Children—D. So
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I see boys and girls already up front. Any little boy or girls would like to set up here the plenty of seat?
Maybe you can bring some big boy and big girls with you too because I know they are shy.
All right, perhaps we'll begin by singing a hymn. I'm going to favor the girl. Ciphers. Is that OK?
Who have one that I like to start us with?
Would you have one? What number?
Hymn #16 Is that the right 116 OK hymn #16?
Oh, wait a minute, now this ham has a start off with a very big word.
Start off by saying whosoever.
Do we know what we will be singing?
Is that a big word?
Whosoever. OK now remember this word and then after we finish singing this, I'll see if someone can help us explain what this word is. Whosoever OK hymn #16.
Whosoever heareth shall show.
OK, the word whosoever who can help me? What do you think it means? Oh, I don't have another mic. What do you think it means it means?
It it means whoever. It means whoever.
I think that's good. Whosoever, whoever anyone else can help me with that.
OK, let me change it a bit. Are there any verses in the Bible that use that big word?
Let me think now, whosoever.
Can you think of a verse or two that use that word?
John chapter 60 Can I use one of these?
Oh, maybe you can say that for What is that verse?
For God still in the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting, everlasting life. That's nice. John chapter 16316. Yeah. For God so loved the world. You know, that's a that's a wonderful gospel message, isn't it, to tell.
God loves the world. He means everyone in the world, right? That whosoever. What was that word again? What does that mean again?
Whoever was that what you said? Whoever. Whoever. Wait a minute now.
Who is included in the Whoever in this room are the girls included?
Are they the whosoever?
Are the boys the whosoever?
Yeah, yeah, whosoever. You know what? You may have heard me tell this story before. I'm not a big fan of people with all these writings and T-shirts, but have you seen people wear T-shirts with writings on it? Well, someone told me they saw this one on the back of his T-shirt. He wrote this saying it says I am whosoever. Isn't that nice? Oh, whosoever. That's me.
The Lord Jesus warned us is a whosoever heareth. OK, who has another hymn for us?
All right, you go ahead.
#17 OK #17 that's nice too. Have you any room for Jesus? You know, when Jesus came into this world, He was born as that little babe in the Manger, you know? What did they say to him when he was looking for a place to stay for that little inn? Do you remember what they said to him?
Or to his parents, there's no room for him is there's no room in the inn. But here it says, have you boys and girls, have you any room for Jesus? He who bore the load of sin as he knocks and seeks emissions, Sinner, will you let him in? OK, let's sing this together. Have you any?
Good morning.
You know, boys and girls, when we have Sunday school like this, we think it's only for little boys and little girls. Do we think that? But I think it's for everybody, isn't it? And I think that big boys and big girls out there who are listening and they want to learn more about the Lord Jesus too, don't they?
So this is for everybody. You know, I have to tell you this story, and I hope this brother doesn't mind. It was a big boy. He's like, bigger than me, taller than me. And he's a grandfather, too. And he said to me, he said, you know, I remember you told a story last time about the, the what do you call this thing? The remote control on the car. How many remember that story? Yeah. He said, you know, that helps me. He said, do you remember? We talk about how.
You can watch people with this. You have one of these, You don't have one, do you?
No, well, when you get older, when you have a car, you'll get one of these, right? Or you might have your parents and, and you watch them in the parking lot. They, they, they walk away from the car and they push this little clicker thing and the car go beep like that, right? And then remember that? And then, and then I said, you watch them walk a few feet away and they want to make sure the car is locked. So they push this again and they go beep again, right? And they walk a few more steps away and they do it until they can't hear that beep anymore because they feel that if they keep locking the door more than once.
The car locks better, right? Well, you know, he said he remembered stories. It's like the word of God tells us that once we are saved, how many times do we need to be saved? Do we need to be saved again and again and again? No, he said, you know, he said that really helped me. So I hope as we talk about simple stories that it would help us and the big boys and girls, too, OK.
Now let's have another hymn. Let's pick it on this side.
I'll pick the boys. Is that OK? If I pick you, people think I play favor?
OK, we have another one in there because the girl has been giving the last two himself, OK?
Hymn #44 Oh, this is nice too. Into a tent.
Into a tent where?
Salvation Story.
Salvation Story.
Nobody. Ever.
Told me.
And don't have any love there. No, no, no, no love shaken the sun to the sun to do the sun can do the soul and turn to Shannon be and that's an hour and a half. And then I am sure that I am sure that I am sure that I am sure that I am in the United States.
Now is it OK if I pick one?
Is it OK? I like to pick one. I like to pick him #42 This is one of my favorite hymns. Now, 42 is a very short hymn. I like to make it sing longer. So we're going to sing this twice. This is how I sing this hymn. Now, some of you heard this before. You have, haven't you? Do you like it? OK, Now the first time around, when we sing this hymn, we'll sing it the way it is. The second time around, we have to think of those.
Bigger and older boys and girls. So we're going to change some of the words so that everybody in this room will feel welcome. So the second time around we're saying a little child of 70 or even 34. Do you think we're people here that here that are 70 years old?
Yeah, we've got big kids here too, don't we? And we've got big kids that are 34, OK, So the first time around we were saying just the way it is, and then we'll sing a little child of 70. That means even if someone is older than 70, they're welcoming to this hymn too, aren't they?
A little child.
Who have learned the Sunday school verse from last week. Oh, good. You know, I have to confess I didn't know it. I have to ask somebody what it is.
Any do you want to say the verse now? I believe I'm going to have to look it up. I think someone told me is in Ephesians. What is Ephesians?
429 Oh, that's a nice long verse. OK, you say. Oh, hang on a second. Let me use this Oregon here.
OK, go ahead. Let no crop communication procedure, but that which is good if you didn't 429.
That's good. Anyone else like to say it? Oh, you're all shy, aren't you? Oh, Paul. Oh, I didn't see you come up here, Paul. I just won't reach. OK? Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. But that which is good. Ephesians 429. Very good. Anyone else?
Any big boy and big girls would like to say that?
No. Oh, that's too bad because I went and bought two big bags of candy bars that I guess I have to give them one bag each. You know, I guess now the parents may not like me after that.
So afterwards you come up to see me. OK, well, that's nice. We learn diversity. This is a big version. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.
Do we all know what corrupt communication is?
Seeing bad things and sometimes maybe you think, well, you know, I hear kids on the street, they swear they use the name of the Lord Jesus in vain. They you know what? Sometimes even when we say bad things about somebody, that's corrupt communication too, isn't it? Is it? We shouldn't have fat.
But that which is good, I like that. But that which is good?
I first go on a little bit more. It says to you to the use of edifying.
That it may Minister grace unto the hearers. OK, let's have we've got time for one more. Let's have the boys again, because the girls have the last two pick. OK.
Hymn #46 A spelling song. I like that hymn #46.
And because and because.
You do.
Bless you.
And I.
You know, I'm, I'm just thinking of, I'm just thinking of the other.
Letter songs, the I Know it's don't think it's in here, the ABCDEFG.
You boys and girls know that song. Can we sing without a hymn sheet? I like that too.
Hi, how are you and me anytime?
Oh that is so nice.
Well, there's a reason I picked that little spelling song and hopefully you'll see that in a minute. I thought this morning we will talk about the Lord Jesus a little bit differently. You know, I, I find it bad that sometimes we look at boys and girls and young people too, and we always pretend that you don't know the Lord Jesus. The reason we pretend that is it's such a serious matter that we want to make sure.
That you are saved is a very serious matter, isn't it? That you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? Because if you're lost from sins, you will go to that eternal.
Place called hell. You go there forever and it's a terrible, dreadful place to be, but it's much better to be with the Lord Jesus, isn't it? But this morning I thought I'll, I'll turn it around a little bit because I know.
Most of you, your mommy and daddy teach you about the Lord Jesus Christ. They teach you how to learn verses from the word of God right now. Is there anyone here have never heard of the name of Jesus?
Oh, I don't see any hand. I'm so glad to see that and what privilege positions you're in that your parents have taught you the Lord Jesus Christ. And then you come to Sunday school, you come to conferences, and you learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ.
But then, you know, when you go to school, when you're out playing with your friends, do you think some of them don't know who the Lord Jesus is? Do you think that? Yeah. Do you think all of them have have heard of John 316?
If I say John 316, do you boys and girls know what I mean by that?
What I mean by John 316 who can help me?
I know you quoted that earlier on. You did. What does it mean? We say that, don't we? We say, oh, we know John 360. Anyone else can help me? Do you know what John 316 is? No, you know the verse that says for God.
So loved the world you know, don't you? Can you say the rest?
That's right, he gave his only.
Yeah, His only, that's right. His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish. And then what? Oh, I forget now. Is that right?
Is that right? And then what else?
Huh. And have.
Everlasting life, that's good, but you know, not you know, it's interesting. I was with someone when I was younger and this man was like a grandpa to me. And you know, this man had a school right beside his house and and the school has happened to be a Catholic school and they know this man loved the Lord Jesus.
So one day they said to him, said, you know, our priest couldn't come in to read. Do you mind coming in and read to our children?
He called, he said gladly, he went in, and he read this verse, He said, John 316 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have.
Everlasting life John 316 Now he read a few other verses too. He wasn't at the liberty to preach the gospel to them, but he was able to read the verses and he said to me, he said, you know, afterwards one of the teacher stopped him in the hallway and he said, thank you for reading this. He said, I didn't know what John 316 was. The teacher thought. He said, I thought it was something to do with the ball game because he the only time he saw John 316 was people putting up cart.
John, 316.
Isn't it sad that there are many in this world do not know the Lord Jesus Christ? Now the question I have or perhaps comment or remarks on this is this so How do we tell people?
Above the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know, last night we had a gospel meeting and it was nice to see our brother standing up to present the gospel of God's grace. And you might say, I love to do that. Or you may say, I'm afraid to do that. And you might say, and I heard a lot of people say, I don't know what to say.
Am I right? And I thought maybe as boys and girls, as young people, we should learn.
Because, you know, sometimes by talking about it, help us too. We can read all we want. We can only learn so much. But when we're able to present it to someone else, we learn more, don't we? So how do we teach people about or tell people about the gospel of the grace of God?
And you know, I thought I'll share with you how someone encouraged me, he said. The gospel is very simple.
As he said to me, this brother, your brother, he said just remember the ABC of the Gospel. I go, what we just sang ABCDEFG. That was easy, wasn't it? Well, there is a gospel in there, right? You talk about how Jesus died for sinful man.
Well, that's the gospel. So I thought with just a few minutes, we have, well, if I say a, perhaps we can be reminded of a verse from the word of God that present the gospel. In fact, this is the most fundamental. So think of a Now I'm going to pick this part of a verse because it's hard to start a verse with just the letter A Otherwise we'll have a lot of and OK, so.
I think you know this first.
All have sinned. Have you heard that verse before?
You have, Yeah. This is the condition we have to understand, because if we don't know that we have sin, we don't need a Savior, do we? So that's the aid of the gospel. What do you think B would be?
BB So if all have sinned, that means we need to find a way to get rid of our sin.
Have you heard of this first? That said.
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. So can you remember these two so far? What was a again?
A. A. Oh have sin? What's B?
Oh, we forgot already, B. Let's see if the girls remember. What's B?
Glad you girls are shy.
The blood.
The blood of Jesus Christ.
Cleanseth us.
From our sin. Oh, isn't it nice? You know some I see one of the little kids had a coloring book. I don't know whose book it is because I was going to let one of my granddaughter color in it and then my wife stopped me. She said that's not our book so we have to put it down. But when I was glancing through this book, it was a coloring book, but it start with verses and it has the first page all have seen.
And I forget what the second page is, but I remember B as the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. And this coloring book from A-Z. I know you guys say Z.
A-Z and God versus right through it was really nice and and I see brother Tom Roach and I remember when we down at the gospel tent we used to have the children learn that didn't we all the verses from the alphabet and they were learning it. They would say it they were saying it on the bus on the way to the tent work.
So we finished talking about the ABC, right?
Yes, no, no. What did we forget see Oh boy, you are good. Somebody's paying attention. See what is C? What verse can you think of? So we finished tell we can tell someone oh have sinned. If you really want to quote the two and come short of the glory of God and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins.
And see hmm.
I need help here.
Maybe the big boys and big girls can help us.
Many verses that come with C.
Christ Jesus.
Came into the world.
Oh, I didn't see the hand down there. OK, so go ahead.
People just pointing at you.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Come, let us reason together, sayeth the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as wool in Isaiah 1, isn't it?
He also said, Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest all the many verses see to come, isn't it you know?
One one of our children was younger. He had trouble saying words. How many of you have died if you say the wrong word? And these, this, this one used to say, Come all ye heavy ladies, and I will give you rest.
And, you know, we, we thought we would try to correct him, but then we thought afterwards, you know, that that little one is right, isn't it? Can the heavy ladies come to the Lord Jesus? Yeah. Can the skinny ladies come to the Lord Jesus? Yeah. Can we all come? Yeah. But you know, we can only come.
We can only come if we believe that we need to come.
In Luke chapter 5.
Thing is that they got a whole need, not a physician.
That's a funny verse, isn't it? What do you think it means? What do you think it means? They that are whole need not a physician.
Yeah, if you're not sick, do you need a doctor? How many of you go to a doctor when you're not sick?
How many of you should go to your doctor because someone told you you look sick and we say no, I'm not sick, I don't want to go?
I do. I don't like going to the doctors. I don't like needles.
But you know, we have to acknowledge, that's the first thing we have to recognize that we are sick. What's our sickness?
There's one word, 3 letters.
We have to acknowledge what is it.
Sin. That's right. That's the basic fundamental problem we have.
What was that first verse that we learned where a Tau says?
Who? What do you think? Is he right?
Yeah, you sure he's right? Are you nodding? Because he's nodding his head.
I think you're all right. We all have seen you know what all means. That's you.
You include it. Uh oh, you too.
What about Lemoyne back here? Is he part of the awe? Is he in that awe?
What do you think? He's a big boy, though he's not all, is he?
Yeah, yeah. What about she's little? Is she part of the awe?
Yeah, who's not included?
We're all, that's what it means, right? All have sinned. That's the basic fundamental of the gospel of God's grace is that we have to recognize we are sinners in God's sight.
All have sinned.
But what's the answer?
Is the blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus. He cleanseth us from all of our sins.
How many sin did he clean 5.
Oh, 15.
OK, we'll double that 30 how many?
Oh, that's nice. So even though we are all sinners, he cleanse us from all sins. How did he do that? Do you remember Emma? How did he do that? With what? With his blood.
Because Jesus came as the Son of God. He came into this world and then we as men, we said there's no room in him. There's no room for him here.
And then when he grew up as a man, when he began his ministry, in three years time, we said to him, we said away with him, crucified him. We did not want this man to reign over us. And then we as man, we nail him to the cross and he died on that cross.
And he shed his blood on the cross, so that you and I.
Through his blood can be cleansed. So if we know that we are sinners, we know that His blood can cleanse us from all sins. Now we can say come, come and we can come to the Jesus. We can come to Jesus and we can come without delay. See, we have time for perhaps one, maybe two hymns, OK?
What number?
#5 OK, let's sing the first verse and last verse. Is that OK? Was OK?
See, this is what happened. When our sins are forgiven, we can sing. Oh Happy Day, that fixed my choice on thee, my Savior and my God. Well, may this glowing heart rejoice and tell its raptures all abroad. Happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away, he taught me how to watch and pray.
And live rejoicing every day. Happy day. Happy day when Jesus washed my sins away. Perhaps we just sing the last verse we read the first one, OK?
Now rest my Lord.
Happy, happy, happy day, happy day.
Emma doesn't want to get one short one.
78 that's not on the same sheet.
One of these.
44 Are we saying that already? Would you like 43? OK, we'll sing the first and last verse of 43. How's that?
One door and only one.
Joy, and only one.
Of the inside completely shine on you.
So we learned three alphabet letters.
What were they again? Do you remember what the three letters were? You don't remember, Did you remember?
What were the three letters?
What is AB and C? What was A?
Foot. Feet.
What did it do?
Very good. Let's see.
OK, you have to go home and look, ask mom and dad. The hell you'll see it. Hope they were listening too. Okay, come. Oh, you remember?
Christ, he says.
Came into the world.
The safe sinners. Very good. Let's look to the Lord in prayer one more time.