Without Title or Ticket

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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AS I was on my way home one evening, I saw a crowd of ragged boys and girls pressing into a hall. I asked what was going on, and was told it was a Tea Meeting for children, who went to no Sunday School, and who could not gain admission to the Annual Treat of the Sunday School children, because they did not belong to it. This was a special tea provided for them just because they needed it, "without title or ticket." This is just like us. We had no title to God's salvation, for we were none of His. But just because we were "very hungry," and had not got anything to satisfy us in the world, God invited us to His Gospel feast. Our need is our plea, and whenever a sinner comes to Christ and owns that he is poor and needy, then at once he is received: saved and satisfied. Reader, are you saved? Have you come to Jesus? He says, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.