessed thy word.
And we ask it in Jesus name, Amen.