Would It Be Glory for You?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
“I WAS signalman at the A. Junction.
One day, just as I had signaled Clear,' and the express was coming up at full speed, I was horror-struck at seeing a gentleman about to cross the line. I rushed to the door, and shouted with all my might, without attracting his attention. In a frenzy I blew my whistle; this he heard, saw his danger, gave a spring, and just cleared the rails as the express thundered past. He then came up to the signal-box to thank me for having saved his life.
“’You have had a very narrow escape,' I said; another moment, and what then?’
“A smile lighted up the gentleman's face as he replied, I should have been in glory now '; and then putting his hand on my shoulder, he inquired, ' Suppose you were suddenly cut down, would it be glory for you?’
“No, sir,' I said, I'm afraid not.'
“He then spoke to me of God's great love and of Christ's great sacrifice, and urged me there and then to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Friend.
“The first minute I had to spare, I threw myself on my knees, confessed my sins, and cried to God for mercy. He heard my prayer; at once light broke in; I saw that being a sinner, Jesus died for me—
That on the cross He shed His blood,
From sin to set me free.'
I was enabled to lay hold of Him by faith; I rose from my knees a saved man, and since then my life has been a new life; old things have passed away, and, behold, all things have become new.”
Such, in substance, was the signalman's story. And now, clear reader, let me ask, “Suppose you were suddenly cut down, would it be glory for you?” If you are saved, united to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, it would be so. "Absent from the body," your experience would be,” present with the Lord." But oh, if not, and you were suddenly stricken down, what then?
“Oh! then, the judgment throne;
Oh! then, the last hope gone;
Then all the woes that dwell
In an eternal hell.”
Dear unsaved one, when these things are so, how foolish to risk another day, another hour, another moment. Oh! be wise; take at once the place of a sinner before God, and claim the sinner's Saviour. Then His BOUNDLESS resources will be yours for the supply of every need, and His GLORY shall be your eternal home.