THE mother had with loving care led the hearts of her little ones in their evening prayer to put their trust in our Father in heaven, and had bidden them good-night, when she heard the elder child ask her brother, “Deanie, would you like to go on the road to life or the road to hell?” He replied, “The road to life, Rachel.”
Deanie then said, “Rachel, Who makes the moon come out?”
“Why, Jesus, Deanie. Deanie, what did Jesus first make?”
“Why, the light. We could not have seen if He had not made light! If Jesus liked He could take away your breath, and then you would be dead, and if you lived in a house which had lead windows He could see you. Deanie, there’ll be a time—a dreadful time of judgment; it’s coming—such a time!—and our eyes will be opened, and we shall see the Lord—not a false Lord. And, Deanie, if our eyes were opened now, what do you think we should see? We should see Jesus in this very room—so bright and beautiful! Deanie do you love Jesus?”
He lisped in answer, “I love Jesus.”
“You know He died for you, and if you go to heaven you will see holes in His hands where those wicked men pierced Him. Would you like to go to heaven, and walk in those golden streets, and play? We shall go up ten thousand times higher than the clouds and moon, and be so happy.”
“Shall I tell you something? ‘I heard the voice of Jesus say, Come unto Me.’
“I’m a poor sinner, and nothing at all,
But Jesus Christ is my All-in-All.’
“Not a bone of Him was broken, but a soldier with a spear pierced His side. Oh, Deanie, do you love Jesus better than mamma?”
He said, “Yes.”
Then she joyfully exclaimed, “Oh! I am so glad you don’t love mamma better than Jesus. Oh! There’ll be a time, and soon perhaps, of judgment! Yes, and all who don’t love Jesus will be judged.”