
Listen from:
Gospel—E. Wakefield
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General Meetings. Wheaton, August 1973.
Gospel, my Brother Wakefield.
Banker hold and the Storms of Life.
And the clouds unfold their wings of strife. When the strong tides left, and the cable strain, Will your anchor drift or firm remain #11?
Girl of life when the land and fall there.
Strive when the strong tides left and cable strain.
Where your anger, drift or firm remains.
We have an anchor third case.
The soul.
Steadfast and sure.
Bells rolling.
Listen to the Rock Fish camera.
Rounded, firm and deep in the Savior's love, sing the last verse.
Well, you're a big hole through the morning light.
The City of Gold and the harbor bright.
Will you answer safe but the heavenly show?
Storms are passed forever.
When I.
Saw steadfastness.
There was Rome.
Fast until the room.
Grounded, fermented in the Savior's long.
Microwave saying #32 What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus #32.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Righteous is the floor.
That makes me white as snow.
No other found. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
My pardon, this my plain nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh, precious is the floor.
That makes me white as snow.
No other bound. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing can foresee.
Nothing but blood of Jesus.
That I have done nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh, precious is the flow.
That makes me white as Snow White.
No other found. I know nothing but the blood.
Of Jesus.
This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Precious is the.
Flow that makes me white as snow.
No other found. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.
May we read a verse in the 17th chapter of Jeremiah?
And I'll raise the 13th verse. I wish to especially mention part of the verse, the 13th verse of Jeremiah, chapter 17.
Oh Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed. And they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters. I read the part I have specially before me again, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth.
I'd like to bring before you tonight a few scriptures in which we find the word written.
And my friends, I like to say tonight that we live in the very closing days of the day of God's grace to this poor world. In fact, we would not be surprised at any moment we heard that voice of the Lord Jesus Christ calling us out of this world.
To be forever with himself in the glory. And my friend you without Christ will be left behind for eternal judgment with no second chance. Now here we have in the United States of America that giving up of God, just as we have in Canada to the north. God has been given up and in many homes.
There is no prayer, there is no Bible reading, there is no giving thanks for the food at the table. God has been given up. And I like to say to the young people tonight that are here, are you giving God up? What a solemn thing it is that man is turning away from the God of the Bible and he's turned the confusion and the darkness and the hosts of hell tonight.
Are rising up to challenge this great continent of America.
In connection with turning into the devil and to Satan and to Hell, my friend, tonight I want to ask you, is your name written in this earth? Is that all the hope you have in this earth? I heard a story recently about a man.
Who is very, very wealthy.
Very successful, a very famous businessman. He was on his deathbed. And his family gathered around him. And his youngest son watched his father breathe in his last. And he had before him this spot that after my father leaves this world, most of his wealth will be mine. And his father looked at his family and said.
I die as a fool.
I die as a fool. And his young son said, father, don't talk that way. You know, this town where we live, you're looked upon as a very successful businessman. You've got all kinds of money, and everybody in the town honors you. And he said, I die as a fool and I go to meet God with empty hands.
I go to meet God with empty hands. My friend, tonight, are you going to meet God as a fool?
Are you going to leave this poor world with your name written in this earth?
All you have is down here under the heavens.
All your left, all you have to leave behind and leave it all here and go into eternity and stand in the presence of God in your sins.
My friend, tonight I pray God, you will hear more than the preacher's voice, but you may hear tonight the very voice of God, as that voice again speaks to your soul and says to you, eternity and you have to stand before God either in your sins and perish or be in Christ and in the glory for eternity. My friend, you can't stay here.
You've got to leave this world, God says here, and they that depart from me.
Shall be written in the earth.
With absolutely nothing but this world. And I want to say, my friend tonight, that in this country in which we are tonight, and again I say in the North Country in Canada, man is turned away from God and we find confusion and misery and all kinds of corruption and evil.
Just as it was in the days of Noah, man has left God up. Maybe there's a young man tonight.
And you will push God out of your life. You have turned away from God and somebody tonight has brought you to this meeting.
My friend, tonight it is my privilege to present to you the gospel.
But I would arouse you first as to your need of a Savior, for you'll never get saved until you find out that you're lost and you're going down Into Darkness and you're going to hell, my friend. I know it's not popular to talk this way. I know that man don't like to hear these things. But our Lord Jesus Christ and all the Bible and all the speakers in the word of God.
God's precious word, the Lord Jesus, more than all the others, warned men about hell and judgment and damnation.
How solemn that is. And you and I are about a heartbeat from eternity, A heartbeat from God. Just a heartbeat and you're gone. My friend, young man, you tonight in your health and strength, I ask you not to depend upon that health and strength to yours.
For God may say tonight thy soul.
Shall be required of thee whose names are written in the earth. Now may we turn to the 10th chapter of the Gospel by Luke, and read the 20th verse. The 19th verse.
Verses 19 and 20 of Luke's Gospel chapter 10.
Here the Lord Jesus as speaking to his disciples.
And he says, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. I just hold that place, and let us look at Philippines.
Philippians chapter 4 for a verse.
Philippians chapter 4 and verse.
There are three.
And I entreat thee also, true York fellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement, also with other my fellow laborers whose names are in the book of life. Now here's a different writing, my friends. Here is a book in heaven, the book of life, the book.
That God keeps and by the grace of God, many in this room tonight can look up into the very face of the Lord Jesus and say my name is written in heaven. What a wonderful thing to be able to say. And my unsaved friend lost soul tonight, you're here. You can leave this hall tonight at 8:45 with the absolute certainty by the word of God that your name.
Is written down in the Book of Life a little while ago, a few years ago.
A famous American, a former president, was on his deathbed and the story I read and heard was this, that a servant of God went to visit him and he said to this man, Tell me once again how I can know I am ready to leave this world. Well, this man took his Bible and he read many verses from the word of God.
That pointed the way of salvation. When he was finished, he bowed his head and they had a word, a prayer together. And then this man said thank you, I'm ready. Oh my friends, how wonderful to be ready to meet this to to leave this world. What a wonderful thing it is to be ready when you go to bed at night and lay your head upon your pillow to say, I'm ready to go. I'm ready to meet God.
I want to ask you tonight as I point you to Christ, how can we know these truths? Is it possible for every man and woman, every boy and girl, every young man, every young woman tonight to know on the very authority of the Word of God, that we can leave this world and immediately go into the glory with the Lord Jesus Christ? Will you please turn with me to a few scriptures?
First of all, in the first chapter of John's Gospel.
The first chapter of John's Gospel in verse 12.
Here we might say, after the first step to heaven, you know, which is to find out you're a Sinner. And I know that every boy in this room and every girl, I know that every man and woman, including myself, we all know that we have sinned. Now, there are different kinds of sinners. We know there are some in the gutter. There are some respectable citizens. There are some who believe this and believe that some are what we call.
Respectable, good living, living people. But nevertheless, if your sin once, you're a Sinner. If I murdered a man, I'm a murderer. I may be able to say I only murdered once in all my life and I'm a murderer. It is the same. And if you sin once and all your life, you are a Sinner. And you never can get into heaven unless that one sin is forgiven. And I trust my friend tonight.
Till I stand here on this platform and make that statement that's found in the word of God, that all have sins and come short of the glory of God, that there is no difference. That you will believe what God says tonight. Recently I was talking to an old gentleman who tried to tell me that he had never sinned in all his life. My friend, your part in this expression, what a liar he was.
What an awful liar that man was. And I said, my friend, your argument is not with me. Your argument is with God. For God says you are a Sinner and you say I'm not a Sinner. So you better get this straightened out with the Lord. My friend, tonight. If there's anybody in this room that says that I'm not a Sinner, then I say reverently you are calling God a liar.
For God says you are a Sinner and you know you are a Sinner. I notice this verse in John one verse 12.
To as many.
As received him.
To them gave him power to become the sons of God, or the children of God, even to them that believe on his name, which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Now, no, that's my friends, I want to point out.
These are the very words of God to as many as received Him. Doesn't say to as many as received baptism, doesn't say to as many as received church membership. It doesn't say to as many as live a good life, but it says to as many as received Him. Now we know who this person is. It's the Lord Jesus Christ, that blessed Savior, who came into this world.
My friend, the Creator of this universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, has been in this world as a man. God has been here, and He is tonight seeking for poor sinners who need Him as a Savior. Are you closing your ears to that God who tonight searches for you, who calls out from his broken heart?
Where art thou, Where art thou? Or Sinner, where are you hiding tonight? Well, here's the message, the glorious message to as many as received him, that is a person, not religion, but a real living person, to as many as receive Him. To them gave he the power to become the children of God. Think of it, to become a child of God.
By receiving the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who suffered and bled and died on the Cross of Calvary?
Now, I know there's many Christians in this room tonight who know this old gospel story up by heart. And you know we have the same old message that goes forth week after week and year after year that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that he was buried and that he rose again on the third day.
And he ascended back to the right hand of God, and tonight there is a man in the heavens.
A real mind in the glory that bears in his body the marks of his passion. His hands are marked with the nails, His feet are marked with the nails. And his side from once that precious blood was shed, That side is for eternity, as are the hands and feet of Christ. They're marked forever to tell God and man and tell the devil and the demons.
That Calvary's work is done, my friend. Tonight, you can't do anything to save yourself. You can't make one move to save yourself, but God can save you.
Our brother spoke last night and that message which we enjoyed about faith, he pointed out it was God-given faith and my friend reminded me of a story of an all Christian who one night after he finished giving out the gospel message, a man came to him and said in all sincerity.
Oh Sir, he said. I would to God. I could know that I was among the very elect when the old preacher said these words.
He said if you will receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior now.
You are among the elect, I want to say tonight, my friend.
So anybody in this room that's been deceived tonight, let me say this.
Whosoever will make him the drunkard and the gutter, the man in the prison as he walks to the scaffold to be hanged for murder, if he'll only come to Christ, God will save him. The vilest, most wicked, most ungodly Wretch in this world can tonight be saved. And the most self-righteous, respectable citizen in North America, America can be saved.
With exactly the same way as the drunkard.
The same way as the convict, you got to come God's way, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Now in first John I like to read a verse to the first epistle of John and the second chapter in the 12Th verse.
Now I know this is addressed to believers, but nevertheless, it's the truth of God just the same, and it can be your truth. Tonight young man, tonight I want you to hear this verse.
And young lady, I want you to hear this verse first. John chapter 2, verse 12. I write unto you, children, because your sins are forgiven you for his namesake. Just imagine tonight all we were saying the other day.
Out in Regina, we were to go up to some of these men, you know, who've been to college for many years and have many degrees after their name and say.
My sins are forgiven. They say that man is crazy. This man is really off his top story. We don't believe in that. You've got to do something. You've got to meet God and get your sins away, your good deeds weighed, and then God will determine whether you're going to heaven or not.
That's not true. That does not bear the approval of the Word of God.
For I want to say this tonight, that every born again Christian in this room will never, never, never be judged for his or her sins.
There is absolutely no judgment as far as the same question is concerned for any believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, because on the cross of Calvary, our blessed Savior pays the price in full and every one of our sins was judged.
By God already there is no judgment for the Christian.
Our sins are forgiven and in first John chapter one, verse seven we read.
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son.
Cleanse of us from.
All sin, how blessed or there is power tonight in that precious, precious blood of Christ. That precious blood, my friends, is our very title, the end of the very presence of God. We sang in our hymn nothing but the blood of Jesus, a very unpopular subject in this world. But nevertheless, by the grace of God, we who are Christians, we who know the Lord Jesus.
We praise God for the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. That precious blood will never lose its power of every child of God is saved to sin no more. Just imagine that precious blood tonight. Oh dear young man, are you under the shelter of the blood of Christ tonight? Let me ask you tonight this question. Now I know this is a question we always ask because it used to be asked to me when I was on the way to hell.
And this question really aroused my soul as the preacher's asked this question. Where would you be now if your body lay cold and silent in your casket? I hated that question. Oh, that question made me tremble in my seat.
I want to ask you tonight, young man, young lady, old man, old lady, where would you be now for eternity if your body was cold and silent in your casket? You can't afford to be wrong.
Can't afford to take a chance. You know, life insurance men receive huge salaries. I understand they receive up to 30 and $40,000 a year.
To try to impress man that they may die today and they need life insurance.
But when you tell a man he may die and go to hell, he laughs at you. And even the insurance men laugh at you when you say that because they're not sincere.
They're selling a bill of goods, my friend, but they're deceived by the devil. I wonder, tonight you got insurance for eternity. Are your sins forgiven? Are you right with God? Are you ready to meet God tonight if the Lord Jesus comes now? And I want to speak to you boys and girls who have Christian mothers and fathers.
One night, one morning rather, I got off the train down at Fredericton Junction, and a young man met me and was driving me to Fredericton. I thought naturally he was a Christian, why, his mother and father were breaking bread for many years. And naturally we just take it for granted that all the children are saved too. And when I got in this young man's car, he said to me what a wonderful thing it is to know the Lord. And I said well.
When you come to know the Lord, he said, oh, just a very little while ago, and I said, give me to tell me that when we preached in that hall at Smith Falls that you weren't saved. He said I wasn't, I wasn't. I had it all appeared. He said I knew all the answers. I could quote John 316 by heart, but I did not have Christ in here, only up here. My dear young man tonight, a young lady. Are you like that, young man?
You have never been saved at all. You only know the gospel up here, but Christ does not dwell in here. I want to ask you, you've come to this conference and we thank God you've come and God has sent you here at once again to tell you of this matchless love and His matchless grace. Oh, how blessed to know the Savior of sinners. Now there's another verse I want to read to you in first John chapter 5.
In verse 13.
Here is a wonderful verse, my friend. Maybe you've never heard this verse before, or you say how ridiculous that is, but I never heard it before until the year 1930. We never heard these things before. We were just brought up religious, but priceless.
Respectable but going to hell, but going to hell. And I want to tell you tonight, United States of America is Philip what men and women who are respectable citizens of the USA, but they're on the way to hell.
Because they don't know Christ and they're lost, and their trust in everything else but the person of Christ and the finished work of Christ. Listen to this verse now. This is what God says, not what we say, but what God says in this precious word. Verse 13, first John 5.
These things have I written unto you, that believe on the name of the Son of God. Now notice that he may know that ye have eternal life.
Just imagine tonight, my friend, we don't guess, we don't say I guess I got eternal life. The speaker here, by the grace of God, I don't hope I have eternal life. I know I have eternal life. I know it because God says so. And what God says and what counts, what man says doesn't matter much to me because my thoughts are as good as your thoughts. But when God speaks, how different that he may.
KNOW that she have eternal life.
Maybe somebody in this room tonight will go out and say to their preacher, you know, I heard a wonderful version, the Bible. You may cook this verse and the preacher may say, but it doesn't mean that at all. Well, I want to save. He tells you that you better turn away from that man because when God makes a statement.
God means exactly what he says.
Exactly that she may know that ye have present tense this very night. Eternal life, how blessed eternal life, a life that will never end, the very life of God.
Planted in the soul. What? How blessed, how glorious. One more verse in the 5th chapter of Romans.
In the 5th chapter of Romans.
In the first verse.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Just imagine.
All my friends, how many homes in America tonight have never, never heard this verse. They don't even know it's in the Bible. They never heard this verse because the preachers don't believe it. Many of them.
Peace with God. Just imagine to be able to go to bed tonight and say I got peace with God.
I have peace with God. I didn't make that peace, no, indeed I did not. But on the cross of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ made peace. By the blood of his cross He made peace. And the devil disturbed that peace. No. Can all the demons of hell rise up and disturb that peace? No. That peace is eternal. Peace settled at the cross once and forever.
He made peace by the blood of his cross. This is the word of God, my friends. All believe it tonight. Believe the word of God, peace with God. The end of the fourth chapter of this very epistle to Romans tells us in the middle of verse 24 if we believe on Him.
That raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered for our offenses.
And was raised again for our justification. Not only did we preach tonight a crucified Savior.
We preach our risen Savior, a glorified Savior, an exalted Savior at the right hand of God. All friends, the glorious news is this, that manhood and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ has invaded the presence of God.
Man has been to the moon. Man has walked on the moon. Let me ask you this question.
As it made man a better man, has it made the world a better place? Has it made the world a happier place? No, 1000 times. No, my friends, this man who went beyond the moon into the very presence of God. And that makes all the difference for eternity. There's a man in the glory of God, a living man, a living savior. Is there?
Way above the moon.
Way above the moon, He ascended in all the majesty of his person as God the Son. He ascended up into the very glory of God, and man is in the glory of God. That man is my hope for eternity. He's my Savior. He died for sinners, and if he died for sinners, thank God he died for me. Well, beloved friends, tonight wouldn't you like to have your name written down in heaven?
Wouldn't you like to be able to leave this room tonight in this poor sad world? We read the stories and different papers and publications and Christian booklets of towel of the decline of the human race. We read about devil worship, 10s of thousands of people or turn into the devil buildings are being constructed in the West Coast and in the East Coast. Buildings in which men and women will go in and worship Satan. Think of it, worship Satan.
Well, we'd be surprised, except the Word of God tells us that's going to happen. Just imagine the Word of God, the most up-to-date book in all the world, the only book in the world, could tell you the future. Man can tell you about the past, they can tell you about the present, but they can't tell you about the future unless they add these words. That's what we think. But when God speaks, we don't think anymore. We know.
And God assures us of the future, We've often said if we went to Washington.
Had an audience with Mr. Nixon and his cabinet and said, gentlemen, we've come to tell you the future of this world. They say get this man out, He's crazy, he's just gone crazy. But my friends tonight, we who know the word of God and who know the Lord Jesus Christ, by God's grace, we know the future of this world. We know it. We know the future of this world because God has told us so in his Word.
Now those who were written in heaven, what a wonderful thing it is that our poor names are written down in the Lamb's Book of Life. How bless them.
In all of the United States government or the Canadian government put out a publication and told us that unless our names are written and registered in Ottawa, Washington, and within a certain number of days we'd be exported, put out of this country altogether, just sent away someplace on an island to live. I'm sure that every sane American and every sane Canadian would immediately find out for sure that their names are written down in their respective countries.
But I want to tell you tonight, if your name is not written down in heaven.
Now you're going to hell. You're going to hell.
Would you like to know for sure your name is written down in heaven? Would you like to be able to say, I don't think it anymore, I know my name is written down in heaven? And I say to you, come to God, own yourself to be a Sinner in his presence, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and you will know on the authority of Holy Scripture, the very word of God, that you are right with God. You can't go to hell.
Because you belong to Christ and you belong to glory. What a marvelous thing to know these things, my friends. What happiness and joy in this poor, dark, lost, awful world which Satan is as God and Prince of this great world system that's going down to hell.
My friend, are you saved tonight? Are you right with God? Are you on the Lord's side?
If you're not, you're on the devil's side, for there's only two masters in the word of God. No use compromising, no use trying to tickle the ears of people by saying, well, you know, if you're not saved, maybe you're not exactly lost, but you're certainly not in a good state, my friend. You're either saved or lost now.
You're either heaven bound or hell bound now. You either write with God or wrong with God now young man, or you're right with God tonight young lady. Are you right with God tonight? Are you I on the Lords side?
Or you're right with God tonight. Now, before I turn to my last scripture, I want to read a verse in the 10th chapter of Romans.
The 10th chapter Romans. I want to read just a few verses, but principally the ninth verse.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
But with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, For the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
For whosoever, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now I know there's many young Christians and I suppose older Christians too that say, well I believe this. I believe that Christ died for me. I believe in the blood of Christ. I believe in the word of God. I believe that Jesus died for me. I believe he rose again the 3rd day. But I haven't got this assurance.
Why? Well, one of the reasons why you've never confessed the Lord. You've never gone to your mother and your father and said mother, I believe that Jesus Christ, whom this world crucified is the Lord. I believe that this world of nail, the Son of God to Calvary's cross is the Lord of glory. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and I believe in my heart.
That God has raised him from the dead and the rest of the verse says thou shalt be saved. Definite my friends, no ifs and no buts in the word of God. Absolutely definite. This is if the Son of God himself walked into this room, showed you his nail pierced hands and feet inside, looked into your very eyes and said if you believe in me.
You've got eternal life. Would you believe his word if you really knew it was Christ, You really knew it was the Lord Jesus himself? Would you believe his word or would you say, well, I'm sorry, I I just can't believe that you would believe it, wouldn't you? Well, this book is as sure as if Christ was standing here tonight. This is absolutely sure as I read this book to you, thou shalt be saved. This is if the Lord Jesus Christ was standing right in this room.
And talking to you personally, have you ever confessed the Lord?
You ever confess the Lord as your Savior? Why not tonight? Tell your mother, tell your father, tell your girlfriend or your boyfriend, say Jesus is my Lord. I confess him as my Lord. And I believe that God has raised him from the dead. And you will have the joy bells ringing in your heart, Boys and girls, will you do that tonight? Now, our last scripture is in the 20th chapter of Revelation.
Now we've considered.
Those whose names are written in the earth. What a hopeless place to have your name written. Your name written in the earth. In the second place, we have men and women, boys and girls, saved by the grace of God, whose names are written in heaven in the book of life. How blessed now we have in our last scripture.
And the 15th verse of Revelation, chapter 20.
And whosoever.
Was not found written in the book of Life, was cast into the lake of fire. How solemn this is the same God who says whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
And I want to say tonight, my friend, because there are those who preach sad the same and those who teach that there is no hell. I remember one night a gentleman came to me after a gospel meeting and said, Sir, I heard you tonight talking about hell and I'm a Christian, he said, but you know, I was sort of a funny fellow. I believe that, you know, there won't be any hell. I said, my man.
There was an older man considerably than I am. I said, my dear man, you're putting your thoughts up against God's thoughts and God's word, he said. You know what I believe?
I believe that when we get into eternity, we're going to find the devil there himself and God's going to turn to all creation and say hell is empty, the devil's here and all his angels. Think of it, a man saying that. Just imagine a man changing the word of God. I say tonight North America is filled with men and women who are denying the very word of God. So when we meet, when we meet a man with a Bible now.
We have to be very careful how we speak to them because they may have denied the very God of the Bible. But here it says whosoever was not found written in the book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. That's what God says. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. That's what God says. And moreover, friends, if we read the earlier part of this chapter, we'd find that great White Throne judgment.
Were all the dead from Cain's day down are going to stand before God?
But the 5th chapter of John assures us that God is the Lord Jesus Christ. Another evidence of the deity of Christ. Yes indeed my friends, God is and I speak with reverence. God is not careless when it comes to the deity of Christ. Stand before God and the Lord Jesus said the Father judgeth no man, but it committed all judgment under the sun that all men should honor the Son.
Even as they honor the Father, he that honors, not the Son. And if there is in this room tonight at Jehovah witness, my friend, I want you to hear this. Whosoever on earth, not the Son, on earth, not the Father who sent him. You cannot honor Jehovah and dishonor the Lord Jesus Christ, for that blessed Savior is God. And this morning, I suppose 400 at least in this room.
Bowed their heads and worshipped the Son of God if he wasn't God were idolaters. Praise God is we bow our heads before the Son of God and we worship him as God. He's God the Son, God the creator, the God who loved us the same blessed God. How wonderful and he's going to judge here in this chapter before God.
There on that great white throne will sit the man Christ Jesus.
And as man stands in that great audience.
Held by space. No great machines to hold them up in the air. You know they'll stand before God in space, suspended by the very power of Almighty God in space. And there on that throne, to their amazement, they'll see the man with the holes in his hands.
And they'll see that precious savior move his lips that tonight say, come unto me.
All ye that labor heavy laden, and I will give you rest. They'll hear those lips say, Depart from me into everlasting fire. Prepared for the devil and his angels, my friends.
Every man and woman who lands in that lake of fire will have to say I'm here because I chose to be here. I wanted to be here. I chose this kind of company.
And here I am where I chose to be. But everyone of us who are in the glory land will have to say, I'm here by the grace of God. I'm here because God won my heart. I'm here because the matchless love of God drew me out of the very power of the devil into the very arms of Jesus. And I'm here tonight. I'm here today in this glorious day of glory.
By the matchless grace of God through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Shed on the cross of Calvary, my friend. Our time is nearly up. Once again the gospel message has gone forth in a conference meeting, a brother told me in a certain city.
There are 6 and 700 and 800 and 900 people come to our conferences. But he said as far as I know, nobody ever gets saved. How does he know? How does he know? My friends, we don't count our converts that God count them. But I want to say tonight, if you want to be saved, tonight if you want to receive the Lord Jesus and have that devil, he whispers into your ear, young man, if you receive Christ, young lady.
You'll wreck your life. You'll lose your friends.
You lose your job, you lose all your buddies, I want to say, if you don't receive them, you will lose your soul. And Jesus said, what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? In Vancouver recently I picked up a gospel tract.
Written apparently by a preacher of the gospel who said something like this as far as my memory goes, he said.
A Christian farmer wrote a letter to me and he said there was a young man worked with me on my farm. I tried desperately to lead him to Christ without success. Every time he said I would speak of the love of God, he started to curse and to swear. I didn't like to dismiss him because.
I thought maybe I could win them to the Savior. He was a very hard worker, but he hated Christ. And he said, you know, one day desperately said, I I thought maybe I turn on my radio. It just might be that that somebody might hear the Gospel. And he said, sure enough, there was a message came over at the minute this young man heard about Jesus, he started to curse and to swear and a blasphemy. And he said he stamped out of the house and he slammed the door shut.
And he said, I walked outside to the barn after him to plead with that young man. And he said I found him dead on the barn floor. He dropped dead on the barn floor. Young man, I'm not trying to frighten you, young lady. I'm not trying to frighten you. But I'm saying this. It's a dangerous thing to play with your soul. It's a dangerous thing to turn away from the God of the Bible to darkness and infidelity and atheism and sin and the devil.
And slavery, when Jesus tonight stands ready to receive you tonight, you may be the biggest Sinner in the United States of America. You may be the finest man in Chicago, but you need the Savior, you need Christ. Will you take Christ tonight? Will you come by the grace of God as I did by the matchless grace of God in April 1930? Praise God, I bow down at the bedside, and I own to God I deserve to go to hell.
And I said I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. And I want to tell you this, my friends, not to boast, but I always feared death.
Remember passing down the streets in the old days when I was a boy and seen the crepes on the door and I crossed the street. I was so afraid of death. But when I received the Lord Jesus. Now this may be hard to believe. I was a young man, 24 years of age. You'll pardon this personal reference. I only do it. I hope to help somebody. The young man of 24 for what I thought of strength and health. I wanted to die. Just imagine, I wanted to die. Why you say, why do you want to die?
I wanted to see that lovely man who suffered and bled and died for my sins on the cross of Calvary and whose matchless grace and love followed me for 9 years. Just imagine, from the time I heard the gospel for nine years, the grace of God followed me and praised God. He won my heart and to Him be all the praise. Dear Sinner friend, I recommend to you my Savior.
What a wonderful friend He is, How kind, how loving, how patient, how wonderful He is. He changes our lives, He changes our hell to heaven, He changes our sorrow to joy, He changes our cursings to blessings, He turns our hatred to love. And He fills the soul with eternal joy.
So we can honestly and truthfully say.
Tis heaven belongs.
My Redeemer to know. May God bless his word. Oh dear friend, as you leave this hall, let me ask you, please, as you get into your bed tonight, don't go to sleep young man. You may wake up in a Christless eternity. Don't go to sleep young girl, tonight.
Unsaved, lost in your sins, I plead with you. I plead with you.
You've got to face eternity. You've got to face Almighty God or you're saved tonight. Or are you lost? Are you under the shelter of the blood of Christ or are you still in your sins? May God stir your heart. May God give you no rest and no sleep.
May God's grace follow you through the streets of Chicago until you fall upon your knees and say, Lord Jesus, save my precious soul, and the Savior says him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast doubt.
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanse of us.
From all sin.