WHATEVER your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Be whole-hearted over your work; keep your soul in it. Whether it be work or play, do what you do right earnestly. Do not be an indifferent, sleepy sort of boy or girl, for life is too valuable to be lived save with a purpose.
And this “with-all-your-might” way of doing things is most important to the Christian boy and girl. A half-hearted Christian never gets on. God is not to be served acceptably with anything less than a whole heart. Depend upon it, the reason so many young Christians fail in their Christian cause, and turn back for a season into the world, is that they are not heart and soul given up to Christ and His work. When indifference to Christ begins to creep into the heart, it is the time to tremble, and to pray for His strength that there may be true earnest purpose for Him.