IN A Northern California community, the hospital was often visited by Christian workers who handed out gospel tracts and talked with the sick folk. Among those sick folk was one to whom they could not speak, for he was a deaf-mute. However, another Christian worker had come to the city, and he knew how to “talk” with his fingers. He gladly accepted the request that he visit the sick deaf-mute.
On his first visit, after speaking to him about his physical condition, the Christian visitor told him of the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ. But the patient had no interest in “religion” and did not want to talk about it.
During the weeks that followed the hospital visiting continued, but each time the sick man saw his visitor coming he would turn his face to the wall and shut his eyes. Now with most of the patients, one might still quietly say a few words, trusting that they would be blessed for the eternal good of any who heard. But, with a deaf-mute, speaker and hearer must look at each other in order to carry on a conversation. When the dying man turned to the wall he could not be spoken to. There was still a resource for God’s servants, however. They prayed for the man and in due time God answered those prayers. The Christian worker told the story of what happened: “After being rebuffed week after week, one Sunday afternoon as I entered the sick-room, I was surprised to see the man sitting up and seemingly watching the door. As I entered he beckoned me to his side and immediately asked, " ‘How much do you charge?’
“Noticing my surprise, he hastened to explain. During that week he had been told that his case was hopeless and that he was dying. He immediately asked for help from a “spiritual adviser” who was visiting in the ward. To the sick man’s amazement, instead of being told how to get to heaven, he was asked, " ‘How much money do you have?’
“The poor deaf-mute shook his head. He had no money. Learning this, the spiritual adviser smiled, turned his back and walked away.
“Many thoughts now crowded in on the dying man. Dying, penniless, without Christ, without hope, eternity before him! Where would he spend it?
“Thus, when I walked into the room, he anxiously asked, ‘How much do you charge?’ I immediately told him that the salvation of God was without money and without price. Christ had paid it all.
“Not a sound was uttered as I spoke with my fingers, telling the grand old gospel story of the Saviour’s love for lost sinners. The dying deaf-mute’s eyes were fixed on my hands as he took in every word.”
How wonderful is that salvation which God offers. Saved, free of all cost, simply by taking Jesus as one’s own Saviour. It is true an awful price was paid for this salvation, but Jesus paid it all on Calvary’s cross. He gave His life a sacrifice for sin, though He had Himself done no sin. Now salvation is offered without money and without price. Not one penny can be paid for it.
The Christian worker continued his story: “A few days later, I visited the hospital again. How wonderful it was now to visit the dying deaf-mute. Instead of turning his face to the wall and closing his eyes, he was sitting up watching for me and greeted me with a happy smile.
“Two fellow-Christians went with me and although they did not know the sign language, this was no hindrance to the warm feeling among us all. The look of joy on his face, the firm handshake and a finger pointed toward heaven, all told of the settled peace in the heart and soul of the dying man. We talked about the Lord Jesus and then said goodbye, not knowing it would be for the last time.
“After a few days and before I could visit the hospital again, he was gone. Death had claimed him, but his soul was with Jesus, safe for all eternity.”