"Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"

“O WHY hast Thou forsaken me,
My God!” the Saviour cries;
Whilst all God’s holy hate of sin
On that pure victim lies.
Behold, behold Him, sinner, there!
And hear that fearful cry―
“My God! Thou hast forsaken me!”
Oh, canst thou answer why?
All that God was, against His Son
Now stands in dread array;
For holiness, and righteousness,
And truth, must have their sway.
God’s truth says, Every soul that sins
Must die―and Jesus dies:
Both holiness and righteousness
His dying satisfies.
Made sin for us, who knew no sin,
That sinners might become
The righteousness of God in Him―
Standing beyond our doom.
God’s name was honored by His Son;
For in the Cross alone
Was all His character declar’d,
And all His glory shown.
Where was the love, had He destroyed
The whole world in His wrath?
If all were saved in mercy, bow
Would righteousness shine forth?
Now sin is settled―Christ is raised―
All God is, stands for us;
Say, sinner, canst thou answer, now,
Why Jesus suffered thus?
Yes, sin was all the part we had
In that mysterious scene,
And no such hour can come again,
And no such hour had been.
Our Father wow; He will not hide
From us the Father’s face;
The joy of Christ fulfilled in us
We glory in His grace.
J. W. T.