Y.P. Sing

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YP Sing Address—R. Thonney
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Like to read some 19?
This evening.
To read the Psalm, you'll notice the two testimonies that God has in this world. There may be others that there are two specifically that are addressed in this chapter in this poem.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament showed his handiwork.
Day and today utter of speech and night and to night that showed knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
In them he hath set a Tabernacle for the Son, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices as a strongman to run a rating. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the symbol. The statutes of the Lord are right. Rejoicing the heart, the commandment of the Lord is pure. Enlightening the eyes, the fear of the Lord is clean.
Enduring forever the judgments of the Lord.
Are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold. Gave them much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is Thy servant worn, and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who can understand his error? Cleanse thou me from secret false.
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins. Let not them have dominion over me. Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent.
From the great transgressions, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart the acceptable in my sight, O Lord.
My strength and my reading.
Just like to spend a little time on both of these. You'll notice the 1St 6 verses of this Psalm is really dealing with the testimony of God and creation. And there is a very real testimony of God in the creation that we see around us. To me, it is tremendous to be able to look around and see the way God has made His creation. It's all ordered intricately.
You can look into the reaches, the far reaches of the universe, and it's all ordered. You can take a microscope and look at them very most minute details of creation, and it's still all ordered.
Interesting. I read a book some time ago about an astronomer who was not a believer in the Lord Jesus.
And he was studying the different.
Factors that have to be.
In creation within a certain parameter, narrow parameters so that light could be a possibility.
And in this book you give is a number of the different factors that there has to be. I think there are maybe 18 different factors, but it is so conclusive that.
There was some intelligence ordering it that the.
Astronomers said somebody's got their fingers in this.
And it has been said that there are a lot more men of faith in the astronomers than there are in the geologists.
You lookout into the vast reaches of the universe. It just thrills me to study it. I'm no astronomer to tell you that much, but I love to read books about the universe and to the vastness of it. It thrills me you can get. The bigger they get their telescopes, the farther they look out there. They just find that it goes on and on and on.
I don't know if I have all my figures right and maybe somebody will have to correct me, but.
I understand that we are part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a huge.
I understand it is formed like a plate.
Whirling stars, billions of stars, and from 1 edge of the Milky Way Galaxy to the other edge it is approximately 100,000.
Light years.
Now if you just get an idea, light travels at the distance of 186,000 miles per second.
And traveling at that rate of speed.
The light that left the other edge of the Milky Way Galaxy at the time that Adam was placed on this Earth some 6000 years ago is not even a tenth of the way across just the Milky Way Galaxy and we're talking about.
What scientists say there are now billions of galaxies in the universe. In fact, they don't really have an estimate.
But they say now that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on the sea.
Who put it all there? Who orders it all in?
The way it is going around in clock like orders.
Somebody's had their fingers in it. It is the work of the fingers of our God. The heavens declare the glory of God. This is the God that just thrills me to know. He's my God. I know him as my Father.
And so creation is a testimony, a very.
Vivid testimony. It's interesting.
In South America and Bolivia, I've had quite a bit of contact with missionaries that have gone into the jungle after the savages. There's certain savages in South America. You would think that there wouldn't be any uncontacted tribes, and yet there still are. In the jungles of South America, there's one.
Tribe that they're trying to domesticate.
Domestically, they're trying to get it to sit down for a while so they can.
To contact, to establish a permanent contact with them they're very nomadic and they they run they go from place to place anyhow, this one tribe that.
Met this missionary in the doctor's office one day. His name was Steve Parker. He's.
Ex Colonel for the US.
Air Force. And he got saved through a Bible study. He was holding his home and he finally decided he wanted to go serve the Lord in another country. And he went out and he went into this mission and he and another missionary were following these savages through the jungle. And I mean, it is no fun out there in that jungle. It is miserable.
Besides being steaming hot.
You have clouds of mosquitoes. I mean clouds and mosquitoes. I went through that area one time myself and there were four of us walking down the trail and every one of us had little clouds following us. As soon as we stopped, that cloud of mosquitoes just kind of landed and for took.
Of whatever they could get. It wasn't very pleasant. And when they served us a meal in there, I had to wave my hand in front of my face, get a bite of food in.
It was that bad, the mosquitoes would go in at the same time your food that it was bad. And these fellows were following these savages through the jungle, trying to keep up A1 friendly contact.
And he told me, he says all of a sudden one of the savages turned around and looked at him, pulled out an arrow, put it in his bow and shot him, went through in this side of his gut and came out the other side. And he was laying on the ground for 26 hours before he could be evacuated. Thankfully, they got him out and he got better.
And he went right back in after them.
That those savages, even though they are so miserable, and let me tell you, it's a miserable existence that they live in here.
They have the knowledge that there's a God. It's interesting. I saw another book and they they were telling me that there are 90% of unevangelized, uncivilized tribes that have been contacted in the world to give the gospel.
Have a tradition. If they don't have anything else, they have a tradition of a God in the sky.
What they call that a skyline of a God in the sky, and it's a different word than their local.
Spirit deities, It's a different word. They know something that there is a true going. How do they get that? Creation, for one, is a tremendous testimony to the existence of a God.
I sometimes say to people, if I was walking through the grass one day and kicked at something in the grass and and picked up a nice Rolex watch and I said, well, isn't that interesting?
That just must have happened.
It just must have been a few pieces of metal around there and some kind of an explosion, and that's the result, he said. What in the wrong that guy? He needs his meditating. And yet when people say of something far more intricate, far more ordered, far more lasting in the power that continues to maintain it.
People think they're wise when they say it all just happened. It didn't all just happen. It was the product of an intelligent, infinite, powerful creator God. So.
Creation is a very powerful testimony to the presence and the existence of a creator God, but from verse seven on down.
You'll notice that it is the written word of God, and it's called by different names. The law of the Lord is perfect testimony of the Lord, Statutes of the Lord, the commandment of the Lord, the fear of the Lord, the judgments of the Lord.
Are different little expressions to.
Express something of the word of God, the written word of God. I just wanted to say to your young people, I.
Really do not think we value sufficiently this book we have in our hands. It comes so easy to get in our land.
Everybody's got several copies, several versions at home, and we just don't value it very much.
I think we need to learn to really value it. You know why I say that? Satan is very wise in his ability to take away what we do not doubt, and he's noticing. If you don't value this book, he will in one way or another.
Come into your life in a way that you're not recognizing it.
And take it away from.
Here he says more to be desired. Are they than gold? Gave them much fine gold.
You heard that downtown Los Angeles, they were given away bricks of gold. I don't know what had happened in this city. I'm sure there was a true report. I suppose that first of all, nobody would believe me. But if they did find out that it was true that they were giving away ingots of solid gold.
I could imagine the rush there would be, and yet we have something that's worth more.
Then much fine gold. What do we do with them? Stash it away? We don't pay too much attention to it. I want to encourage you to read it. We've had quite a bit said today about getting into the word.
I'd like to do something this evening to go and ask each one here if you've read the scriptures from cover to cover.
We're going to start.
Well, I think it's a few too many to do tonight, but.
I just want you to think pretty serious about it.
You could answer me, maybe you could fool me too.
That one day soon we're going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ. The Lord is going to say, that revelation I gave to you, what you do with it? Did you get through the whole book?
What are you going to say at that moment? I really want to encourage you to read it. You know, when I was younger and started reading through the book.
I got down through Genesis. It's kind of interesting, and Exodus isn't too bad either. When I got into Leviticus, it was kind of tough going. I just didn't understand too much of those operates.
But the Lord gave me the grace just to persevere and read a little bit every night, and I plowed through it little by little and got through the whole book. Now I've gone through it a number of times, but you know what?
Recent times when I picked up Book of Leviticus to go through it, all of a sudden things start standing out. Beautiful pictures I had not understood before, but if I hadn't persevered before, that wouldn't be happening. I don't say that I get that much at reading a lot of it. Recently at home we were.
Going through First Chronicles and you know that's got about 9:00.
Chapters of difficult names. My kids say. Hey dad, let's skip over that, I said. There might be something there forever.
We didn't skip over it. I'm thankful we didn't skip over it. It's kind of hard and pronouncing those names, but God has put that in His word and it says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable.
And if he's put it there because he knows it's profitable, I think God knows better than I do what's profitable. And I think I'd better read it. Read it. You're young people.
The Lord Jesus said Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
It's more important than your physical food. The truth of this precious book. I want to say there's a book out that I read. I don't know.
It's called eternity in their hearts, in fact. Steve Miller.
First one they gave me a copy. And has anybody else read Eternity in their hearts?
One hand back there in the back.
It is a fascinating book of written by a man who.
Has helped in the coordination of missionaries tranquillity in the scriptures into native tongues. Anyhow, he tells about in this book of how the.
Different tribes in isolated parts of Southeast Asia were contacted it probably some years ago, but.
One tribe in Southeast Asia and I forget right off hand what the name of the tribe was.
But they when they have been contacted, they have had traditions and I think you know what I mean by traditions.
Tradition is something that is passed on from generation to generation. Anyhow, this tribe had the tradition that they used to know the way to happiness, but they lost it. And the tradition says that we had the word of God written on rice gates.
And a time of famine came, and our fathers ate the rice cakes.
He says there's an advantage of that because it's inside us now, but the problem is now we can't read.
Those words that were written out, see what happens? We get to a point when we don't value the word of God. We kind of treat it lightly and the enemy gets it away from us before we realize what's happening.
And there they were out in this area of Southeast Asia without the word of God, but according to their tradition, there was a white brother that was supposed to bring in the word of God again.
One day into that tribe comes an American anthropologist.
Thorough infinite.
And they go up to it, they stare at it. Of course, their color, their skin was probably colored dark, that tribe. And they go up to him. See, he was white. Do you have the book that God has given to you to tell us the way? And the guy got all flustered and embarrassed.
And took off and they were very confused.
Didn't know what in the world here is the white brother that came and he didn't give us the book. Sometime later they knew it was going to be in a book with white pages. Sometime later this missionary was preaching the gospel in the marketplace of a town.
Some distance from where this tribe lives, and as he was preaching there in the native tongue.
Of that area.
These tribesmen come out of the hills to sell their wares at the market.
And as they're coming into the market, they see this man standing there. They could not understand what he was saying because he was speaking in a different language than they were speaking.
But they crowd around him and they just listen intently, even though they couldn't understand him.
And after he got done, they say is not the book that God sent.
That has the words of God, that tells us the way he said yes.
The missionary said they just about kidnapped me to take me back to that tribe to tell them the way. I was busy getting into one tribe and I just about get kidnapped to be taken into another train.
They were so engaged to get the word of God in you. This book that I mentioned is tells story after story of tribes that were waiting and who knows, there may be tribes still in this world.
That are still waiting for the truth of the gospel.
New young people.
Do you value this book? Do you read it on a regular basis?
I want to suggest that you make it a habit of your life to read something of this book every single day. Don't just jump around from place to place. Get a bookmark read. You're going to start at Matthew's Gospel. Read down into Matthew chapter one when you get to a place where you have to stop market.
You bookmark and then when you come back again.
Start out there again and read consecutively. That way you'll understand it better. But read on a regular basis. Sometimes people say I don't have time.
You have time for lots of other things you want to do.
For what is more valuable than much fine gold, you don't have any time.
I ask you to sincerely think about it and to give yourself some time. It doesn't take too long to read a Psalm. I don't know if anybody's telling me how long it took to read Psalm 19, but I don't think it took three or four minutes to read.
And there's something that will strengthen you for your whole day if you read it in the morning. I think it's best to read it in the morning. You're young people, you've got a lot of energy and I know sometimes you get to bed lighten, but.
Yourself out of bed a little earlier and read something a few minutes. It's not going to hurt you. As far as your sleep is concerned. Put yourself out of bed, go squash some water in your face to get yourself away. Open the book, read it. It's going to stand you instead. When it comes to eating food, we take good plenty of time.
Every day to eat? I don't know, I suppose everybody takes different amounts of time. But I say, how long do you take to eat breakfast? Let me see how. How long would you say?
OK, just a general day.
10 minutes. OK, 10 minutes for breakfast.
For lunch, Tim, you're pretty busy guy. Do you eat lunch?
15 minutes. 25 minutes. OK, how about supper?
Bad half hour? Well, we got just about a whole hour a day if we're going to use those figures. I suppose we could narrow it down to 45 minutes if you want to eat a little fast.
You take 45 minutes a day to read scriptures.
Is your body that much more important than your soul? That you're going to take more time to feed your body than you do your soul? I ask you to sincerely think about it and take time to feed your soul. It's going to make a difference. I've noticed young people who will definitely set aside time to read the scriptures. It shows.
In their life, it shows.
They might not notice it, but I certainly have noticed it. Just like to make a few brief suggestions here. The law of the Lord is perfect. Isn't that beautiful? Have a perfect book, a perfect standard. Here's something that's perfect, I'm sure not perfect. You don't have to be around me that long to realize it, but.
Here's something that is perfect, thank God.
It's a perfect standard.
Converting the soul, Restoring it with the margin. Reading my Bible. Restoring the soul.
You ever need to be restored? Let me tell you, I do. They say when the great missionary Mr. Stanley came back from Africa to England one of his times back, somebody asked him in one of his meetings, what is the greatest thing you saw the Lord do?
In Africa.
Your time down there, his answer was.
Be restored, my soul.
They were kind of disappointed, but that is a great thing to have a book that will turn you around when you're going the wrong way.
The testimony of the Lord is sure. You don't have to question the veracity of it. It's sure making wise the symbol. Sometimes I feel so simple when I see people that are intelligent in this world. But here's a book that will make you wise.
The statutes of the Lord are right. This beautiful, they're right.
Rejoicing the heart, the commandment of the Lord is pure.
Enlightening the eyes. This gives light. This gives you understanding. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous on altogether.
Down a little further, he says.
Moreover, by them is thy servant warned. In keeping of them is great reward. And then he speaks about his errors and secret faults. Here's something that really touches us all. We all have falls. Sometimes they're pretty well covered up.
So they would be called secret faults. This book will help you to identify and get rid of those areas that are hindrance to you and your Christian life.
Then he speaks of presumptuous sins and not letting them have dominion over me.
It's a serious thing to just blatantly go do what you know is wrong. I ask you don't do it.
There are consequences for sin. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.
And one thing you will always find.
That what you reap will be a lot more than what you sow. So if you're going to sow to your flesh, you're going to go have a good fling and do that. Let me tell you down the road, there's going to be a reaping time that you will not be able to avoid. It's a principle.
That God has set in this world that applies to the saved and to the unsaved all only whatsoever man shows that shall he also don't give way to presumptuous sins. Dear young people Another thing verse 14.
Let the words of my mouth. This is a good prayer to pray and the meditation of my heart be acceptable on eyesight. Oh Lord, my strength.
In my reading.
Be careful of your words. Remember the Lord is always at your side. He's listening to all your conversation.
And I think you might be embarrassed.
And some of the things that might come out of your life, your mouth if you don't be careful. I want to tell you what happened to me one time when I was young. We were invited over to a brother's house for supper when I was back east.
And since then I was a bachelor and I had to fix my own food. I really enjoyed those times, took advantage of it, but unbeknownst to me, I was there amongst along with quite a few other young fellas.
Unbeknownst to me, the brother of the house.
Had set behind the couch where we were sitting.
The Reporter.
And we got a joking around, fooling around and talking. It wasn't bad talk exactly, but it was just goofing around.
The time came for supper. Why? He takes out the recorder and brings it to the table and plays it back.
Wow was I ashamed listening to my own voice and the goofy stuff I said.
And to think that one day I'm going to stand before the Lord Jesus.
Every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account of in the day of judgement. I don't know what I'm going to say it at that end, except to hang in my head. Be careful of your words. If you be careful of your words, you won't have to eat some of the other.
But this is a good prayer for us to think about. Let the words of my mouth, the meditation of my heart, be acceptable and nice sight. Oh Lord, my strength, my reading. Let's pray.