Praise is to be the primary and continual occupation of the believer. We, in our fancied wisdom, would put work in the first place. We are disposed to attach chief importance to bustling activity. We have such an overwhelming sense of the value of doing that we lose sight of the place which worship and praise occupy in the thoughts of God.
If we really desire to please God, to gratify His heart and to glorify His name, we shall give our heart’s attention to Hebrews 13:1515By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Hebrews 13:15) and seek to offer the sacrifice of praise continually, not merely now and then, when all goes on smoothly and pleasantly. Come what may, it is our high and holy privilege to offer the sacrifice of praise to God.
Oh, how delightful it is to cultivate a spirit of praise and thankfulness — to be always ready to cry, “Hallelujah!” It does so glorify God when His people live in an atmosphere of praise. It imparts a heavenly tone to their character and speaks more powerfully to the hearts of those around them than if they were preaching to them from morning till night. A Christian should always be happy, always bright with the spirit of praise, always reflecting back upon this dark world the blessed beams of His Father’s countenance.
So it should always be. Nothing is so unworthy of a Christian as a fretful spirit, a gloomy temper, a sour morose-looking face. And not only is it unworthy of a Christian, but it is dishonoring to God, and it causes the enemies of truth to speak reproachfully. No doubt tempers and dispositions vary, and much allowance must be made in cases of weak bodily health. It is not easy to look pleasant when the body is racked with disease, pain or stress. And, on the other hand, we should be very far indeed from commending anything like levity or the continual smile of mere unsubdued nature.
The Fruit of Our Lips
Scripture is clear and explicit. It tells us to “offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” How simple! “The fruit of our lips”! This is what our God delights in. It is His joy to be surrounded with the praises of hearts filled to overflowing with His abounding goodness. Thus it will be throughout eternity, in that bright home of love and glory to which we are so rapidly hastening.
C. H. Mackintosh (adapted)