A Christian once paid a visit to a deaf and dumb asylum in London, for the purpose of examining the children to see what knowledge they possessed of God’s Word.
A little boy on this occasion was asked in writing, “Who made the world?”
The boy took up the chalk and wrote underneath the question, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
The Christian then inquired in a similar manner, “Why did Jesus Christ come into the world?”
A smile of delight and gratitude rested on the countenance of the little fellow as he wrote, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came to the world to save sinners.”
A third question was then proposed, calculated to call his deepest feelings into exercise: “Why were you born deaf and dumb, while I can hear and speak?”
“Never,” said an eyewitness, “shall I forget the look of calm resignation, and chastened sorrow which sat on his countenance as he took up the chalk and wrote, ‘Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight.’”
These are truly beautiful answers, especially the last. Many of us, I fear, think much more of our tiny troubles, than that boy of his not being able to join in talking with those around, and hearing what was said.
Oh! let us remember that nothing happens by chance to those who can call God their Father, and if trouble fall to our lot, say, like the deaf and dumb boy, “for so it seemed good in thy sight.” (Matt. 11:2626Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight. (Matthew 11:26).)
ML 09/05/1965