Wounded for My Transgressions

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
(Isa. 53:5)
Wounded for my transgressions!
Slowly the words I read;
Swiftly the tears will gather,
Truly the heart should bleed.
Wonderful condescension!
Matchless, infinite grace!
Jesus, the Sinless—Holy—
Taking the sinners place.

Wonderful, wonderful story!
Wonderful depth of love!
Laying aside His glory,
Leaving the courts above;
Jesus, the Man of sorrows,
Homeless and friendless He,
Wounded—so cruelly wounded,
Bruised—and broken—for me.

Fiercely the storm sweeps round Him!
Darkly the shadows fall;
Wrath, and anger, and judgment,
Jesus—bearing it all;
Draining the cup of anguish,
Dying on Calv'ry's tree:
Wonderful plan of redemption:
Jesus—dying—for me!
"Dost Thou Believe On The Son Of God?”
"This Is His Commandment, That We Should Believe On The Name Of His Son Jesus Christ.”