Works needed for Salvation

Duration: 1hr 4min
Gospel—A. Barry
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The thing #10.
There is a savior on high in the glory.
A savior who suffered on Calvary's tree. A savior as willing to save now as ever.
His arm is almighty, his love great and free. That dear loving Savior who lives in the glory this world once rejected and nailed to the tree a robe of derision. They circled around him. And all this he suffered from sinners like thee. All come now to Jesus, that dear loving Savior receiving this moment.
And peace shall be long hymn #10.
There is.
A server.
A savior?
Oh well.
Oh my God.
The third verse.
Our God and Father, how it thrills us. They are two works.
That are necessary for the salvation.
Of every center that's saved, one is the work of Christ foreign.
And the other is the work of God in him. And I have two psalms in view that bring before us.
With the two works of which we speak, written by the same writer David.
In the Psalms, and we'll find that the first the work of Christ for us is in the 22nd Psalm. We'll speak on that.
As the Lord may guide.
Then we'll turn to the 51St Psalm.
And consider the work of God in us. So we will turn 1St to the 22nd song.
My God. My God.
Why hast thou forsaken me?
Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?
Oh my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not and in the ninth season. And I'm not silent.
But thou art holy, oh thou that inhabiteth the praises of Israel.
We know that these are the very words that Christ spoke on the cross.
During those hours of darkness we were singing about.
When he was forsaken of God.
I was just looking at the reference.
Over the reference to the time when David was living and it's 1000 years.
Before Christ came into this world.
Who can doubt that this is the word of God when you read the very words the Blessed Lord spoke on the cross?
Recorded 1000 years before his birth and as we go on through this description of his suffering.
On the cross, we'll find that every detail fits into what the Lord experienced when He was there crucified, hung up between 2 malefactors.
Beloved friends, have we ever really considered in our souls?
Wise God forsook his beloved son. Remember years ago meeting a young man who had allowed learning to?
Turn him away from.
The belief of the Scripture, and he told me this, He said he believed that when the Lord uttered those words that he had at last found out.
That his life mission was a mistake.
So he says. Why hast thou forsaken me?
Oh, I said to that young man. Did you never know why he uttered those words? He confessed he did not. Then I had the wonderful privilege of telling him the reason why that Blessed One was forsaken there alone in that darkness.
On Calvary's cross, you know what hell is, beloved friends?
Its eternal separation from God.
Word June the 25th of Matthew is depart, ye cursed.
Into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. No fire is a symbol of judgment, and the lake of fire speaks of confinement. And the one who is who goes on in his sins, that Christ reject you.
Is put in that place of eternal separation from God.
Where there is no return, just as it was told to the.
The rich man that opened his eyes in hell, that there was a great gulf fix, No one could go to him, and no one could go from him, to where Abraham and the and the beggar were in the enjoyment of heavenly bliss.
Confined under the judgment of God, oh friends, may none. I'm looking whose faces I'm looking into have to experience eternal separation.
From a God who loves you, you know even the natural blessings that we enjoy this lovely weather.
The devil didn't give this beautiful weather. He doesn't provide the food you have been partaking of. He doesn't provide the the air that you breathe, the beautiful skies that delight your eye.
Devil takes everything from you. All these things are the blessings of God to his creatures.
To stop and think that if you reject Christ as your Savior, you will be separated even from those.
Present blessing, oh the solemnity of it, beloved friends.
May it solemnize the heart of everyone here to think of what it would be to end in a lost eternity.
You will be confined among those that will have their their place.
With the devils, the demons, and that darkness that will pervade forever.
Friends, in order that you might not go there.
God's blessed, Holy, eternal Son was forsaken.
And those solemn hours when the very sun refused to shine.
When there was darkness over all the land.
I read a very interesting little story years ago.
A lady who took deaf and dumb boy. He was known as Jack the dumb Boy to raise me.
An ignorant Irish boy and she taught him the deaf and dumb language.
And then began to communicate with him and give him.
The Gospel.
And she brought before him how the Lord Jesus died on the cross for sinners.
Jack was a very intelligent, thoughtful lad.
He went off toward the day, and he came back at night, and he made this motion. He stuck out his tongue and then made.
A motion like that.
That this lady should have her tongue cut out because she'd lied to him and then he went on with his hands to explain that the Lord Jesus could die for one Sinner.
But he that's all he could do.
It was absolutely impossible that he could die for hundreds and thousands and millions of sinners.
Dear Lady wondered how she could explain the gospel to the.
Simple, boy. Well, they were sitting by an open fire, and there was a bouquet, and there by the side of the hearth. And she took the stems of the flowers of the bouquet, and began to break them up in little pieces until she had quite a pile before. And then she took her diamond ring and laid it by the side of the broken.
Flower stems. She pointed to one and then the other.
Do a half Jack in that way. Which he'd rather have. Well, of course. He reached for the diamond ring and then Jack saw what she meant for Could this boy she pile the whole room with broken flower stems? It couldn't be worth in the diamond ring before she filled the whole house, before she raised a mountain of broken flour stands. Still, the diamond ring would be worth far more.
On a mountain of diamonds, broken flower stems.
Well, friends, when you think of who that Blessed One actually was.
There alone forsaken on that cross that he was the one that inhabited eternity, the one who is being. None can know of whom we read in Hebrews, one who being the brightness of God's glory.
And the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power.
Message comes before us, then, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on time.
Well, trans, that's the savior that's offered to you.
For your salvation here tonight, Well, we'll read on a little farther in this.
You see, the question is asked by the Blessed Lord.
Why hast thou forsaken thee? And then you have the answer. He answers the question himself in the third verse. But thou art holy, oh thou that inhabiteth the praises of Israel, That's why.
I very much enjoyed.
Brother John Curry's remarks this afternoon about the thrice holy God, and, I believe beloved friends, it's the subject that should often be before our soul, that God is a holy God, a sin hating God.
And that's why God had to forsake him. Because of His Holiness, God could not have sinned in his presence.
And either the whole world of.
Mankind was doomed to eternal darkness, for His Son must take their place and enter into that awful darkness and experience what it means to be forsaken of a holy God and dear friends in infinite love to your poor soul, He.
He chose to be forsaken to enter into that awful experience.
Of being there forsaken alone with that load of sin upon him, so that in the 53rd of Isaiah we read this, He was wounded. For our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with His rights we're healed.
You read on in the next verse. Our fathers trusted. In thee they trusted.
And thou didst deliver them, They cried unto thee, and were delivered. They trusted in thee, and were not confounded. But I am a worm, and no man a reproach of men.
And despise of the people.
I read a herd of two girls during who were sisters during the terrible persecutions.
When they burned Christians at the stake, there were two girls that were being tried.
How to ask whether they would give up Christ or go to the state?
They decided between them that one would go first.
And she would see if.
It will be the sufferings.
Where the fire and all that they were to endure was worth the price that they would have to pay.
For their testimony for Christ, one girl went forward with chained to the stake, and as the flame rolled around her, she said to her sister. Come on, sister, it's worth it. Why did she say that? Well, she had the Lord wither. He doesn't forsake her in the joy of the Lord gave her.
At that moment, when she was enduring such sufferings, she could invite another her own sister to come and share the sufferings with her. Let beloved friends, when our blessed Lord was suffering the untold agony of the cross, he had to say, I'm a worm and no man the reproach of men. He didn't have that experience.
Brother, Hale said this afternoon.
That there was one time.
When the Lord wasn't in that blessed communion that He enjoyed all through his pathway down here unbroken community.
There was only one time the Lord addressed His Father's God and it's quoted here. It's a foretold here. It's given in the 27th of Matthew's Gospel and.
Hand the 15th of March.
The very words, you know that the language that he spoke or recorded, therefore it's he, said Elohim.
Lamas, back then I You know, the Spirit of God has been pleased to preserve the very words, the very language. See, the Bible or the New Testament is written in Greek, but there are a few places.
I only think of three at the moment where you get the colloquial language of the time.
The desire America believed that was spoken during those days, and there is one example, so that if you were to actually been there to cross of Calvary and heard the Lords words, you'd have heard those very words.
Eli Illa Y Lamothe So back from my.
Think of the degradation to which the Lord was brought. You can't think of anything more lowly, something you you're as repulsive to your word and no man.
So he goes on all day that see me laugh me to scorn. They shoot out the lip, They shake the head, saying he trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him. He delighted in him.
Let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.
You know, the Lord Jesus was a real man.
Just as much a man as anyone here in this company.
Although he was also divine, yet he was a real man and he had the feelings of a man. You know how we feel reports and people insult us. Oh, the Lord had those tender feelings and feelings that were not marred or hardened.
By the sins that so often take away the refinement and general notes that belongs to even creatures. Oh, how the Lord felt the insults that were heaped upon him there as he was hanging on that shameful cross. They've taken his clothes off of him, stripped him, and then nailed him to that shameful cross of Calvary.
And isn't it remarkable? If you read in the 27th of Matthew, you'll find that those Jews, the high priests and the elders were coating right from this Psalm. They heard the psalms read in the synagogues every Sabbath. They'd heard these words, and so they just used them. What an awful thing it is, friends, to hear the word of God until you're familiar with it. And then?
Have that word has no power over your soul. Oh, what an awful condition. May God preserve us from ever getting into that state where we're hardened so that God's word doesn't affect our consciences anymore.
That's the state that these high priests and elders were in at this time.
But thou art he that took me out of the womb, thou didst make me.
To hope when I was upon my mother's breast. Isn't that touching? The Lord's dependence? From his infancy, from a little babe he was trusting in his father. All through the pathway down here. Now he's reminding his father and those solemn hours.
Of what he had meant to him and all the experiences he's had as man.
Through in this seed. So he says in verse 11, Be not far from me.
Where trouble is near, for there is none to help me, many bulls have compassed me. Strong bulls of basin have beset me. They gapped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and a roaring lion. I'm poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax that is melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a potchard, and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws.
And thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
They say that this is one of the most graphic descriptions.
That could be written of the crucifixion.
The crucifixion was one of the cruelest inventions that man ever contrived to put a victim to death, to think of being hung up.
And just die of weakness and exhaustion, tortured by those those wounds, those wounds in the hands and the feet.
He speaks of his bones being out of joint. Course, you know, if you were hung by your hands, how soon your arm sockets would release and your arms would be out of joint. Oh, that's what the Lord endured. Stop and think how much He loves you, dear friends.
You dear young people, think how much he loves you, that he would suffer all that for your sake.
In order that he might have your company, that he might have you in his blessed presence.
Then he speaks of my strength is dried up like a potured. My tongue cleathers to my jaws. They say that the torture of crucifixion.
The first is one of the most severe.
Experiences. The crucified have his tongue cleaving to his jaws. What did they give him?
Lord refuse the.
The wine mingled with Gall. That was a stupefying draft. You wouldn't have that, but to fulfill the scripture at the end, he said. I first.
What did they give him? He took a sponge and filled it with vinegar. You know how vinegar hurts? A poor sore mouth.
All the cruelty, all the human heart, beloved friends, man showed his enmity as he has never shown it at any time or in any way against the blessed Son of God. And following it is to think there's a description of your heart and mind apart from the grace of God.
For the time was when we would have said away with him to be anything away with him tonight.
As he looks into your face with love and tenderness, are you saying no to the blessed Lord Jesus?
Or are they any here that are still in their sins without Christ? Are there any here that have just been?
Making a false profession that you yourself know is not real.
May God awaken you to all your real condition.
As lost in his presence.
So, he says, for dogs have compassed me.
The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. They pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones. They look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. But be not thou far from me, O Lord.
All my strength hastily delivered me. Deliver my soul from the sword, my darling, from the power of the dogs, Save me from the lion's mouth.
There is where the Psalm reaches the very climax of the description.
Of the Lord's suffering there across, for then the next thing we have.
For thou hast heard me from the horns of the Unicorn.
Thus, resurrection.
You know the Lord Jesus.
Ere he bowed his head in death he uttered these 3 words.
It is finished.
Oh, how wonderful, how important to lay hold of the truth, that the whole atoning work that will save your soul and fit you for glory was all accomplished.
During those three hours of darkness, every sin was born with full judgment of God was endured. During those hours the work was all accomplished there. That puts your sins forever out of the present of God. The trends he came to down. And so in order that the work might be complete, he must go into.
The varied death that healed man in its chains, only to break up his power, and to rise triumphant beyond it and.
Friends, that one who died, as it tells us for our sins and was buried, was raised again by the glory of the Father.
So we get in the end of the fourth woman that he was delivered for our offenses.
He was raised again for our justification. You see, you could never be justified apart from the resurrection.
Of the Lord Jesus.
Suppose he was still in the grave.
Would we have any assurance that our sins were put away? None at all.
Or if God had left his son in that tomb, it would have been as it were to as much as to say I'm not satisfied with that work.
It wasn't complete.
But when he raised him from the dead, it was a full guarantee that God was infinitely satisfied with the work of his beloved Son and beloved friends. That one who was there suffering for your sins on the crawl is now seated, crowned with glory and honor at God's right hand, a Prince and a savior, as Peter tells those to whom he was preaching.
And the second chapter of Acts.
And when you have time, look into that chapter and see how wonderfully Peter brings the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Before those Jews.
We'll just read perhaps one verse.
In that chapter.
Peter's address on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit had come down.
And we read this in the 32nd verse, this Jesus.
If God raised up, whereof where all our witnesses, therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost.
He has shed forth this which he now see and hear.
A lot of the Holy Spirit of God has come down from that glorified man to tell that God is offering salvation to any Sinner of Adam's race who will accept him.
Oh, how wonderful that we have the Spirit of God witnessing to the worth, to the work, and to the exaltation.
Of the Savior. Now we might just look a little farther in the book of Acts.
And the 4th chapter where?
The apostles are brought up before the Sanhedrin.
And here's what Peter says. And Peter was filled with the Holy Ghost on this occasion.
He says, Be it known unto you, all, unto all the people of Israel.
That by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand before you hold This is the stone which was set at north of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
Neither is there salvation than any other, or there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Oh, wonderful, that there is a living favor.
Oh, it isn't trusting in a dead Christ. It's trusting in that man and the glory of beloved friends. He has accomplished the work, he's finished the work, and he's there on high now as a Prince and a savior to all who will receive him by faith and if you have never received him.
As your savior, as we were just singing in our little hymn.
Receiving this moment, and peace shall be thine.
So in our 22nd verse, 22nd Psalm.
As soon as the Lord is heard and there is His resurrection.
We get I will declare thy name unto my brethren.
In the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Well, we see that fulfilled. And the Lord appearing in the little group in the upper room there in Jerusalem, standing in their midst, showing them his pierced hands and his pierced inside, and saying, peace be unto you, Oh, how wonderful that we had the very same experience this morning together.
Wasn't it lovely, That table with that white cloth and that two bread, that loaf, that cup, all Speaking of the death, that blessed one. Beloved friends, as we gather together, there was a divine person came into our midst. Just as he came into the midst of that company, though, he came into the midst.
Of that company, and had there been only two or three, he would have been there just the same. Beloved Prince. He doesn't require several 100 as we saw this morning.
For he says, Where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I.
In the midst of them now I want to take up the other subject in the 51St Psalm and remember they're bowls written by by David.
You'll notice that there is some.
Something in fine print above the song and we might understand that when you see this fine print above the Psalm, it's it's inspired, you know it's it's to be as much depended on as what's is in the Psalm itself. It says to the chief musician, the son of David when Nathan the Prophet came unto him after he had gone into Bathsheba.
That tells the occasion of the writing of this song.
It was after Nathan came to David, you know, and told him of the touching story of the little you lamb.
And when David was angry with the man said he should be put to death.
Prophet singled him out, and he says, And thou art the man.
Friend, God is singling any Sinner that's still out of Christ here, and this message is coming, and just with fame, solemn way today.
While art commands, they are not ascend the same way. David Sin. But you're a Sinner and God singles you out from all the mass of this world.
He says. You're the man.
And I have to say too.
I read a story of.
Servant of Christ.
Who was giving away tracks one day and he walked into a saloon.
And was handing out tracks.
Oh, men that were drinking at the bar.
One man in the company took advantage of his presence to make fun of of the Christian faith and of the Bible.
And he began to tell, in a very offensive way, about David's sin.
This serves of the Lord, listen, he said. You seem to have read.
About David's sin, he said. Did you ever read of David's repentance?
He had to confess. He never had, he says. Now you go home and read the.
51St Psalm. And so he did. He went home and read the 51St song.
It brought him under such conviction of sin that he a poor, miserable Sinner like David.
Needed repentance and getting right with God that this man got saved.
So he begins this Psalm. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sins.
For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me a friend of theirs, repentance.
And I might say this, that in view of the fact that it was a child of God.
Who was expressing his?
Deep repentance for his sins.
That the repentance of a lost Sinner and the repentance of a child of God out of communion who has sinned against the Lord is very similar.
Of course we know that the thief by the Savior's side. It was the beginning of a work in his soul that had never been wrought before, because only a short time before his his conviction.
He had joined in with the other thief and mocked the Lord.
But when he said, we indeed.
We indeed justly, for we receive a due reward of our sins.
There was true repentance, and, as has often been said, that repentance is taking sides with God against yourself.
And if you're a child of God and you've failed, dishonored the Lord.
Allowed the old nature to lead you into some sinful thing. If you're covering it up and think that you can hide it, you'll never be right in your soul until The thing is thoroughly judged and confessed in his presence.
I believe this is a true statement that repentance is not just a work that is accomplished in the soul once and forever. It's a state of soul that continues from the time of Sinner, like the thief judges himself in the presence of God as long as he has the old nature and is in this scene.
Is spoken of in this way, repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is, the longer we go on with the Lord in our souls, the more we're going to discover what poor, unworthy, helpless things we are in ourselves. And as we discover that, that we can't trust ourselves on any occasion.
The more we're going to learn of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, for they both work harmoniously together, learning of what we earn ourselves and our beloved of our dear brother, Eric Smith, so often says, keep short of counsel. God, when you have failed, get right before the Lord and own and confess the whole thing in His presence.
And get restored in your soul for heal, soul wailing and soul ready to forgive and to restore.
Those that are out of the way.
Now notice what you read next.
He says, against thee, and thee only, have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight.
When thou that thou mightest, be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judges.
Now there he is.
Not getting merely right with man, I've done something wrong to a neighbor and go to him and confess my mistake, but this is getting right with God.
You find the same language in the mouth of the prodigal. When he came back from the far country, what did he say? First to his father? He says, I have sinned against heaven, not against thee first and in thy sight. Now there's the way the Spirit of God works, conviction in the soul to realize what is the fact that one has sinned against God.
That's just where David is brought in this.
Against thee and thee only have I sinned.
And done this evil. Then he says that thou mightest be justified.
That's the only thing we God can be justified. The only way we can be right with God is when The thing is thoroughly judged in His presence, and that thou mightest be clear when thou judge.
Isn't it wonderful, the lovers, that we can pay all so often and so badly? And yet when we are thoroughly humbled ourselves and the Lord's presence, we can be happy in the enjoyment of His love again.
Let's enjoy that communion. Let's be careful that nothing breaks that communion or it's the most precious.
Position that we have in this life.
Then he says, Behold, I was shapen in iniquity.
And in sin did my mother concede me.
You see, he just owns what he is.
As a fallen creature.
And that's true of us all. We were born with a sinful nature.
All that corruption is within. There's no exception. For all of sinned and come short of the glory of God, we all are born with that sinful nature and beloved. It's only the grace of God that keeps us from judging it and keeping it from taking its full and awful course.
Oh, what a nature we have as sinners in this world.
With all we have the grace of God.
Along with all that which is corrupt, as he speaks of here, we have the grace of God to keep us from falling, and as Jude tells us, to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
Then he goes on without desires, truth in the inward parts and in the hidden parts.
Thou shalt make me no wisdom. God must have reality.
If anything is hidden in our lives, God can't be satisfied until The thing is fairly out and judged.
Things cannot be right. And David realized that as he penned these words.
Then he says, purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. David couldn't tell you what I can tell.
These dear ones present here tonight, that is the blood of Jesus Christ.
His son that cleanses us from all sins. Remember a poor man down in Kentucky named Cal Blackburn?
And for years I had spoken to that man about his soul, and he told me he knew he was the lost Sinner.
One night he heard the gospel. He went home very much disturbed.
Another brother and I went to see him the next day. He told us he couldn't sleep that night.
Thinking of what he'd heard the night before.
I've had.
We called him Uncle Carol. I said, Uncle Carol, what is it the reason why you haven't accepted the Lord? Well, he says, I'll tell you.
He says I'm a terrible man to swear and he says I've been trying for years to break myself with a habit. But he says when anything goes wrong, swear I will.
He says. I've decided that there's no use, that I'm going to hell and I can't help it.
Well, I said. Uncle Carol, you've been trying all these years to do something in your own strength.
For you, just stop trying and see what the Lord can do for you. You never thought of that. We didn't know what effect it had on him until we went to the 10th meeting that night and we saw him outside the tent with a bunch of his old cronies around him. He's pointing his old crooked finger in the air and he said, men, it's the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses from all sins. The next time I talk to him, I ask him, oh, what about the swearing?
Well, he says we'll never think of that. And his wife said he was going around quoting scripture.
As he went about at his work.
For friends, when you just yield yourself to the loving words and the precious desire of that blessed thing, what can he not do for your soul?
So, he says.
I'll have to pass over.
Some of this in the farm, beautiful as it is, he says, Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.
Notice he doesn't say restore.
Thy salvation.
He says, Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.
And if you're a child of God out of communion, you don't have to get saved over again.
But you have lost the joy of that in your soul, and what you need is to have the joy restored again.
Then he says in the 13th verse, Then will I teach transgressors, Thy ways and sinners shall be converted to thee.
Isn't it wonderful that God can use a man like David? And he's using him here tonight, isn't he? He's speaking right to your souls here tonight. How many have been converted through David's words that he has written? There'll be many in heaven, Friends. What a testimony it'll be. But why will it be a testimony? Because he humbled himself and fully owned his guilt and got right with God. And then sinners could be converted to God.
And if we're covering anything up in our lives, God will have to deal with us.
Until that thing is judged, God cannot go on with one who is going on.
Were things that have not been judged.
So he says in the 16th verse, For thou desirous not sacrifice, else would I give it. Thou delightest not in burnt offerings. The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit, a broken, and a contrite heart, O God.
Will thou not Will thou not despise?
You know, there are some people that think if they if they give God a big gift of some kind that that will satisfy them. I was talking to a man in Chatham one day and he owes the Lord's name almost every word he said. He took the Lord's name in thee.
Finally, I said to Mr. Humphries, did you ever read that God will not hold him guiltless, that taketh his name in vain? Oh, he says, I know that. And he says I oughtn't to talk this way. But he says you needn't be worried about me. He said. When the Park Street church had a mortgage against it, he said I helped to lift that mortgage. He says I'm all right.
Haven't had an awful deception.
Think of a Sinner thinking that he's going to buy his way to heaven.
The sacrifice of God are broken in a contrite spirit.
Or we can't humble ourselves enough in His presence. What happiness and blessing there is. And there is that breaking down instead of resisting, instead of letting our own wills control, just breaking down and holding and getting in His presence and getting fully restored in the soul. Now here's something rather remarkable at the end of the song.
From the 19 verse, then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings? Then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar, you might say. Well, I thought he said that God wasn't pleased with burnt offerings, and here he tells us.
That God is pleased with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings, then shalt thou be pleased? Looks like.
The Scripture contradicted itself, doesn't it?
Why is that?
Poor friends. It's just this, if you're presenting anything to God and covering up something in your life.
God doesn't want that. But if it's thoroughly judged, if you got to the very root of things.
Or then you can come with the very thing that he would reject and refuse before you can come with whole burnt offerings. And the marvelous beautiful thing here is that the very largest sacrifices that are mentioned are the forest. Whole burnt offerings they shall offer bullocks. You see, the Bullock was the largest of all the offerings.
For beloved, what a privilege to be among those.
Who offer the sacrifice of praises, Hebrews 13 tells us, giving thanks to his name. There's no higher service than that. And if we want to give God the highest service that he has for man, both now and for eternity, yet right with the Lord and your soul, and if one is here out of Christ.
Friend, the Lord is inviting you to come to this loving Savior whose death we have had brought before us.
There'll certainly sing #15 all blessed gospel sound, yet there is room it tells to all around. Yet there is room The guilt they may draw near, though, while they need not fear.
With joy they now may hear, and yet there is room.
Oh, Blessed said, lost full soul.
I would not be.
Able to.
Yeah, I remember.
Right, everything I've done.
Now I'm going.
To let mercy.