World Conditions Worsening: The Editor's Column

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The world situation grows steadily worse. One wonders what will be next, or what overgrown crisis will erupt into a gigantic holocaust. Men may well tremble at the forebodings. The Western world looks on aghast as the whole world teeters closer and closer to an inevitable collision of giants.
Viet Nam has been on peoples' lips for a considerable time, and the war there is constantly escalating into all the horrors of so-called civilization's "dread hour," when all the arsenals of destruction will be unleashed. Surely the moment is at hand when men's hearts will fail them for fear, and of looking after those things that are coming on the earth; for "the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."
The United States threw men and materiel into the Southeast Asian conflict in an effort to stop the hostilities, but little success has accompanied their costly campaigns. France was originally the main contestant, but her efforts bogged down; and now she belittles the United States' efforts.
As the conflict increases, Red China is getting closer and closer to the maelstrom, and she has little compunction about increasing casualties on all sides. A real battle of giants may be in the making. All this may well chill the hearts of men. One wonders how far this thing that was originally called "a brush war" may escalate, or how many thousands of young men may be hurled into eternity.
There is also the greater problem that nuclear war may follow in the wake of the burgeoning conflict. Men are afraid of an A-bomb race. At the present stage, twelve nations are listed as possible entries into the frightful suicide as nation rises against nation, and each helps to fill the world with carnage. The United States, Russia, Great Britain, China, and France have the equipment and capabilities to stagger the world with their frightful inventions. It was as late as 1960 that France embarked on a course to make A-bombs, and now we understand that her military establishments are not only equipped with the bombs but have a fleet of jet bombers equipped with atomic warheads capable of explosive force of 75,000 tons of T.N.T. How dreadful are the potentials of such a race! India and Pakistan are capable and ready to engage in such a conflict. It is also within the realm of probability that Egypt and Israel may be in like readiness. We have just heard that twelve nations are also potential bomb makers, and other nations are not far behind them.
May we exclaim with the prophet, "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself" (Hos. 13:99O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help. (Hosea 13:9)). And are not the nations rushing on to their own destruction? "The way of peace have they not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes" (Rom. 3:17, 1817And the way of peace have they not known: 18There is no fear of God before their eyes. (Romans 3:17‑18)). There was One who came into the world, designated "Prince of Peace"; but He was rejected here and cast out. What folly it is to look for peace on earth when the one "Prince of Peace" was despised and rejected of men.
When the day of the Lord arrives in this world, then the rightful heir and Lord of all will subdue His enemies and bring in righteousness and peace; but judgment must precede His glorious reign. Let us ask ourselves, Are men looking for His glorious day? Are men willing that He should reign? Would they anticipate putting aside their sins and honoring Christ the Lord? But God is yet to set His King upon His holy hill of Zion.
Meanwhile, men are filling up the measure of their wickedness. It is a principle with God to allow men to fill up their cup of iniquity that He might judge the earth in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained. His decree is certain, and the appointed hour is approaching.
We may watch as God allows men to reach the zenith of their sins. The United States rushed into the fray with Latin America in the Dominican Republic, but nothing has been solved as yet. Recently one prominent leader predicted that the United States will be embroiled there for some years to come. When will this conflagration cease? How long will the sword devour? Shall it devour forever?
The whole country of the Dominican Republic is being slowly strangled, as civil war continues.
For a long time, the cry of "peace and prosperity" has sounded in this and other nations, and Christians have lived in comparative ease. In such times many Christians have relaxed in their devotedness to Christ. Perhaps God is permitting some of the realities of war and hardship to come closer home, that we might be stirred to the seriousness of these last days. A faithful servant of the Lord used to say that prosperity is the enemy of the Christian.
Then when we think of the tragedies of war which have a way of coming closer to us, we may watch and pray that precious souls may be snatched from their stupor while yet there is room. May God in His grace save many souls in these last days.
During the past week President Johnson informed the nation of the doubling of draft quotas for the armed forces of the United States. Thus the tempo of conflict increases. This will bring war and its tragedies closer home to many families. May God in His grace awaken many souls to the importance of accepting the Lord Jesus as their Savior while salvation is full and free.