Wi Yu

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
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A True story of An Indian Girl
Our picture today shows us an Indian mother and her little one. Once Indians were savages who knew not the true God nor His Son, Jesus Christ, but God loved them and sent messengers to tell them so, and also to show them from His Word how to be saved and. made happy and free from sin.
Wi-yu’s parents were pagans, and their dear little girl had not even heard of Jesus until she was sent to a mission school. The lady in charge of the school was very loving and kind to Wi-yu, and the child soon grew to love her dearly. One day Wi-yu said to her.
“I want to give myself away to you.” Much surprised, Mrs. C. asked,
“Why does Wi-yu wish to give herself to me?”
“Because I love you,” she replied After this they called Wi-yu, “Mrs. C.’s little girl,”
Another day Mrs. C. and Wi-yu were sitting together sewing, while Mrs. C. also talked to her little girl about Jesus.
“Do you love Jesus?” asked Mrs. C.
“No,” said the child, “but I want to: I want to become a Christian, but I’m too little.”
“But Jesus says, ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me’.”
“I don’t know how to go to Him; I don’t know what to do.”
“Wi-yu,” said Mrs. C., “you must give yourself away to Him.”
“How can I do that?” exclaimed “Wi-yu in surprise.
“How did you give yourself to me?” “I came to you, and asked you to take me because I love you.”
“Why do you love me dear?” She paused a moment, then said,
“It must be because you love me.”
“Yes, Wi-yu, that is the reason. Now Jesus has been loving you all the time while you have not been caring at all for Him.”
“Would He he willing for me to give myself to Him just as I did to you?”
“Certainly, child, that is just what He wants you to do.”
After some quiet thinking, the dear child knelt by her friend’s side and said,
“My Jesus, I give myself to You. I give my hands, my feet, my mouth, my tongue and my heart to You. give You all of myself. Please take me, dear Jesus.” Then she arose and said,
“Do you think He heard me?”
“I am sure of it,” said Mrs. C. and together they found these precious words in her Indian Testament,
Believing these wonderful words, she from that moment knew herself to be His own, saved child.
A few days later, Mrs. C. said to her,
“Wi-yu, after you had given yourself to me, did you try any harder to please me?”
“O, yes!” she said, “I tried to please you in everything, even in very little things.”
“Are you willing to please Jesus?”
“I think I am,” she answered.
“Have you told the other girls that you are now a Christian?”
“No, I am ashamed to do so.” She blushed and hung her head.
“Were you ashamed to tell them You had givenyourself to me?”
“O, no, indeed.”
“And yet, my Wi-yu, you are ashamed of Jesus, your most precious friend, your wonderful friend, Who loves you so much, and saved you from your sins. O, Wi-yu! Wi-yu! Let us tell Him about it, and ask Him to help you to please Him, even in this.”
They knelt and Wi-yu sobbingly said,
“My own dear Jesus, I have been ashamed and afraid to confess Thee. Help me to tell them all that I have given myself away to You.” When she arose she said,
“I can tell them now, I’ll tell everybody.”
This she did, brightly and happily, and even wrote to her stern pagan father. Her letter was as follows:—
“My dear father: I have given melf away to Jesus, and I am not ashamed or afraid to tell it.”
The very next Sunday he walked several miles to the Mission Room, and heard about this same Jesus to whom his little daughter had given herself. After that, he kept coming until, he, too, accepted Christ as his own Saviour.
ML 11/05/1944