Why? Why Me?

Duration: 43min
Psalm 22:1; John 10:11,14
Listen from:
Children—B. Brimlow
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One of my favorite hymns.
My favorite One of my favorite hymns is Jesus Loves Me.
Jesus loves me.
This I know it's #40.
Jesus loves me.
This I know, for the Bible tells me so.
I'm going to read this next verse. Verse three it says Jesus loves me though I'm bad.
I'm bad.
I wonder how this fits the rest of us here.
How many of us can say, well, that's me?
That's me. I was bad. And you know the prophet Jeremiah says that the heart.
In effect, he says the heart is bad and we all have bad hearts. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. And then the Lord says, I, the Lord search the heart. He looks down into your heart and mine and he knows everything that's in our heart. But you know, there's a wonderful thing about this, this verse, it says, and he waits to make me glad, glad that I have a bad wicked heart. No.
Glad that he loves me in spite of that. You know, the Lord Jesus didn't come into this world to make bad people good.
Some people think that they tried to be good and they tried to cover up and make out that they're good, when really they're bad inside and they say naughty things and they tell.
Naughty things and what we need is a new heart and that's what the Lord Jesus came into the world to do. He says I came to give them life. He wants to give us a new heart and that's why in the message that God has for you and me that he wants to give us a new life.
And that life is in the Lord Jesus Christ. And so he says, he waits to make me glad, waits to fold me in his arm and keep me safe from every arm. Well, let's sing it. Jesus loves me, though I'm bad, and he waits to make me glad.
Way to hold me in his mind.
She doesn't love me. He will stay.
Close beside me.
Till I die being well, thank you, being to know my mind and my heart.
Before we sing another song, let's ask the Lord's blessing on our time together.
I want to look at a word this morning. One word, one word, and the one word is why? Why?
Why? And I wonder if some boy or girl could tell me if they ever said to their mommy why you hold up your hand. She said why? OK, now I'm going to. I'm going to ask another. I'm going to ask this boy over here. Did you ask this boy over here? Can you look at Uncle Bob? What did you say to your mom? Some. Can you remember sometime? You said why? Mom? Can you remember an occasion? He said that to Mom.
But there was many times he said it right. Sometimes mom would want you to do something and you'd say, why mom? And she would say, well, because I said so That's generally one of the answers that we get. I can remember my some of my children, most all of them, they all at one time or another, they said, why dad?
Well, I said because there's a reason. There's a reason why that Daddy wants you to do something. And sometimes they would want to do something and I would have to say no and they would say why, why not?
You see, everything in this life has a 'cause there's a reason. And that's what I want to talk about this morning to you young people, that everything has a reason. And if I go back in the Old Testament, I read about Solomon. He said for everything there is a time. And he says there's a time to do one thing and it's a time to do something else. And sometimes we say to our mom and our dad, but why?
And maybe sometimes Mom says I want you to do the dishes and you say, why me? Have you ever said that? Why me? Yeah, I said it. Why me? Why can't my sister do them? Or my brother? I always have to do, you know. And then we get the old story about complaint. Why?
But I want to go to the most important why in the whole Bible. And it's in the 22nd Psalm. I don't know if all of you young people can find the 22nd Psalm, but there's a word that says why there, and that Y is the most important word I believe that you and I will ever know anything about in the Bible. And some people stumble at this Psalm and what the psalmist is saying.
Some people stumble at it, some people want to discuss it. But you know what I do? I just believe it what it says. But we get the answer in this Psalm, and it's in the first verse. It says why, why? One word why? WHY? And here's what it says. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Oh, why?
Why hast thou forsaken me?
You know, and the answer is so blessed and so wonderful because it tells us what's in the heart of God.
And it says, why art thou so far from helping me?
And we get the answer in the third verse. It says, but thou art holy. Thou art holy and the Lord Jesus on the cross. This is the very words that he cried out. And now I want to turn in the New Testament and find out where these words are. They're in the 27th chapter.
Of Matthew.
And it's very significant that we get it in the very language of the time.
And it says verse 46 of Matthew 27. We get this word. Why again, why? Why? Why? Why?
About the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli Eli.
Lama Sabachthani, that is to say, my God, My God, why?
Hast thou forsaken me? Why?
Why? I'm going to go over to another verse. It's in the 10th chapter.
I think it's a 10th no the 8th chapter of Second Corinthians.
And we're going to get our picture here that we can we can all read about.
It's the 8th chapter of Two Corinthians and it's the ninth verse, and I want you boys and girls to listen very carefully. See what it says. The apostle Paul is telling us something about the Lord Jesus Christ.
It says, For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich.
He was rich.
Ah, he was rich with the Lord Jesus Christ. Rich. Not when he was in this world, no, because we read that he was laid in a Manger and there was the cattle in the Manger and they, they wrapped him in a swaddling clothes and they put him in the mansion where the cow would eat the hay, is that right? Some of us are familiar with the story where most of us are familiar with the story about how the Lord Jesus was born there. They didn't have room for him in the inn, so they laid him in the Manger where the cattle would eat the straw and the hay, is that right?
And why did what? Was he poor when they laid him in the Manger? He was poor, wasn't he? Yeah. And so this verse says that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor.
Why, why, why did the Lord Jesus become poor?
Well, we get the answer in this verse that ye through his poverty might be rich. Through the Lord Jesus being poor, you and I might be rich.
Rich in glory. That's where the Lord Jesus came from. He was the eternal Son of God.
And he looked down back in the past eternity, and he saw you and me, and he even knew our names. He knew all about us because He's God. And from a past eternity he looked down into time, and he saw you and you and you and you and me.
And you know what he said to his father? He said, oh, I want them to be with me in the father's house.
That's what he said in effect, and that's what this verse is about. Though he was rich, he was gone, the eternal Son of God. And he looked down, and he saw you and me. And he says to his father, I want that little girl to be with me in the glory. I want that little boy to be with me in the glory. I want that man. I want that woman. I want that young person to be with me in the Father's house.
And if I could visualize, there was a stern look on the father's face.
And he shook his head.
Can't have them here.
Can have them here. Look at them. They're in their sins, their sins, all of their sins, that God is holy.
Can't have one sin in heaven.
One sin.
And the Lord Jesus says, I'll go down, I'll go down to that world and I'll bear their sins away on the cross. On the cross. Is that where he went? He went to the cross. And that's what this verse is talking about. He was poor.
But oh, how poor. You know, in the second chapter of Philippians it says even the death of the what? Who can tell me?
Even the death of one of your boys remembers a kind of a death of Lord Jesus endured, and you and me.
What kind of a death did the Lord Jesus endure for you and me once?
The cross, that's what I was looking for. The even the death of the cross, was there a lower place that they could put a man? No, no, no lower place, you know, in the Psalms, In one of the psalms, the one deep said to the other, deep, is there a lower place? It says deep calleth unto deep. Is there a lower place? No lower place. Even the death of the cross, that's when he was poor.
When he hung on the cross.
I wonder how many of you remember that little chorus on the cross from me? Let's try. You know I always like to sing that that little song, because it comes right down to me. You know me.
11 Brother used to visit a lady that was very poor in Saint Louis, and he'd say, Sister, what's that favorite verse of yours? And she would say, the one that has me in it. Me. Oh, he says, you mean Galatians 220 the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Well, let's sing about it. I'll start it up and you can all chime in. And if you don't know it, you can learn it along with the rest of us. All right, on the cross for me.
On the cross for me.
Dying there in agony.
Jesus paid the price, himself the sacrifice.
On the cross for me. Let's try it again. Everybody raise your voice. On the cross for me. On the cross for me.
Dying there in agony.
Jesus paid the price.
Himself, the sacrifice.
On the cross for me and so this verse says, you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich.
Yet for your sakes, he became poor, that ye, through his poverty, might be rich.
Oh, that's wonderful. Now I'm going to go to another verse over here in Ephesians.
It's Ephesians chapter 2.
And it's such a wonderful verse.
A patience, Chapter 2.
And it says verse 4.
Verse four and it has the word but.
Have any of you kids ever said to the to your mom or your dad? You know, they tell you to do something and you say, but mom, but mom, did you ever say that? Yeah, you said it. You know, I don't want to do that. But Mom. But it's a lot of butts in our life, isn't it? But Mom, do I have to? Well, here's another button. That's why I want to make the point. It's so wonderful. This is such a wonderful verse to my heart.
You know the scripture says with the heart man believeth unto righteousness. You know we might sing about how bad we are.
And we have to acknowledge that. But then we find the ****. But God, let's read it, it says. But God.
Who is rich in mercy for his great what?
Great love, great love.
Great love wherewith He loved us even when we were dead in sins.
Dead in sins, that's where we were.
That quickened us together with Christ. By grace you are saved.
And that wonderful, his great love. Now there's another word that goes along with this, but God, it says for God's soul loved. I wonder how big the word soul could go? How big is the word? So how many of you, how many of you people can remember?
When when you were a little a little person and mom said to you, how big are you?
How big are you and you would go something like this?
So big. Did you ever do that?
You guys didn't. What about your little girls? Did you ever go like that? So big? Maybe you forgot, but I remember when the little, the little baby would go like this and Mama would say, how big are you? The little baby would reach up his hands and mommy would say, so big. That's not very big though, is it? How big is God? How big is God's love for God, for God So loved the world. And you know, you can put your name right in there. I like to put my name in there.
For God so loved Uncle Bob.
That he gave his only begotten Son. And you know, when I think of the cross, I think of the Lord Jesus with his arms out and he says, this is how much I loved you, Bob. This is how much I loved you. And you know, it touches my heart and you know, you and I need to have our hearts touched to think of how much he loved you and me. Now I'm going to I'm going to go to another verse.
Let's see, this verse is over in First Corinthians.
I'm going to read it. I think it's an important verse to read.
Because it tells us the story about how the Lord Jesus came down from heaven.
One Corinthians 15 and it's the first. I think it's the first verse.
No, there's a little down. It's in the third verse. It's in the middle of the verse. It says Christ died for our sins.
Christ died for our sins. Where did he die for our sins? Who can tell me the name of the hill that the Christ died for our sins? It was a hill. Who can tell me what was the name? That's right. Calvary. Calvary Hill.
The hemorrhoidus has lifted up. Was he to die? It is finished. Was his crystal?
Then what? Let's read about it.
He died for our sins, and in verse four it says and he was buried.
He was buried. What did they call the place that he was buried? It starts with the letter S. Who can tell me it was called A? What can you remember?
Who can remember? What was it, honey?
This was after the cross was where they put the Lord's body. What was it? It starts with the letter S. Can you remember?
No, I didn't hear you.
Can you tell me sepulchre? That's right, they put him in a sepulchre.
They put him in a sepulchre. Let's read about it, it says. And he was buried and he was in a sepulchre.
And then look what it says the third day and he rose again.
The third day.
Did they have a big stone in front of this applicant? Is that what they had? You can remember it's a big stone, wasn't it? And what happened to the stone? What happened?
It got rolled away. That's what I wanted to hear. And that's something like our sins.
There was a song we used to sing rolled away, rolled away, rolled away. Every burden of my heart rolled away, rolled away. Up from the grave he arose. And so the stone was rolled away. And then what does it say?
And that he was seen of Cephas. Then of the 12 after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once.
And then where did he go?
After 40 days he went back up to the Mount Olivet and it was received up into heaven. And the Angel said this same Jesus will come again in like manners. You've seen him go. So now there's a man in the glory. There's a man in the glory that said why?
Why? Why?
He loved you and he loved me. That's why he went all the way to the cross, all the way to the cross, because he loved sinners like you and me. And the Bible says without the shedding of blood, there's no remission, there's no cleansing. And I have all my sins, so great, so many. And sometimes I can remember when I was young, before I was saved, it was like a burden. It was like some great big thing that I didn't know how to handle.
Do you have some big thing you don't know how to handle? Dear young people, as you grow up, you find out that you've got something in here that's bad. It's a wicked heart. And the Lord Jesus says, I want to give you a new heart. And so we get burdened with our sins, burdened with our sins.
But the Lord Jesus could say, when he was here, he that heareth my word.
You've heard his word, haven't you Heard about how he suffered on the cross? You've heard his word.
Let's turn over to that one in Luke.
Now I guess it's in Matthew. We want to look at it again. Just a few short minutes.
About the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, My God, my God, why hast thou? Why hast thou forsaken me?
And Jesus verse 51 He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost, and behold, the veil of the temple was rent and twained from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.
Oh God.
Saw a way that you and I could be brought to the Father's house.
Do I deserve to go there as a Sinner? No. In the third chapter of the Romans, it says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And sometimes people get angry about it when you tell them that they are a Sinner. They don't like to hear it. You and I don't like to hear that we're bad, that we're sinners before God.
Draw the Lord Jesus came down into this world because he loved sinners like you and me. He laid down his life for his sheep. And I want to turn over to the 10th chapter of John's Gospel. That's it.
Hear a story. Hear about the sheep. People know anything about sheep? You know something about sheep? What do you know about sheep? Have you seen sheep?
Are they? What? What did they say? Something like that? And the little baby sheep, what do they say? They say it's a higher pitched sound, isn't it? Yeah. And when have you seen a big flock of them or have you seen one or two?
Yeah, well.
There's many there's many wonderful stories about the sheep, but you know the Lord Jesus, he talks about his sheep in this chapter and I just wanted to read something it says in this one one verse he says.
I am in the John 10 and verse 11, he said. I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. The sheep.
And then he tells about the sheep.
But he that is a hireling and not the shepherd whose own the sheep or not, see at the wolf coming and leave it the sheep and flee it, and the wolf cateth them and scatter at the sheep. There's a ranch over in Washington. It's called the Johnson Sheep Ranch. And I, I knew one of the boys that was from that sheep ranch. And he told me that the coyotes used to come sneaking down and they would try to catch the little lambs.
And kill.
And he said that they used to get a gun.
They had a hunter and he came with a gun and he would try to shoot the coyotes and he would he would go out there and he would hunt for the coyotes. But, you know, there was something else that killed the sheep. He told me this himself. He said we had thousands of sheep and we had we had some shepherds that were very special shepherds. They're called Basque shepherds. Whoever heard of a Basque shepherd? Anybody ever hear of a Basque shepherd? Yeah. Where? Where do you think those shepherds come from? Well, they come from over in Europe and there are special shepherds. They know just how to take care of the sheep.
And they know how to call the sheep when it's dangerous. And when the coyotes are coming, he gets all the sheep together so that they're safe. Well, Mr. Johnson told me, he said, you know, we had another enemy of the sheep, and that was the cougar, the Mountain Lion, the Mountain Lion. And the Mountain Lion would crawl down from the mountain at night. And he said the Mountain Lion would would kill a whole bunch of sheep.
He said. And we used to get the hunter to go hunting for the mountain lions, to kill the mountain lions because we they would come down and they would kill the sheep without a good reason. They just were, they just were like they wanted to tear the sheep apart.
And I think in the story about King David, when he was a boy, he went out one day and there was a Mountain Lion. A lion. Well, I don't know if you'd call him a Mountain Lion. He was a lion and he grabbed one of the sheep.
And you know what he did? He went right over to that lion, and he grabbed the sheep away from the lion and he hit.
He smoked it says he smoked the lion. He was able to kill the lion. Now something. Well, anyway, this story with Mr. Johnson, he told me that they, the government didn't want him to put the poison out anymore for the coyotes that would kill the sheep. And he said the coyotes were getting more and more and we didn't know what to do about it. And then he said the Cougars got more and more and, and we told, we asked the government to come and, and, and look at the situation.
And that's what makes me think about this hireling here. The government man was hired by the government. He didn't really love the sheep. But Mr. Johnson, he loved his sheep. Yeah. And so did all the shepherds that he had. He, Mr. Johnson, was like the chief shepherd, and he had all these other shepherds working for him. And those shepherds, they know how to take care of the sheep.
And one day the government man came and he told him, he said there's a cougar, there's a a Mountain Lion that wants to kill the sheep. And he said, so he says, you spend the night here and we'll go look around tomorrow morning. We'll see if the cougar killed any sheep.
And the next morning, Mr. Johnson woke up the government inspector man, the man who came from Washington, DC and he said, come on, we're going to go up on the hill. The cougar got ten of the sheep last night.
And you know what he did? He told me, he said Bobby said I took him up on the mountain to wear those 10 sheep were and we got 100 yards away and he said how much further? And he said it's just around this little bend right up here behind those rocks.
And you know what? The government man said he should stop right here.
He said, you say they're right around those rocks. He said, yeah, OK, so let's go back. He never looked at the sheep that was killed. He never went. He never even looked at the sheep that had been killed by the cougar.
And Mr. Johnson says, but you haven't seen him. That's all right, He says, You told me that the cheaper killed. I believe you.
And he went back and he wrote his report and he said in the report later Mr. Johnson told me, he said I did not see any dead sheep that had been killed by the cougar.
Didn't see any dead sheep that were killed by the cougar he didn't want to recognize.
The terror of that Mountain Lion that would kill the sheep.
And so Mr. Johnson didn't have any help from the government about the matter. The government says, well, you don't have a problem.
You know Satan wants to tell you and me that we don't have a problem.
The God of this world is Satan. He's like a lion. He goes around. He's like a roaring lion. And you know what he wants to do? He wants to deceive you and he wants to deceive me and say this. Nothing to be worried about. No, I wouldn't kill you. You wouldn't get in trouble if you did what I tell you. And the devil wants to whisper in your ear and mind. Have a good time.
It doesn't really matter. And I want to turn you over now to a verse in the Old Testament. It's in the book of Ecclesiastes.
And this, this maybe would be to some of the older young people here this morning, some of you younger ones, I want you to listen to it because it's the word of God. But I'm going to ask the older ones, have you ever been angry about something?
Have you ever been angry when mom or dad told you not to do something and you said why?
Or they wanted you to do something and you said I don't want to. You never said that, did you? I said it I don't want to.
And you know who was listening in when I said that?
Satan, Satan.
He was listening in, he said. You're right, Bob, you're right. Tell him you don't want him.
The will was at work, wasn't it? You know, you and I all have a will that's against the Lord. It's against the Lord and his love. We don't want to hear his voice. We don't want to listen to the word of God. And so there's a verse here in Ecclesiastes in the.
And the 11Th chapter and the ninth verse. And I'm going to read this because I think we need to address this once in a while.
And it might help you and me figure out where am I? What am I here for?
You know, the street questions that we addressed in the prison with the prisoners. Where did I come from? What am I here for and where am I going?
And this might be a good question this morning for you young people. Where did you come from?
And what are you here for? And where are you going? Oh, you know, on the 15th of Luke, the young man, he, he, he knew where he wanted to go. He wanted to go away from the father's house, didn't he? And what did he do when he got away from the father's house? It says he wasted, he wasted, he wasted. Do you want to waste your life away from the Father's house, from the heart of God?
Well, that's what we are. When the Satan gets into our ear and he says no, there's no sheep. Sheep don't get killed on the Johnson ranch. You'll go out and have a good time. There's nothing that will hurt you out there.
Slain the slain. The slain lay about the streets. Yeah, and the sheep lay slain among the rocks, because why, the lion got the advantage over them. Rejoice so young man, and thy youth. Verse 9 Ecclesiastes 11 Rejoice so young woman in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth.
And walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes.
I can remember a man in the Navy when I was in the service. He says to me, Brimelow, tell us about, tell us about what the Bible says.
And they, some of them had been out, you know, doing bad things that night. Maybe they'd come in late at night and they'd say, tell me something from the Bible and I'll read this to them. Well, I said, I want to give you the philosophy of Solomon. Oh, yeah. OK, let's hear it. Here it is.
Walk in the ways of thine heart and in the sight of thine eyes. I said, what do you think of that? They said that's neat. I like that. Young people, do you like that philosophy?
The will at work, your will at work. It's like the two sons that the man had. He says go work in my field today and he says I will not, I will not.
But afterwards he repented, he came back and he worked for his father and he was happy. The other one says I will, but he never went.
Phony. Phony. Are you phony? Am I phony? Am I just putting on an act in this life to make it look good that I look like a nice person?
When I would go to the woman's prison, I would stand up and I would tell those, those poor souls.
They have souls, you know that God loves. They have hearts. They Christ died for the for The Who, for the ungodly. And I would tell them this word. I have a heart that's no better than the worst person in this prison, the worst person in this prison.
Well, one day I got saved and the Lord gave me a new heart.
Then I tell them about the wonderful love of Christ and how he wants to give them a new life. And the apostle Paul could say, if any man be in Christ, he's a new creation, he's a new creature, he has a new life.
And the apostle Paul could say the Son of God.
Who loved me? It comes down to #1 doesn't me? Let's read the rest of this. I'd read the first half of this verse and they said, that's very nice. Is that in the Bible? It says in the Bible. But let me read the rest of it. But know thou that for all these things.
For all these things, all what things? Doing your own will, doing your own will, all of your sins, so great, so many, could you count them? No, you couldn't count them, but God counts them. He's got them all written down in His book. We get away with nothing. It says, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Look what it says. But know thou that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Therefore remove something from thy heart.
This is good. This is the point in the margin, I think it says anger.
Anger. Yeah, this is anger. Are you angry about something?
You know it. It's just like a resentment down there in the bottom of your heart and you don't know what to do about it.
You're angry, You know. Some of them are angry with the brethren, the brethren this and the brethren that. Some are angry with the Father or their mother, and that anger goes on and on and on. It's a root of bitterness, bitter anger against somebody. Why?
Because they want to do their own will.
The prodigal son, he says. Father, give me. Give me what's coming to me.
His father gave it to him.
You went into the far country, therefore remove anger from thy heart and put away evil from thy flesh. For childhood and youth or vanity. There's a time, cometh boys and girls, when you and I have to grow up. And the big question is why?
Why? Why am I here?
Why am I here? I'm here to learn about God. I'm here to learn that in the beginning, God.
In the beginning, God, we start with God.
And then we learn what's in his heart. You know what? What drove Adam and Eve into the woods?
What drove them into the woods? Conscience. The guilty conscience drove them into the woods.
God had to say, Adam, where are you? You know the Lord says the same thing to you tonight, this morning, where are you?
And you want to hide because of what? Your sins?
The hemorrhoid puts it so simply, All our sins so great, so many, and his blood are washed away. Conscience now no more condemns us for His own most precious blood. Once for all has washed and cleanses, cleanses broadest night to God.
I'm going to try to teach you a hymn in closing.
Some of you know it. This is the one about the Lord laying down his life for the sheep. I'm going to sing it for you. If anyone that knows it. Join in with me will get it started. He lay down his life for his sheep. He laid down his life for his sheep. This shepherd so kind had me in his mind when he lay down his life for his sheep.
Let's try it together. He lay down his life for his sheep. He lay down his life for his sheep. This shepherd so kind heart me in his mind.
When he laid down his life for his sheep, well, let's just ask the Lord's blessing.