Y.P. Sing 22

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YP Sing Address—E. Soare
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Die heavens get too long and wide. He will wash away my sin, and I'll wait till child coming.
Yes, he just wants me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.
He will stay.
Good work.
Now I have to follow back.
Thank you.
Who else has a song 5555?
Victory, Jesus, I'll save you forever.
It's something about me when there's atomic blood in my mirror and all my love with you. Victory. We need some.
No No 53.
Is not one that I usually saying everybody else.
Thank you.
Shiny as the sun.
We love our space, you see the grace and we first meet God.
Die for me.
Oh my.
I love my heart because we have a buzzing cold.
For me.
139 and.
139 and 14.
I know what the schedule is.
Doing really good.
I don't spend 3 days across.
I'm sorry.
Glory Divide.
This is my song.
And I say, you're all the way long. This is my story. This is my song.
This is my story. This is my song.
Raising my sail over to you.
I wish.
Bellow out and like carry it but I am not able to. So you guys are going to have to just keep doing what you're doing and don't be afraid to sing louder. So how many more since you sing you guys like two more?
About one or two more.
Just Dance. What's that? We're just dead. We should stand. I like that song that we could stand for.
5858 All right, let's scan from this eight. Is it 5858?
Let's pray.
Our blessed God and Father, we thank thee.
We thank thee for thy love. We thank thee for the Lord Jesus Christ. We think of the bonds that unite us in Christ Jesus.
Think of how the gospel has been given forth. We trust that each one is saved, has believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, has confessed with their mouth. We look to Thee for a portion for us. Think of the many souls here, and perhaps some that wouldn't listen online. We think of how Thy love for Thy people is great.
We pray for help. Thou knowest our frame. We are but dust.
But thy greatness, thy glory, thy honor, the blessedness of thy Son.
So much greater.
We thank thee for the leading of the Spirit. We trust thy word would be well spoken of that an impact in the lives of the ones that hear would be great too.
For thy glory, for thine honor, for fruit, for thee, O God, we pray.
Thy name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I had a lot on my heart.
I am going to set a timer.
And I will stop at 20 minutes.
Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for making it out to this last talk on this last day of the conference. I'm sure you are tired and perhaps feel full, like you can't take one more talk, one more thought to think about. I have challenged myself to keep this talk down to 20 minutes and try really hard to make it 15. I challenge you since I am going to be saying a lot, sharing a lot in such a short amount of time that you will listen to this recording at least one more time.
My name is Eugene Sore. I was born in a country called Romania. My parents came to America when I was three years old. I am thankful, as I trust you are thankful, that I was raised under the sound of the word of God.
When I was about seven years old, I was saved. The Lord uses a gospel meeting Gresham OR to convict me, and the Spirit of God convicted me that I needed a Savior.
Though my raising up years were not in an abusive environment, it was not necessarily a happy environment. As immigrants, I was kept relatively close to home. No neighborhood friends. We moved around a lot. Also no school friends. Along with moving schools, I was taken in and out of public, private and correspondent school. Growing up during some of my most formative years, I remember the fight over the television. My father threw it out, my mother.
Got another one in later years my parents were divorced, remarried to each other and divorced again. Then my father remarried another and as I see from scripture is living and adultery. This environment is what I grew up in. As children we have no control over our environment. As young people we start getting some control.
As older young people, we have perhaps full control of our environment. My hope is sharing things that are personal and failures. You can be warned and consider your environment. Environment isn't everything, but it is vital. Could those babies grow that Tim was talking about in the greenhouse? Without the greenhouse environment? Could those flowers germinate and grow? Without the greenhouse environment? They could not. They would die.
They would not germinate, grow at all, and mature into beautiful flowers that could withstand the outside environment. If you have a home where your parents are believers and are seeking, perhaps imperfectly, to live their lives before the Lord and are seeking to have the babies the Lord has given them in a healthy environment where the Word of God is opened and the Spirit can nurture.
And grow and growth can happen. Praise the Lord and stay there. Stay there as long as the Lord would have you there. If you don't have that type of environment, there is a way.
I found the assembly in Gresham growing up and the fellowship I had with others my age and the Word of God being spoken and the prayer meetings a place of refuge.
It was and is a place, an environment.
Where I have found peace and blessing, Where truth is upheld and grace and mercy can be shown. Proverbs 7, verses 6 through 7.
Is why I'm sharing this story to warn in that manner if you remember that proverb you spoke of a young man.
Who wasn't paying attention? He walked down a path in a road and he got caught up in some things. It is a young man void of understanding.
That's all I have left.
From television I learned many things. Things of the world, things that attracted my heart, things of the flesh, things that hindered my spiritual growth even though I was saved at 7 years old.
Those things affected me. There's a phrase in the scripture of God, babes in Christ, if we don't have the right environment in our lives.
How long will we be babes in Christ? I turned 45 recently. From 17, that's what. Or from 7:00, That's 38 years. My growth has been hindered by the environment and I do not blame my parents.
Because I, as a young person, could have changed my environment.
As a young person, I moved out about 16 and I could have changed and taken full control of my environment. As we heard during the gospel or one of the addresses, we sinned because we want to. I did not believe the Word of God, which says in my flesh, in me that is, in my flesh there is dwelleth no good thing. There's nothing good in the flesh, there's nothing good in me, there's nothing good at all because of sin.
I have a sin nature and you have a sin nature, even though we are saved. And then the environment that you have around yourself as a young person can either go to nurture the new nature, the new creation.
It can hinder you and we can remain babes in Christ. I thank God that in this room, people younger than me are more mature in Christ. Isn't that wonderful? What a grace of God to have people, believers, ones souls, who have a desire and have taken the time to put away the things that would hinder your spiritual growth. You can do that individually, You heard?
Dave Newby's talk concerning you can do it. You can pick up a book. You can pick up a book and read it. Ministry, things that would help you grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever amount soweth that shall, He also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap. Life everlasting in your life you can slow to the flesh, and you will reap to the flesh.
Do you know what that is?
Do you know what it is to reap to the flesh?
In my life, God has blessed me with a godly wife, a woman of worth.
Lie in my flesh nearly destroyed. It destroyed a marriage. How dare I? How dare I sow to the flesh so much that I would kill a marriage?
For the grace of God, which is greater than my failures, which is more powerful than my worstness, He saved that marriage.
Unfruitful works of darkness. After television, there came the thing called the Horrible Internet. I call it the Horrible Internet because it's death in there. There might be things like BTP. There might be things that are good and proper and light.
But all, most of it, 95% of it, 99.7% of it, whatever percent you want to think of is garbage. It will kill. It will seek to destroy. And if you have a cell phone, beware.
What do we do?
What do we do with our time? What do I do with my time?
In the environment that we are in and we allow to have our thoughts go.
Our heart goes.
I remember a time not too long ago.
Four months, maybe I was still in a bad environment.
And some things happened in my life, in my family's life.
Some things that are inconsequential on the farm and I got so upset.
I smash my keyboard. I smash my keyboard so hard that it broke those clips under it.
Because I wasn't in the word of God.
I haven't replaced that keyboard.
I type kind of funny.
Feels kind of awkward after a long time.
But I don't replace it to remind myself.
This is what you did.
Anger did this. Hatred did this.
Everything that God makes is perfect.
I enjoy the portion that the brother brought out in creation.
God created all things and it was good, and after man it was very good and he rested. He rested. There was no sin in the world. Isn't that beautiful?
God created trees.
On the third day, the fruit yielding.
The fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth. And it was so. Psalm, chapter one.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night, and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doth he doeth shall prosper. There are things not to do.
There are things to do.
And you shall be like a tree planted by the waters, bearing fruit, bearing fruit to God.
John, Chapter 15.
That new life that we have in Christ.
In Christ.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, a new creation.
That life is perfect.
That life is perfect.
Sin doesn't attract that new life. It's the life of Christ.
In the Lord there was no sin. He was perfect. That new life that we have is perfect.
John 15.
I am the true vine, and my father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away, and every branch that beareth fruit he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
So it's that life is perfect if I abide in Christ.
In the right environment, in Christ, there will be fruit. It will, naturally.
To the point spiritually grow.
If I have the right environment.
The Spirit of God.
Can bring out that fruit.
We have choices to make.
What kind of environment am I going to have when I grow up, young people?
It's your choice.
God doesn't say I will do, I will make you to do this.
He said you have a choice.
What will it be?
I enjoy, you know I'm.
There's another thought. You know, you try so hard to be a Christian.
You try so hard to be a Christian, but trying isn't the answer. You can't try. You can't try. If you try, you're doing it in the flesh. You're trying to do it in the flesh.
The new nature, Christianity. It just is.
If the life of Christ in me that is perfect is perfect, it's attracted to the Lord, it wants to know more about him. It wants to praise him properly. He does want to read, pray, meditate, and I will add an S to that, sing praises unto God. It wants to do that. But what am I filling up my mind, my ears, my.
Eyes with.
If you're stuck in a cycle.
If you're stuck in a cycle of sin, First off, it wouldn't be a cycle.
If you weren't saved, if you didn't have a new life, if you don't feel bad about sin, about what you do and things that you see that the word of God calls sin because it's not what a man does or puts in his mouth, but is what comes out of the heart. Those horrible things that the Lord Jesus talked about.
To the Pharisees.
Adulteries, murders, hatred.
All those things come in from the heart.
From that old heart, that heart that is desperately wicked.
We need to get done with that and we need to live in Christ.
I sometimes wondered why was that I'd get home from a conference.
And I go back to my old ways.
Why was I stuck in this sin? It's because the environment changed. I wasn't in a place where the Word of God was read constantly. I wasn't in a place where there was fellowship with other believers.
But I can.
And I should seek to create that environment at home if you have a problem with a cell phone, a computer?
If you don't need it, get rid of it.
They make cell phones that talk and text without things. Otherwise, if you need somebody to pray for you, find a prayer. Somebody pray for you. The Lord is praying for you. He's interceding. He's advocating for you.
We get so caught up in this culture.
Of material things Bob, Tony was talking about, why is it?
The children of this world are wiser than the children of light. They prepare for their end, which is just before death.
Us as children of light, what are we preparing for? And that's where we have that vision of Christ.
How big do you want your crown to be?
Not for yourself, Say, look at me, how big and beautiful do you want your crown to be? To toss, to throw, to give to the Lord Jesus, for he is worthy.
The heart. What are we inputting to the heart? What are we thinking about? What are we dwelling on?
I would like to say as to marriage, how honorable, how good it is. Brother shared with me that it was one of the things that was instituted before sin came into the world, and it is a picture of Christ and the Church. And as believers we have an opportunity.
To display a little bit of beauty.
A little bit of love in this world. Keep thyself pure.
Those words.
From the word of God are so beautiful. Keep thyself pure.
Let's pray.
Our blessed God and Father, we thank Thee that You would have us to be pure, to be righteous, and we know that we are made that way in Christ.
We pray for help.
That we would abide in thee, Lord Jesus.
We thank thee that you want us. You desire us.
How great, how great thou art.
How great is thy love that would go even to death for us?
That would even now seek.
For thy bride to wear those robes of righteousness.
We only fail. We thank Thee for Thy grace to heal, to change, and to.
Confess before they are failures, and we thank thee.
That thou dost cleanse us from all.
And we are fit for heaven.
We rejoice in thee.
Our beloved.
Help our eyes to be fixed on Thee, Lord Jesus, my precious name, we pray.
Our blessed God and Father, we thank Thee amongst the abundance.
Also for this food.
We thank thee for the hospitality, the ones that gave of themselves.