Woman Falls Dying of Starvation

“The woman in the picture has collapsed through faintness owing to lack of food. Her baby has fallen from her arms upon the snow. One woman who still preserves the remnants of social feeling attempts to assist her, but the ninety and nine pass by with little more than a glance in her direction. She has been endeavoring to cross the Znamensky Square to reach one of the Government depots, from which alone food is obtainable. But her strength has given out, and she has fallen by the wayside. A newsboy stares down at her, but makes no movement of assistance. Strolling by is a typical soldier of the Red Army with a girl on each arm.... They stroll by without stopping.” The world moves on unconcerned while the woman and her baby die.
God give us prayerful hearts for the woes of the world today, and a longing desire to do all that lies in our power for the souls of the unsaved everywhere.