Wouldst Thou Speak a Word for Jesus?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Wouldst thou speak a word for Jesus?
Lean upon His tender breast;
Then tell heavy-laden sinners
Where to find eternal rest.
Wouldst thou speak a word for Jesus?
Waiting, sit at His dear feet,
And in the savor of that presence
Go those weary souls to meet.
Wouldst thou speak a word for Jesus?
Dwell in fellowship divine;
With the brightness of that glory
E’en thy very face shall shine.
Wouldst thou speak a word for Jesus?
Ponder on His mighty love;
Think how He to save poor sinners,
Left His glorious throne above.
Wouldst thou speak a word for Jesus?
Drink of that life-giving stream,
Till thine heart with joy o’erflowing
Cannot fail to speak of Him.
Of no coldness then complaining,
Thou a joyous song shalt raise;
His own love thy heart constraining,
Thy whole life shall speak His praise.
Soon thou’lt be at home with Jesus,
And He’ll speak these words to thee,
“Well done, good and faithful servant,
Enter into joy with Me.”